No need for Arceus to fix it.
But having said that, what is Arceus’ attitude towards humans now?
One of the theatrical versions, when this guy was first born, he wanted to destroy the world.
Speaking of being a creator god, in the theatrical version, you will be pitted so badly by humans. Where did you go?
But the most important thing right now is to let the legends return to their own place.
Hoopa hurriedly threw the three golden rings together, (cfce) the golden rings in mid-air were extremely enlarged, and the first to recover were Giratina, Gulardo and Kyoka, the three who held power. legend.
“If I knew it, I should have gone back to sleep earlier.”
Before leaving, Wu Fei still muttered indignantly.
Although it wasn’t the worst one to get beaten up, it felt like the most embarrassing one.
He’s the only one who can’t fly…huh? and many more!
Suddenly, Gulardo looked at Cang Xiang and Zangmarante with rather moved eyes.
These two dogs don’t seem to know it either?
Thinking of this, Gulardo smiled before leaving.
“That guy feels a little sick.”
Sensing the kindness emanating from Gulardo, Cang Xiang felt a little nauseous.
“Human, is the danger you mentioned that will occur in the area under my jurisdiction serious?”
Before leaving, Giratina asked Da Muxiu.
Giratina has been a little uneasy since Oki Ou revealed something about the Galaxy team just now.
After all, if something like today happened in its own jurisdiction, Father God Arceus would have to shake it to the ground and smoke it.
“It’s not too serious to say it’s serious. With your strength, you should be able to solve it.”
Oki Xiu was ambiguous.
To be honest, the Galaxy Group is quite low in strength.
The whole team only has Chiri as a champion, oh, I almost forgot to add Saqi, a double agent who feels that his loyalty is not good.
Except for these two people, they are all trash, which is better than the lava team and the water fleet.
This kind of third-rate stuff doesn’t bother to care about them.
“Can you come and help me?”
Giratina still felt a little uneasy, and extended an invitation to Oki.
It still has no idea, after all, today’s experience really scared the reversal king.
“…what’s in it for me?”
Blinking his eyes twice, Da Muxiu asked back.
The purpose of that fellow Chiri is to create a new world by using the power of Diya Luka and Palkyan’s space-time gods.
To be honest, it is somewhat similar to the priest in a certain work of the ultimate creature.
But it is simply impossible to do such a thing with only the dual gods of time and space.
Even if Chiri used the power of technology to temporarily restrain and control the two of them, other legends would also attack when they sensed the movement.
The first to bear the brunt is Giratina.
“Okay, benefits?”
Giratina had a question mark on her head, hesitated for a few seconds, and was about to be transferred away by Hoopa’s space golden ring.
At the last moment, Giratina rotated and reversed its energy, condensing a golden spar from its body, and it fell into Oki Xiu’s hands.
“this is……”
Oki looked down at this gem derived from the energy of Giratina.
“It can be used to summon me, this is the head office!”
After finishing speaking, Giratina was sucked back into the reverse world by the space ring, and Giratina’s last words came from afar:
“Don’t forget the promise.”
“I didn’t promise you anything either.”
Da Muxiu fiddled with the gem in his hand and said to himself.
If Giratina heard this, he might not be mad.
“I’ll call you [Platinum Orb].”
Looking at the gemstone in his hand, Da Muxiu thought for a moment and smiled.
“Brother Xiu, why is the yellow one called the Platinum Orb?”
Serena leaned forward and asked puzzledly.
“Kids don’t ask so many questions.”
Da Muxiu rubbed Serena’s little head and smiled.
The three legends were sent away in one breath, and the world that was about to collapse gradually stabilized.
“Then you will go back to Galar.”
Da Muxiu tortured Cang Xiang and Zangmarante with a smirk.
Because of being sent away by Hoopa with a golden ring, the famous scene in the original book that can’t fly is gone.
However, there were two more victims of persecution.
Cang Sheng turned his head to the other side in displeasure.
“The four of them have been controlled by the Kanto side, and Team Flash has also arrested and brought them all to justice.”
The Quartz Plateau, the headquarters of the Elven Alliance.
Damalan, who had been contacted by Chi Hong and Karunai successively, showed a smile after a long time, slumped on the office chair, and almost couldn’t hold back the tears, “Great, great In this case, just for the time being There is peace…”.
236 Really sick and charming o Chrysanthemum mother-in-law
“Is it done yet?”
In a certain valley, Da Muxiu came up and clasped his hands together, and asked Hupa and Serena who had built a simple stele with chaotic stones as a prostration ceremony.
This is the remains of the village of creation, after the chaos in Shixiang Town ended.
Hoopa begged Omu Xiu and the others to bring him here to pray for the blessings of his human companions who had taken care of it for a hundred years.
Hupa nodded heavily, then looked at the tombstone in frustration, and murmured:
“If it hadn’t been for Hoopa, no one would have…”
“It’s not Hoopa’s fault.”
Serena held Hoopa in her arms, and comforted her softly:
“Everyone will not-blame you.”
In the final analysis, it is human greed and stupid ideas that lead to all these tragedies.
Originally, Oki thought that if Yveltal was taken away, the Flame team would not be able to do anything.
In the end, he still underestimated the brain circuits of these villains.
“Let’s go, go back to Alola.”
OkiXiu smiled.
Serena nodded, instead of putting Punishment Hoopa in the poke ball, she held it in her arms like Xiaoxia’s Tokpi.
“Miss Caroline, let’s go first.”
Before leaving, Serena waved goodbye to Karuna.
Karuna smiled slightly, and also waved her hand to say goodbye to Serena.
Immediately, Karunai put her hands behind her back, approached Oki Xiu, and said with a smile:
“Don’t you want to say something to me?”
“…what do you want me to say?”
Feeling very tired, Oki asked back.
I thought that Karuna could still be an obedient underground person like Lusamine.
The result… alas.
Why can’t I control this gun! ?
Carunai smiled slyly, and suddenly raised her hands to hold both sides of Muxiu’s cheeks tightly, tipping her high heels.
Serena’s pretty face at the back blushed all of a sudden.
On the way back to Alola, Serena pouted all over, with “unhappy” written all over her face, the kind that couldn’t be coaxed well.
After Omuxiu comforted him several times to no avail, he turned on Rotom’s phone and got in touch with Dr. Oki.
“Axiu, you really have a hand, Xiba is really controlled by Chrysanthemum,”
In Zhenxin Town, all the four heavenly kings before the acquisition of Kanto have been arrested and brought to justice. Dr. Oki’s face was also full of joy, but after speaking halfway, he showed a puzzled look and sighed:
“But Juzi and I are old friends. I don’t think she is a young man like Du. How could she do such a thing?”
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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