You’re trying to find fault, aren’t you?
Sakagi’s face was as black as coal.
“Five-five-seven” at the moment, both himself and the elves under the main force suffered heavy damage.
Under such circumstances, Rogia actually came back.
The situation became extremely serious in an instant.
“Rogia, you are finally back!”
The most excited person present was undoubtedly Yulongdu.
At this moment, he covered the dislocated shoulder of his left hand with his right hand, raised his head and shouted to Rogia above his head:
“Hurry up! Help me one by one”
However, before Yulongdu finished speaking, he, who had the power of Yulong and the power of Viridian, felt something strange about Rogia.
How should I put it…decadent?
That’s probably how it feels.
And Rogia glanced at Yulongdu with a half-dead look in his eyes, and suddenly howled.
Like a bullet, the saliva precisely hit the timing ball on Yu Longdu’s waist that had subdued him.
The timing ball was instantly smashed into slag.
Rogia didn’t say a word, and flew towards the coast with a loveless expression.
At this moment, it would be more appropriate to match it with a BGM of “Snow Flakes Fluttering, North Wind Blowing”.
Hupa’s battle really hit Rogia hard.
It’s okay to be hammered by the original Gulardo, but also to be despised by a human as a weak chicken.
But Rogia couldn’t refute.
The disheartened Rogia just wanted to go home and sleep at the moment.
As for Yulongdu’s so-called great achievements, fart, it didn’t believe it from the beginning.
The reason why he followed the opponent was other than the reason that Yulongdu used his strength to subdue himself.
Rogia himself also chose to follow the other party with a negative attitude that was interesting and passed the time.
However, Yulongdu didn’t know Rogia’s thoughts.
When Lugia took the initiative to smash the poke ball and walked away.
Yulongdu only knew that he was abandoned by the legend.
As for the reason.
Yulongdu, who didn’t know what happened in Carlos at this moment, could only think that Rogia might be disappointed by seeing his miserable appearance, so he chose to give up on this reason.
Seeing Rogia fly away, Ah Jin let out a long sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.
Damn, scared the baby to death.
Not only Ah Jin, but also all the members of the league who came, including the big rock in the Rockets’ heart, finally put it down.
Only Yulongdu was alone, and Zhengzheng looked at the back of Rogia who was far away and disappeared.
Even if he didn’t want to admit it, the truth was in front of his eyes.
He failed.
The defeat was complete and there was no room for maneuver.
His proud dragon army lost to the red and green juniors.
Once recognized his legend, he was so disappointed in himself that he left.
It seemed that everything in reality was denying him.
Yu Longdu fell to his knees heavily on the ground.
“I…why did I not do enough…”
Under continuous blows, Yu Longdu didn’t even have the strength to roar angrily, what was left was only deep self-doubt.
There is nothing more painful than losing it after gaining it.
Yulongdu, who was recognized by Rogia, thought he should be the one to change this ugly world.
However, in just a few days, Rogia’s attitude reversed sharply.
It was like a loud slap across the face of Yu Longdu.
“Arrest him.”
Qinglu didn’t want to let go of this opportunity, and walked towards Yulongdu, who was as decadent as Lugia who had experienced the fighting spirit in Shixiang Town
However, Chi Hong raised her hand to stop Jiyou.
He knew very well that Yulongdu had completely lost the ability to resist now.
Whether it’s his spirit or his own fighting spirit.
But in any case, he was also the champion who made great contributions to Kanto, and even the entire league.
Chi Hong wanted to save the last face for him.
“By the way, what happened to my cousin?”
Qinglu suddenly remembered another important event…
Carlos Shixiangzhen.
The original Gulardo slapped the ground heavily, the sword of the cliff!
King Leiguan rides on the back of a snowstorm horse. With superpower attributes, the horseshoes of the snowstorm horse gallop in the storm.
Using “horse stepping on flying swallows” to describe this scene couldn’t be more appropriate.
The snow storm horse galloped nimbly in the wind, shifting left and right with the smallest margin, always avoiding the sword of the cliff at a critical moment.
Compared with the original Gulardo, it is just a small Bud Crown King running past it.
Only the world that won’t fly and hurt is done.
When the original Grunardo dragged hugeWhen his body turned his head, King Lei Guan had already raised his right hand, condensing an extremely cold ice spear above his head.
“Snow Spear!!!”
The original Gulardo was caught off guard, and was knocked backward by King Lei Crown’s stunt.
At this time, Kapu and Diedie flew from the other side, with their two little hands spread out.
And King Leiguan did the same.
“Psychic thoughts!!!”
“Psychic thoughts!!!”
The two super spirits used the same unique trick, instantly squeezing the flightless burly body into a meatloaf, flattening it to the ground.
And above the sky.
“Father! My son is unfilial!”
MEGA Xiao Crack Kongzuo let out a loud roar, and slammed his dragon tail fiercely on his face, like a tennis smash, and slapped his father on Yuangu 2.4 Lado.
King Leiguan looked up.
I don’t know why, but I always feel that the red and black cracked seat seems to be smiling?
“Very good! All the elves that are free to deal with Hoopa!”
Like a real famous general, King Leiguan calmly said to Kapu, Diedie and Xiaori Kongzao who had defeated their respective opponents.
“Do you still want to summon a new legend?”
In the sky, Oki Xiu saw that Jiefang Hupa threw the space golden ring again, and smiled coldly at Kapu Diedie.
Die Die understood, her two little hands touched the body of Gulardo and Rikuza who passed out and had returned from the original regression and MEGA forms.
The two legends disappeared instantly.
Because there is no recovery of legends that have lost combat effectiveness, the release of Hoopa naturally cannot summon new legends.
233 what happened
“Ho! Don’t stop me!”
Due to the failure to recover the Gulardo and the Rift Seat in time, Liberated Hoopa was unable to summon a new legend for a while, and he couldn’t help becoming impatient while being angry.
Six golden rings, left, right, up, down, back and forth, appeared in the six directions of Da Muxiu and the dark Kyurem under him.
In the next moment, the two broken arms that erupted with dark energy blasted out from it like rocket launchers.
Dimensional strike!
However, at this moment, MEGA’s small crack empty seat and Lei Guanwang riding a snow storm horse appeared at the left and right rear ends of Jiefang Hupa in an instant.
“Icicle crash!”
“Dragon Wave!”
The three energy fluctuations exploded together, and Shi Xiangzhen had completely disappeared.
The originally rugged and characteristic ancient stones have long since disappeared in these legendary battles.
But this ancient stone was originally part of the ultimate weapon.
Maybe it would be better for the world to just disappear.
“If this battle is reported, it will definitely trigger crazy discussions all over the world, right?”
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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