Kerni slid her own pulley, exerting all her strength to get out of the range of Wuji Taina’s flames.
Dialga, who was covered in virus flames, hissed and howled in pain. Just the scream alone gave people goosebumps.
I can’t imagine the pain it is going through.
When the flames dissipated, the God of Time looked as green as a zombie in a movie, opening a big mouthful of saliva and dripping from the corner of his mouth.
Wuji Taina couldn’t make any expressions because he didn’t have skin, but he was already happy in his heart.
Steel is not afraid of poison?
I don’t believe in this evil! .
231 Rogia Phoenix King, You Two Wastes!
Jiefang Hupa, who was fighting Kyurem, suddenly pulled away and threw two golden rings down.
The falling golden ring enveloped Palkban, who fell to the ground and passed out, and Dialka, who was hit by the virus flames, as if he was about to turn into a dead body.
“That guy is thinking about one by one”
BigA strong sense of foreboding rose in Mu Xiu’s heart, and he vaguely guessed what Jiefang Hupa wanted to do.
“Stop it!”
Oki Xiu shouted in a low voice.
Flame White Kyurem opened his arms, freezing time and space.
Frozen world!
However, at this moment, Liberated Hoopa once again retreated into the golden ring and fell to the ground.
And the other two gold rings below also took back the fainted Palkban and the seriously injured Dialga.
However, the golden ring did not return to liberate Hoopa, but summoned two new shadows.
Two majestic big dogs jumped out of the ring, replacing the twin gods of time and space.
King of Sword and Shield!
loud! Zangmarante!
“My goodness!”
Hitron grabbed the hair on his head wanting to collapse, crying and shouting:
“After finally defeating Palkiban and Diya Luka, Cang Xiang and Zangmarante come next?!”
These two legends, who were not very well-known at first, became famous after the last battle to save Quanguan City.
It’s no surprise that trainers in the Kalos region know them.
In the next second, Cang Xiang and Zangmarant picked up the rotten sword and rotten shield hanging by the hair, and instantly transformed into the form of the king of swords and the king of shields!
Although not as powerful as Diya Luka and Palkyan, Lun is good at fighting, maybe the King of Sword and Shield is even better!
“let me!”
Wu Ji Tai shouted with extreme excitement.
Damn it, after gaining new powers, the opponent that Wujitai most wants to challenge has no one but Cang Xiang!
The attributes of goblin + steel can perfectly restrain oneself from dragon + poison.
Just right, this time let this crazy woman have a good experience of Lao Tzu’s new power!
Suddenly, everyone present felt the ground tremble suddenly.
But in the next second, everyone reacted.
No, not right!
It’s not the ground trembling, but the whole space, this dimension is trembling.
“It’s troublesome, so many legends are fighting at the same time, the dimension of this time and space will collapse.
Oki Xiu looked sideways.
“Then, what should we do then? Axiu!”
Karuna on Lugia’s body said anxiously.
“There is no other way but to kill this guy in the shortest possible time.”
Oki Xiu stared coldly at Liberated Hoopa who flew up again.
“But having said that, these two guys are useless, aren’t they? With the help of Ditto and Kapu Diedie, they still haven’t taken down the fat head fish and can’t fly?” Da Muxiu immediately looked at Rocky with disgust. Ya and Feng Wang.
Phoenix King: “…”
Lugia: “…”
I have a saying that cnm doesn’t know whether to say it or not!
They are clearly in the same camp, is it appropriate for you to say such words that hurt morale?
But it’s no wonder, after all, among the first-level gods, Feng Wang and Rogia are not the type who are good at fighting.
Feng Wang at least has the power of life to bring the dead back to life, Rogia…you can’t say that you can fight, and you don’t have much ability against the sky.
Generally speaking, it belongs to the kind of first-level god who can’t go up or down.
Alas, Yulongdu regarded him as a treasure.
