Ten miles away, I can only vaguely see the legends about the size of a sesame seed and the kings of the Carlos Alliance, the hall masters, discussing.
Zhi 25 Mi shook his head, “No, it’s better not to talk about this kind of thing, it will only cause panic.”
“That’s right, enough has happened in the alliance recently, the most important thing now is stability.”
Ma Xiu felt that she had aged a lot during this time.
Team Rocket, Team Flare, and the rebellion of the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto.
She almost thought that the elf alliance was going to be over.
“The latest information just came from Kanto.”
Kerni cheered happily: “The former four heavenly kings of Kanto, headed by Yulongdu, have all been suppressed.
Hearing her words, the others also breathed a sigh of relief.
Look at the subdued Fradali and Paqila and other members of Team Flare.
Everyone in the Carlos Alliance looked up to the sky in the distance.
Next, as long as this war is over, everyone will be happy.
!Oh yeah! ”
Amidst the gunpowder, Jie Hupa, who was hit by the double attacks of MEGA’s Xiaokongzao and Leiguanwang, let out a cry of pain, and stared at the two elves with bloodshot eyes.
hateful! Damn it!
Why, why bother to stop Hoopa?
Hoopa just wants to be who he really is!
One hoopa in this world is enough!
In a fit of rage, Hoopa opened his bloody mouth wide, and the dark rays of evil undulations were fired indiscriminately.
You don’t even need to look at MEGA’s small crack empty seat and Lei Guanwang, and you can dodge them with a slight sideways movement.
“I’ve completely lost my mind.”
Oki Xiu said with his eyes blank.
“Take advantage of his illness to kill him! Kill him quickly!”
MEGA’s small crack empty seat leaned over to Oki Ou, with a sinister expression on his face.
“Kill? No, no!”
Hearing the words from Xiao Likongzuo’s mouth, the punishment Hupa in Da Muxiu’s arms suddenly became anxious.
“That’s Hoopa’s power!”
If the liberation of Hoopa is gone, wouldn’t he have to maintain the little form of punishing Hoopa for the rest of his life?
It doesn’t want to buzz!
“Huh? This guy has already produced his own consciousness, isn’t it you?”
MEGA Kozaku raised his eyebrows and said.
Da Muxiu pondered for a moment, then said:
“This is a bit like the situation where the dragon god split into Kyurem, Reshiram and Zekrom. Hupa, if you merge with Liberate Hupa, your mind will not be good.
Will it be affected? ”
After using the genetic wedge to fuse the black and white Ssangyong with Kyurem, the dominant idea of ​​Kyurem has not changed.
Da Muxiu understands that the strong can swallow the weak.
But right now, no matter how you look at it, punishing Hoopa is the weak side.
If they really want to merge, maybe this Kuigong Hupa will be swallowed up, right?
“This, this… Hoopa doesn’t know…”
Hoopa also hesitated when Oki asked him this question.
After a moment of hesitation, Hoopa said again:
“But, but that Hoopa has been imprisoned in the Pot of Punishment all these years, and Hoopa himselfHe is playing outside alone, so it is understandable that Hoopa will have resentment, and Hoopa wants to talk to it…”
Thinking about it carefully, it is not unreasonable to liberate Hoopa so much to hate punishing Hoopa.
After all, we are all one.
Why have you been happy and happy outside for a hundred years, but I have been imprisoned in a broken pot for a hundred years?
But Kyurem expressed disdain, is a hundred years long?
Wake up after a short sleep?
“Talk? I don’t think it wants to talk about the character,”
Oki Xiu thought for a while and said:
“But you can really change the plan, beat this guy down first, and then try to subdue him.”
The people who take care of Hoopa’s Genesis Village have been pretty much done to by Team Flare’s psychopaths.
And Hoopa seems to have established a deep bond with Serena, and it seems that it is not difficult to lure this little loli-sounding devil over.
Even if you can’t absorb and liberate Hoopa, it’s not a loss if you abduct it just because of its legendary skills.
Of course, it would be even better to be able to absorb and liberate Hoopa.
But no matter what, you have to beat it first.
“Do it! Kyurem! General Binglan! Rifting Seat! Dragon Stars!”
Oki Xiu ordered.
Dark Kyurem and MEGA Kozakuza attack together.
And King Lei Guan also cooperated together, using the blizzard to follow behind, and blowing all three moves towards Jiefang Hupa.
“Hoopa can’t lose!”
557 Jiefang Hupa’s face was extremely ferocious, and six broken arms shot out together.
Dimensional strike!
boom! ! !
The moment the two sides collided, an incomparable aftermath rippled, and the tyrannical air pressure shook away the dark clouds in the sky.
A shadow pierced through the two confronting wires, tore apart the obstacles in front of him, and arrived in front of Liberated Hoopa in an instant.
It’s Dark Sirem!
Jiefang Hupa’s expression changed drastically, and he opened his mouth wide, as if blasting the opponent back with waves of evil.
Moko Botmo! ! !
The extremely cold energy crystals spread invisible, freezing the entire time and space in a static world.
“It’s really hard for you to hold on for so long.”
In the frozen time and space, Dark Kyurem’s left claw grabbed Liberation Hupa’s neck, and the right claw erupted with extremely cold lightning, which slammed heavily on its mouth.
Frozen Volt!
Suddenly, the crimson in the eyes of Primordial Kyoka, Cangxiang, Zangmarante and Giratina dissipated.
However, the attacks of Ditto, Wuji Taina, and the black cracked empty seat continued.
Cross lightning, world destroying dragon flames, the finishing touch, bombarded them at the last moment.
Directly blow up these legends that were under control five seconds ago.
Primordial Kyocera, Cang Xiang, so, Giratina: “What happened?”.
234 professional fart drum
Cang Xiang and Zangmarante, who were slightly hairless by Mieshi Longyan, fell to the ground, and the scarlet blood in their eyes had dissipated.
“Go to hell! Two stinky dogs!”
At this time, Wuji Taina rushed from the sky, and another jet of flames fell.
Zangmarant stood up first, with a huge translucent shield appearing on his face, blocking all the falling flames.
“Calm down! Dulong, we have regained our sanity!”
Zangmarante shouted.
Originally, Wuji Taina, who was about to use Shimielongyan again, hastily braked, but his tone was still full of displeasure, and he said to himself:
“Tsk, I thought I could take care of these two mad dogs.”
Cang Xianghan said: “I heard you, you trash.”
“So what if you hear it? Do you want to fight again? You crazy woman.”
After gaining new power, Wuji Taina no longer had the slightest fear of Cang Xiang, who had perfectly restrained himself, and groaned all over his face.
Cang Xiang’s face darkened.
The memory of being summoned by Liberation Hoopa to be a thug is still there.
As for Wujitai, the memory of suppressing their brothers and sisters in the absence of Wujiju, naturally, has not been forgotten.
This damn poisonous dragon has grown so much in such a short period of time.
There was also a loud bang from another place nearby.
Giratina, who was hit by the finishing touch of MEGA’s black cracked empty seat, lay in the middle of the huge pit in a state of embarrassment.
At this moment, the Lord of the Reversed World looked bewildered.
The memories of being controlled flooded up like a flood, and it didn’t slow down
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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