Yulongdu and Kona are both because they witnessed the horrors of their original elves being persecuted by humans, and their own childhood was not very happy, which eventually led them to this path.
And Xiba was manipulated by Chrysanthemum.
After thinking about it, why did Juzi follow Yulongdu?
This is not only something that Dr. Oki couldn’t figure out, but Oki Xiu, a time traveler, also couldn’t figure it out.
“Axiu, I plan to cook a good meal for Chihong and the others to celebrate their triumphant return. Do you have time to go back to Zhenxin Town recently?”
At this time, Aunt Hanako suddenly appeared on the screen, smiling lovingly.
Oki Xiu: “..”
After Dr. Oki managed to persuade Aunt Hanako to leave, Oki suddenly had an idea, and said to Dr. Oki:
“Uncle, have you ever thought that Grandma Juzi did this because of you?”
“Huh? Me? What does this have to do with me?”
Dr. Oki said with a bewildered expression.
“This is just my guess. All in all, I think you can go to the Lishishi Plateau and talk to Granny Juzi. Maybe you can get some unexpected gains.”
On the second day, Quartz Plateau.
The defection of the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto has ended, so the champions such as Daigo Mikri from Fangyuan, Sirona from Sinnoh, and Lilia from Alola.
They also returned to their own regions one after another.
Near noon, after talking with Juzi, Dr. Oki who came out of the interrogation room, and Hou Chihong, Qinglu, Damarachi and others who had heard the content of their conversation outside, all looked confused.
Therefore, the reason for Juzi’s mother-in-law’s defection was too incredible for them.
As expected, her reason for defecting from the alliance is completely different from that of Yulongdu and Kona, who want to create a perfect world.
It’s all because of Da Muxue.
As a trainer, Dr. Oki and Chrysanthemum were once rivals, but later Dr. Oki gave up his position as a trainer and turned to a researcher, which caused Chrysanthemum to be very disappointed in him.
…ask for flowers….
This is something that everyone in the league knows.
But no one expected that Grandma Juzi’s obsession with Dr. Oki had reached this point.
The reason why she betrayed the alliance with Yulongdu and the others was to create a disaster and force Dr. Oki to become a trainer again and fight against herself.
“Well, what’s the reason for this?”
Even Chi Hong was dumbfounded.
No matter how much he thought about it, he never imagined that Granny Juzi defected from the alliance for this reason.
“A woman’s resentment is terrible.”
Cattleya complained silently from the side.
“…Xuecheng, your wife has been away for many years, I think you should
Damarange has a suggestion.
Although in the eyes of these men, Juzi’s mother-in-law’s reason for defecting was nonsense, it was still within the controllable range.
What’s more, the four of them have made great contributions to the development of the alliance, and Damalan doesn’t intend to severely punish them.
If it can lead to a good thing, why not do it?
“Grandpa, I think it’s okay.”
Qinglu’s eyes brightened.
He didn’t want to call Chi Hong and Xiaozhi “uncles”!
I still feel that Juzi’s mother-in-law is better.
After so many years, Dr. Oki couldn’t help but admire the green shudder.
What are you kidding?
I never had that kind of thought about Chrysanthemum!
“Haha~ It’s really because of my uncle!”
In the Alola region, after learning about the reason why Grandma Chrysanthemum betrayed the alliance through Qinglu
, Oki Xiu couldn’t help being happy too.
This Juzi mother-in-law is really sick and delicate.
Just to force Dr. Oki to fight with himself, such a big commotion can be made.
But it’s a pity that the matter was subsided before Dr. Oki was forced to take action.
I don’t know if Granny Juzi has already scolded Yulongdu eight million times in her heart
“It’s kind of romantic.”
Lilia, who just came back from Kanto, held her hands together, and said with yearning on her face.
Serena and Mary next to them also showed their aunt smiles of “I got knocked and knocked”.
Damn, the brain circuit of a woman really can’t be understood by common sense.
237 I want to give him a baby
Sinnoh area Shenhe town, Champion XiRona’s hometown.
After ending the suppression of the former Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, Sirona naturally returned to Sinnoh.
Whether it was the defection of the Four Heavenly Kings in Kanto or the legendary battle in the Carlos area, they were all suppressed by the alliance.
On the contrary, Oki Xiu’s photo appeared on the front page of media news in the Carlos area again.
Although the legendary battle that was enough to be recorded in the annals of history was not published, the Carlos Alliance still took the lead in destroying the Flame team on Oki Ou.
It is said that the Kanto side, after confirming that Shiba was indeed controlled by Chrysanthemum with the power of an elf, officially restored Shiba’s position as the Four Heavenly Kings.
From this, the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto were officially identified as Qinglu, Ajin, Cattleya, and Xiba.
And Red is still the champion.
It’s just that Chi Hong has no intention of staying in this position for too long.
If “560” he abdicates, nine out of ten there will be Qinglu taking over.
At least it got rid of the title of the original book [The Shortest Champion in History].
It was a blessing in disguise.
“That’s why, when we were dealing with them, something terrible happened to Carlos.”
In Shenhezhen’s home, Sirona took off her black body and put on a cool home dress, lying lazily on the sofa, talking with her best friend Carunai.
And learned from the other party what happened to Carlos Shixiang Town.
I just don’t know if the word “before” should be added.
After all, in the past few days, the matter between Omu Xiu and Karunai has gradually spread within the alliance.
“…That, Carunai, you and that man, it’s true…”
After hesitating for a long time, Sirona finally couldn’t help asking out her inner doubts.
And hearing Sirona’s question, Karuna on the opposite side was also silent for a long time.
After a long time, he spoke again and responded:
“Well… I want to give him a baby.”
As soon as these words came out, Sirona only felt that her brain “boomed” and exploded.
Do you want to be so direct?
Sirona stammered, “You, what are you two doing…”
“Can the process allow me not to mention it?”
Carunai on the other end of the phone smiled wryly, and also lay on the sofa of her own villa, softly said:
“Sirona, don’t you mind?”
Sirona was speechless.
If you mind, it’s also Xiaoju’er, what does it have to do with me?
“By the way, Axiu said that the Sinnoh area may not be very peaceful recently.”
Carunai suddenly remembered what Omushin said to Giratina when he was in Shixiang Town.
“What does he want to do?!”
What happened two years ago is still vivid in my mind. When Karuna said that Sinnoh was in danger, Sirona couldn’t help but think of that man at the first moment.
“Don’t get me wrong, Axiu doesn’t seem to plan to do anything.”
Karuna also understood why Sirona would think so, and hurried to appease her.
But what exactly will happen, Karuna can’t tell why.
When she was about to say goodbye in the Carlos area before, she also asked Oki Xiu about this matter.
But Oki Ou has no interest in Sinnoh.
However, he didn’t mind seeing Sinnoh being unlucky again, so he dismissed the topic perfunctorily.
After finishing the call with Carunai, Sirona became more and more anxious.
“Not good? Champion! The Vajra Orb has been stolen!”
At this time, Wusong, the king of the four heavens, called and shouted anxiously.
In an instant, Sirona no longer had the mind to stay at home for vacation, and picked up her black bag again and rushed to the headquarters of the Sinnoh Alliance not long after the reconstruction.
Baiyang Town, Sinnoh area.
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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