Da Muxiu moved his eyes, and suddenly pulled Carunai on Rogia’s back into his arms, pointed at Rogia and said to Punish Hupa:
“Hoopa, throw this fisherman back to me and replace it with a stronger one.”
With the power of life, Feng Wang can at least have a nanny.
Lugia, the bastard Oki Omu, expressed his dislike, so get the hell out!
Feeling insulted, Rogia’s eyes widened, and he cursed telepathically:
“Humans! Wori, you go one by one first”
Before Rogia finished the last word, Punishment Hoopa turned it away with the space ring, and then summoned a figure that looked extra small compared to other legends.
It was a stag-headed human elf riding on a snow-white horse, with a noble air, like a king.
The god of fertility in the Galar region, the crowned king of White Horse Lei!
“Huh? Here, what’s going on?”
King Lei Crown, who was riding on Snowstorm’s horse, frowned and looked around.
The horrific scene of the battlefield changed the expression of the King of Plenty, who lived in seclusion in the snowfield of Galar Crown, suddenly.
…ask for flowers….
“God of abundance, let me explain briefly, that ugly monster summoned a bunch of legends to fight, and now the balance of time and space is about to be destroyed.”
Da Muxiu expresses:
“In order to protect the peace of this world, can I ask you to help me?”
King Leiguan, who originally belonged to the good camp, locked his eyes on Jiefang Hupa, nodded after a second and said:
“Since it is for the sake of the world, I am obliged to do so.”
“Then I would like to trouble you to assist my Kapu Dietie and Variety to clean up the Gods of Sea and Land, Feng Wang, you will be a nanny to replenish blood, and Sirem and I will clean up and liberate Hoopa. That’s it, let’s do it.”
At the moment when the world is in danger of collapsing, even though Feng Wang is a little upset, he has no choice but to obey Oki Xiu’s order and obediently fly to the end of the team to act as a nanny.
Thousands of miles away, the lake of anger in Chengdu area.
Deoxys had lost the ability to fight, and fell powerlessly at Sakagi’s feet.
On the other hand, Chaomeng, the fire-breathing dragon and the water arrow turtle looked at each other panting. The three elves were all hunched over, obviously reaching their limit.
“But, damn it…”
Sakagi clutched his heart. Although he was cured of his terminal illness by Feng Wang, he was recovering from a serious illness after all. He had been fighting with so many masters continuously, which gradually made him feel powerless.
Sakagi’s eyes full of resentment were fixed on the backs of red and green. All the elves had lost their ability to fight, and the trainer himself was seriously injured. Yulongdu had a dislocated arm.
“Just a little bit, just a little bit close to killing that Yulongdu.”
Sakaki gritted his teeth.
This was his best chance to kill Yulongdu, but due to the obstruction of the alliance, he lost his merit in the last step!Plop!
At this time, the green water arrow turtle couldn’t hold it anymore, and fell heavily to the ground.
However, Lillie’s Solgaleo immediately filled the vacancy.
Solgaleo, who is almost in his prime, doesn’t need to pay attention to Mewtwo at this moment.
“Unfortunately, Master Sakagi, I’m afraid I won’t be able to kill Yulongdu today.”
Sachi walked up to Sakagi, and asked Dao Yu for instructions.
232 Lugia: I just want to go home and sleep now
“Woo hoo?”
The bright and melodious birdsong suddenly echoed in the ears of everyone in Lake of Wrath.
Yu Longdu, who had one hand dislocated, suddenly raised his head because his consciousness was a little blurred due to the injury.
The Rockets headed by Sakagi had completely the opposite attitude. One and two of them changed their expressions drastically, and looked towards the sky pale with fright.
Ajin’s mouth grew big enough to fit a fist, and he shouted, “Why did this guy come back at the last time like this!?”
Occupying above everyone’s heads, in the middle of the sky above the Lake of Wrath, is the sea god Rogia!
Even with Chi Hong’s calm personality, she almost couldn’t help scolding “cnm” at this moment.
Don’t come early, don’t come late, but come at this time when the battle is over.
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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