Oki threw three pokeballs in one breath.
Tapu Die Die!
Promise to eliminate that!
Tapu Butterfly teleported to between Lugia and the original Gulardo.
Rogia’s eyes changed slightly, just as he was thinking about what the little guy wanted to do.
Kapu Diedie suddenly opened her two small arms, and instantly the surrounding rocks, buildings, land, and trees were all twisted and twisted together, turning into a super-large javelin with a volume comparable to half a city.
Tapu Diedie waved his arms angrily, and the huge primitive Gulardo was instantly knocked to the other end of the sky like a mosquito being swatted by a fly swatter.
Rogia’s eyeballs almost fell out of fright, and he looked at the little guy in front of him in disbelief.
This, this is too scary, right?
The moment Ditto appeared, he turned into Dark Kyurem, rushed to the sky and grabbed the fins on both sides of the original Kyoka with both arms.
Seeing that the opportunity came, Feng Wang immediately turned around, and his body turned into an afterimage invisible to the naked eye, like an arrow from a bow, instantly piercing Shentong of the original Gaioka.
Brave Birds Attack! ! !
The scarlet blood in the center of Wuji Tai’s Yuexiong mouth bloomed, and the target was aimed directly at the three gods of Sinnoh.
“Extremely giant cannon, launch!”
Oki Xiu shouted in a low voice.
An ominous red light fell in the form of rays, and the powerful attack range enveloped the three Sinnoh dragons.
Palkiban was the first to stand up and slashed with a knife in his right hand.
The moment the huge crescent-shaped air wave hit the giant cannon, the power of the red light was instantly halved.
Yakong Split Slash!
Dialga also took a step forward, opened his mouth wide to release a chaotic beam of light, and pushed the giant cannon back.
Time roars!
Wuji Taina was hit by surprise, and his huge body lost his balance in mid-air. Fortunately, he stabilized his body in time and did not fall from mid-air.
229 Ragnarok Twilight
“Damn! As long as I transform…”
Wujitai, whose ribs were sore from being hit by Diya Luka’s roar of time, had fierce eyes, glaring fiercely at the three gods of Sinnoh below, and then he couldn’t help looking enviously at the battle in the sky. The crack empty seat father and son.
Why do I need to consume so much energy if I want to transform into Promise.
And those fellows in Likongzao can transform at will! ?
As long as Wuji transforms into Wuji, Wuji Tai guarantees that he can kill all the three bastards below.
But they are different from the Rift Blocks that can switch to MEGA form at will.
A Wuji giant transformation will consume a lot of energy of Wujitai, and it really doesn’t want to use this trick unless it is a last resort.
At this time, Giratina, the head of the three Sinnoh gods, moved.
The huge body moves like a ghost.
Teleporting in front of Wuji Taina, a shadow ball hit the opponent’s face close to his face.
Wuji Tai was furious, and the energy of the bone-clawed dragon with no skin exploded, and the dragon claws were ready to cover Giratina’s face directly.
However, Giratina turned into an original state like a scorpion in an instant.
Move around like a snake’s skin, avoiding Wuji Taina’s claw attack.
In the next moment, Palkui and Dialka rushed from the left and right sides again.
Power Gems!
Originally, the relationship between the three Sinnohs was not very good, but under the horror of being controlled by the evil Hoopa, an amazing tacit understanding broke out.
For a time, Wuji Taina was suppressed.
Concentrated by Dialga’s power gem and Palkian’s water cannon.
Wujitai’s huge body fell down in the center of Shixiang Town below, almost destroying the entire village.
“You guys… If I don’t beat you today so that you can see the stars in the daytime, you won’t be Wujitai!!”
Wuji Taina’s anger reached its peak.
The seamless coordination of time, space, and reversal made any of its attacks seem powerless.
In an instant, the evil energy that liberated Hoopa turned into a blood-red pillar of red light that pierced through the sky.
Wuji Tana’s body swelled up rapidly.
Karunai’s expression on Lugia’s back changed suddenly, and she had already seen it twice, and she immediately realized what Wujitai wanted to do.
“Don’t use that trick indiscriminately! Wuji Taina “~!”
Da Muxiu let out a low snort, abruptly stopping Wuji Taina’s infinite transformation.
In Wujitai’s puzzled and unwilling eyes, Oki Xiu said in a deep voice:
“That trick consumes too much energy, don’t use it indiscriminately.”
Originally, the reason why Wuji Taina was chased and killed by Cang Xiang and Zangmarante three thousand years ago was because the energy it needed to supplement in that posture was too exaggerated.
And nowAlthough it was smashed by Jiandun siblings, its strength decreased sharply.
But after all, he can live like a normal elf.
Once Wuji eliminates and uses Wujima at will, it will consume a lot of energy to fill it up.
“But these guys!”
Wuji Taina gritted his teeth and looked at the three Sinnoh gods standing in front of him.
If you don’t kill these three bastards, it feels like it will become a dark history in your life.
Da Muxiu rolled his eyes fiercely, staring at Serena’s bosom to punish Hoopa’s liberating Hoopa
Suddenly, Liberation Hoopa threw a huge golden ring into it.
At the same time, Jin Huan silently appeared beside Feng Wang.
Da Muxiu shouted.
The pirated version of Diablo Kyurem, who joined forces with Fengwang to deal with the original Kyoka, suddenly reacted.
When Liberation Hoopa drilled out from the golden ring on the side of the Phoenix King, dark energy erupted from his thick arms, and he went towards Serena and the Punishment Hoopa Hui in her arms.
The pirated version of Dark Kyurem opened his arms, and held Liberated Hoopa tightly from behind like a grappling hand.
Feng Wang also reacted abruptly at this time, and hurriedly distanced himself from the enemy.
“Destroy him!”
Oki Xiu said coldly.
Blue lightning burst out, constantly impacting Jiefang Hupa.
Cross Lightning!
However, two more golden circles emerged from one left and one right.
The original Kyoka and the original Gulardo rushed out of it.
Sunshine and flames!
Destroy the dead light!
A terrifying mushroom cloud exploded from the sky, and the strong aftermath spread.
Countless Flame team members and alliance trainers on the ground were blown into the sky by surprise.
The pirated Dark Kyurem let out a cry of pain and fell from the sky.
Seeing this, Kapu Diedie hurriedly flew over, and the nurse’s skill healing wave was released, giving the Variety an emergency treatment.
The freed Hoopa continued to attack the punishing Hoopa with his exclusive trick, Dimensional Swipe.
One hoopa in this world is enough!
However, Da Muxiu has arrived on the genuine Kyurem.
“Frozen World!”
The huge iceberg barb hit its abdomen at the last moment when it was about to liberate Huppa, and the original Kyoka and the original Gulardo were pushed out together.
“What kind of battle is this?”
Korni below was sweating profusely and said:
〃Whoever relaxes a little bit will be killed in an instant. ”
“Serena! Give me Hoopa!”
Da Muxiu stretched out his hand towards Serena.
The only goal of liberating Hoopa that needs to be solved most is to punish Hoopa, so it is necessary for Ohki to change his strategy.
Serena instantly understood what Da Muxiu meant, and handed little Hupa into Da Muxiu’s hands.
“Hoopa, can you summon one more?”
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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