“I just…was I being controlled?”
The high-level ball was shattered into powder by the force of the liberating Hoopa. It is no longer known which high-level ball Oki Ou threw. Even though he has passed out, is he still subconsciously resisting?
“Serena, do you still have the ball?”
Da Muxiu turned his eyes and asked Serena who jumped off Fengwang’s back.
“Also, a little more”? ”
Serena replied.
Da Muxiu nodded and said: “Okay, you come and subdue it.”
As a result, Serena began to throw the ball at Jiefang Hupa continuously.
It might not be an easy task to let it completely let go of the grievances of the past hundred years.
At present, the only way is to subdue Jiefang Hupa first, bring him back to Alola, and then slowly do ideological work for him.
“Please teach me more in the future.”
Punishing Hoopa didn’t care whether the other party could still hear him or not, he stretched out his small hand to the forehead of Liberated Hoopa who was unconscious on the ground and said.
“It’s a disgrace that this happened.”
At this time, Cangxiang, who had been released from the form of the King of Swords, walked up with his younger brother Zangmarante, looking fiercely at Liberation Hoopa who kept popping out of the poke ball even though he was fainted.
“Human, are you trying to control evil again?”
Cang Xiang frowned and questioned Da Muxiu.
Last time it was Promise Taina, and this time it was Liberation Hoopa.
this human beingSo fond of taming evil?
“Power does not distinguish between righteousness and evil, it all depends on which way it is used. Isn’t Wujitai an excellent example?”
Da Muxiu said disapprovingly.
It’s been so long, Cang Xiang is still the same.
However, the legendary lifespan is at least in “thousands of years”.
The three views established for thousands of years cannot be changed overnight.
“It was really killing us when it hit us just now…”
Zangmarant next to him complained silently.
After Serena tossed the poke ball hundreds of times, she finally used a high-grade ball to subdue the unconscious Liberation Hoopa.
But whether it can be persuaded to stop doing evil after the fact is a matter for the future.
“it is finally over.”
Carunai let out a long sigh of relief, and walked up to look at the devastated town.
Not to mention the towns, several surrounding hills were blown away by the legendary battle.
“What are you going to do with that wicked hoopa if it doesn’t turn itself around? Human.”
Giratina leaned over at this time and asked telepathically.
“At that time, it will naturally take the last resort.”
Da Muxiu raised his head to look at the Reversal Lord, which was once called Hades Dragon by the players.
Oki Xiu immediately showed a smile, “Compared with this, you should pay more attention to the Shenao under your jurisdiction, there is a human being with malicious intentions over there.” Looking back, Chiri has not yet solved it.
But because Oki Ou didn’t pay attention to the organization of the Galaxy Group, which might not be as powerful as the Flame Team from the beginning to the end.
Therefore, he has been ignored.
Hearing what Oki said, a question mark appeared above Giratina’s head.
However, there was a secret in his heart.
At this time, the kings of the pavilion masters of the Carlos Alliance also rushed over.
When seeing the legends gathered together, the young museum owners like Kerni and Xitron.
I couldn’t help but suppress the excitement in my heart, and mustered up the courage to take out my mobile phone to take pictures endlessly.
〃The town was completely destroyed, and as a result, the Alliance was bleeding again. ”
Carunai showed a charming smile, took O Muxiu’s arm, and didn’t care about the shocked eyes of other colleagues, and said gently:
“But compared to the collapse of the world, this ending is already very good.”
“No, that’s not quite the case.”
Da Muxiu pointed forward to the right.
Everyone looked in the direction of Da Muxiu’s finger.
A reindeer elf with an “X” shape on the top of its head and two horns exuding colorful auspicious light slowly walked out of the completely destroyed forest.
Serena was surprised.
“Since when did you start watching?”
The corner of Da Muxiu’s mouth turned up slightly.
“…When Palkban and Dialga were defeated.”
After a brief silence, Zernias the Honest Deer spoke the truth.
“If I join the war, it will only get in the way. Now let me restore and upgrade this land.”
Zernias (Li Lizhao) didn’t care about embarrassment, and told the truth that he was not strong enough, and forcibly participating in the battle just now would only get in the way.
There is a clear contrast with Lugia, who is still addicted to vegetables.
After speaking, Xerneas tapped his deer hooves lightly on the ground that was on the verge of breaking.
The green halo representing eternal power swung open.
The wasteland riddled with holes was replaced by a natural scene surrounded by flowers and greenery.
Many hall masters cheered and shouted.
As expected of our patron saint of Carlos!
“Professional fart wiper.”
Da Muxiu also nodded in approval.
Looking back, every time Yveltal wakes up and makes trouble, it is Xerneas who wipes its ass.
It has been wiped for at least thousands of years, and it is very professional.
call out!
At this time, Tapu Diedie also used teleportation to transfer the Rift Seat and Gulardo who had just awakened and escaped the control of Liberation Hoopa.
235 Gulardo is very pleased
“Uh… just now that was…”
Lie Kongzuo slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing that caught his eyes was his own father and…
“Dad, you finally woke up!”
The leader of the small cracked empty seat approached closely.
4, I?”
It was the first time for Likongza to see Xiao Likongzao’s appearance like this, and he was immediately taken aback.
After being stunned for several seconds, he finally realized that this was his own son.
The next moment, memories of fighting against his son flooded his mind.
Although I heard from my father some time ago that this kid seems to have acquired some kind of strange new power.
But I didn’t expect it to be so strong.
“Oh, that’s great, Dad, are you okay…”
Little Likongzao hadn’t finished speaking, Likongzao slapped it on the face, once again staged a good show of father’s kindness and son’s filial piety.
“Brat! How dare you hit me just now!?”
“Fuck! Old man, you are so disrespectful! You were the one who looked like you were going to kill me just now, so why don’t I fight back?” Xiao Likong, who was in the rebellious stage, also got angry, straightened his waist and retorted. .
Rumble one by one
The sudden space-time vibration caused the spatial dimension of this dimension to collapse.
It’s no wonder that many elves present are the ones who control and maintain the authority of the elves world.
Many 557 legends, whenever they meet, may lead to an imbalance in the state of the world. Palkia and Dialga have always lived in their own dimension is the best example.
Let alone fight.
“It seems that there is no time for talking and laughing.”
Da Muxiu looked around, and the collapse of the space-time dimension was already at a speed visible to the naked eye.
“Hoopa! Come on.”
Oki Xiu said in a deep voice.
The luck in the misfortune is that the battle ended sooner than the original book, and the two stupid dragons with the most important authority, Palkban and Dialka, were sent away ahead of schedule.
So the damage is still repairablewithin the recovery range.
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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