The one who jumped out of the two golden rings first was an old acquaintance of Damu Xiu and the others.
The original Gulardo and the original Kyoka that completely destroyed Yoshien Ruri City!
But even Da Muxiu couldn’t help but lose face. On one side was the third elf that flew out from the central golden ring.
Flying green caterpillar… oh no, it’s the empty seat!
An emerald green Cracked Seat more than ten meters long!
The small crack empty seat in the high-level ball exclaimed:
“Old, Dad!?”
In the fourth and fifth golden rings, the moment the two elves appeared on the stage, the entire time and space began to distort.
The God of Time, Dialga!
Palkyan, God of Space!
And when the huge figure in the sixth golden ring flew out, it actually suppressed the power of the space-time twin gods in an instant.
King of the reversed world, Giratina!
Good guy!
It was the three gods of Fangyuan and the three gods of Sinnoh!
“That elf can do such a thing!?”
Those on Team Flare’s side below were similarly frightened.
Knowing from ancient documents that Hu 2.4 Pa has the ability to summon ancient legends from a distance, Vladali originally wanted to use the other party’s ability to send Xernias and Yvel, who was given to Mary by Da Muxiu. Tal was snatched back to activate the final weapon.
But I didn’t expect Hoopa, to be precise, the power of liberating Hoopa is far beyond my imagination.
Just don’t follow your own orders at all.
It can even summon legends stronger than Xerneas and Yveltal at once!
“Don’t try to run!”
At this time, Yan Kai and Zhimi, who called out the MEGA Giant Pincer Mantis and the MEGA Water Arrow Turtle, led some Gym Masters to rush up and chase Team Flare.
They knew very well that today was a great opportunity to uproot Team Flare.
If they don’t get rid of them completely today, who knows what kind of moths they can make in the future.
228 Scene of Filial Piety and Filial Piety of Father and Son
“Hey, Phoenix King, could this guy control your mind a hundred years ago?”
Oki Xiu, who was on the back of Dark Kyurem, suddenly asked Ho-Oh who was being ridden by Serena and Punishment Hoopa.
King Feng frowned, and after careful observation, he could find that the summoned three Gods of Fang Yuan and Three Gods of Shenao all had the same evil light as Jie Hupa’s eyes.
Obviously controlled!
Feng Wang replied telepathically: “No, it didn’t have such abilities a hundred years ago.”
A hundred years ago, when Hoopa summoned these legends, he just fought with them, and he couldn’t control such a high-end thing at all.
This move is clearly a unique ability to free Hoopa.
The principle is probably similar to the dark balls made by the Rockets. Through energy or evil thoughts, these legends were briefly controlled.
The earth trembled wildly, and the roar shook the sky.
The flightless one attacked first, and slapped the ground heavily with one paw.
A large number of stone swords with boiling magma on top pierced from the surface.
Even if it is controlled by the evil Hupa, 25 it still looks at Kyurem on the opposite side, and the Phoenix King and Lugia are not happy.
Fly to NM too!
Seeing this, Rogia took a deep breath and inhaled all the surrounding air into his abdomen.
In the next moment, the wind and water merged into a spiral heavy cannon to return to the sword of the cliff.
This is exactly its Rogia’s exclusive move, cyclone attack.
The aftermath of the explosion impacted Rogia and the original Gulardo back steadily, but the distance Rogia retreated was obviously farther.
It loses to the original Groudon in strength!
However, an afterglow green shadow suddenly hit Lugia’s stomach hard from the impact of the cyclone attack and the sword of the cliff.
It’s the empty seat!
Lugia’s eyes protruded from the bump.
It was still pretending to be aggressive in the Chengdu area just now, but it was brutally beaten when it arrived at Carlos.
Does the contrast need to be so big! ?
“You go.”
Da Muxiu throws the poke ball.
The black and red little crack empty seat also rushed out with great speed, knocking his controlled father into the air in an instant.
“Hey! Father! Are you crazy?”
Xiao Lie Kongzao also tried to wake up his father.
However, Likongzao, who got up from the ground, didn’t appreciate it at all. Instead, a wave of dragon wave swept over.
The black-and-red Xiaokongzuo turned sideways to dodge, glanced at Jiefang Hupa unkindly, and then asked Omuxiu telepathically:
“Xiu, in order for my father to recover, we just need to defeat that ugly monster, right?”
“You should block your old man with all your strength now, and I will find a way to liberate Hoopa.”
Oki Xiu lightly smiled and said:
“You should also like to fight it, don’t you?”
Heihong Likongzuo opened his mouth, and if he didn’t refute, he was obviously hit.
After getting new power, it has been thinking about a problem one by one
Who is stronger, me or my father?
The sound of the dragon’s mouth singing high resounded through the sky, and the colorful light of evolution and the surface of the Rift Seat bloomed.
MEGA Rift Seat!
The tornado and hurricane coiled around the MEGA Rift, and the airflow in the sky and the earth let it go.
Delta Airflow o activated!
I don’t know if the family tradition of beating a son has been engraved in the DNA of MEGA’s Rikuza.
Even if the mind is controlled, the first target of the MEGA crack is his son, destroying the death light and blasting it to death!
“Smelly old man! I didn’t provoke you and you still hit me!?”
Seeing that Lao Tzu was obviously targeting him, Xiao Lie Kongzuo was also angry.
In an instant, he also turned into a MEGA form, and also counterattacked with the destruction of death light.
The earth cracked, the seas waved, the hurricane danced wildly, and everything in nature was allowed to destroy.
Immortal, let’s witness Lao Tzu’s catastrophe!
Two destructive death rays exploded from mid-air.
The father and son hovered in mid-air as if they had a tacit understanding, dancing their bodies wildly, and then turned into a red and a black shooting star, rushing towards each other at the same time.
Finishing touch VS finishing touch!
boom! ! !
The terrifying aftermath shock waved againSwinging away, Serena on the back of Fengwang tightly hugged the neck of the shining toucan.
That’s amazing, is this the collision of legends?
“Here we come! Be careful.”
Feng Wang reminded.
Serena looked up.
It was found that the original fathead fish flapped its fins, as if wandering in the air, descending on top of their heads.
Four super-large water spheres glowing with kind white light condensed on both sides of the original Kyoka.
The roots fluctuate!
The attribute was suppressed, and the Phoenix King did not dare to meet the original Kioka’s big trick, and fanned his wings to soar in the sky and dodge continuously.
And the original Kioka has no intention of letting go of the other party. Although he has no wings, his speed of swimming in the sky is not slower than that of Feng Wang.
Followed closely behind, the root fluctuations were continuously released like machine guns.
On the other side, the original Gulardo began to release the power of the earth, causing the surrounding temperature to rise sharply
As soon as Rogia fired a water cannon, he was completely vaporized before touching Gulardo.
End the land!
Rogia stared at the boss.
“You guys go too!”
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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