There is going to be a grand contest here.
As a famous tourist town in the Sinnoh area, the most famous attraction is the “Tower of Time and Space” standing in the center of the town.
Four young girls around seventeen years old walked side by side on the streets of the festive celebration, enjoying the cotton candy, brown sugar apples and other food just bought from the food stall.
“As long as he gets the ribbon medal of this magnificent competition, Xiaoguang can also participate in the Mikri Cup competition.”
Xiaoyao bit the hot dog she just bought, and smiled happily at a girl on the left with waist-length blue hair and a knitted hat.
It turned out to be Xiaozhi’s traveling companion in the Shenao area in the original book, Xiaoguang.
That’s right, after traveling to Sinnoh, Mei, Toko, and Xiaoyao met Xiaoguang by chance and walked together.
Just like the original animation, Xiaoguang is also targeting the Mikri Cup.
The progress is slightly slower than that of Xiaoyao who has already received five ribbon medals, and Xiaoguang now has four medals.
He intends to win the ribbon medal in the Baiyang Town Gorgeous Contest, and formally march towards the Mikri Cup.
“That guy Xiu made headlines.”
On the other side, Mei and Toko are discussing the news about Team Flare being arrested on the media website today… o…
Among them, Oki Xiu’s photo was published on the first page.
“This is really a pity, the winner of this gorgeous contest is me.”
At this moment, a gay voice sounded familiar to Xiaoyao and the others.
“Xiao Shun? Ah, and Miss Saori and…Harry.”
Xiaoyao looked up, unexpectedly meeting three acquaintances at once in the same town.
It was the three rivals she had known since Fangyuan.
But to say “rival” is not quite right.
Not affected by Xiaozhi’s weird “50-50” feature, Xiaoyao’s strength is almost at the same level as Mei Toko.
Xiao Shun and the others are not opponents at all.
“Why did your tone change when you called my name? You’re so ugly, Xiaoyao!”
Harry said angrily.
“Ah~ it’s that sissy, how unlucky it is.”
Touzi said with a look of disgust.
“Are you also here to participate in the gorgeous contest in this town?”
Mei was much more friendly and asked while eating a chocolate banana.
“No, I have already collected five ribbon medals, and I intend to pass through this city, Saori smiled gently.
“Me too, the only one missing a badge is Harry.”
Xiao Shun Sao Bao still put his bangs aside.
Getting ready for the upcoming Mikri Cup in Lizhi Lake. ”
“Oh, 2.4, that means it’s Xiaoguang VS Harry’s match.”
Xiaoyao nodded, turned to Xiaoguang and said, “It seems that Xiaoguang can get your last medal easily.”
“What did you say? Ugly and weird Xiaoyao!”
Harry was furious.
A chaotic, different dimension where human beings can never survive.
Perhaps, it is more appropriate to call this place [Crack in Time and Space].
The two gods who had just returned to their respective territories were sleeping and recuperating in various places.
Suddenly, he felt a familiar force calling him to wake up.
Two pairs of dragon eyes, one pink and one blue, opened at the same time.
It was found that there was a gap in the gap between time and space, as if calling them to go.
When Diya Luka and Palkyan poked their heads out.
I just saw the other person’s face…
238 Fuck! What happened to the space-time twin gods?
The moment they saw each other’s faces through the gap, Palkban and Dialga cursed at the same time.
There was no communication between the two sides, and they rushed towards each other directly.
It must be this bastard who invaded his territory.
The space-time twin gods had the same thought in their hearts.
After experiencing the great battle in Shixiang Town, they were hammered by Wujitai and the black crack, and they all stayed quietly in their respective territories to sleep and recuperate.
However, now the enemy has appeared in his own territory.
This made Palkyan and Diya Luka feel like they were being robbed at the same time.
Compared with the original book, the anger has increased many times.
Dialga opened his mouth wide, releasing chaotic laser rays.
Time roars!
Palkiban also raised his right paw high and slashed without showing any weakness.
Yakong Split Slash!
It’s really desperate to make a big move at the beginning!
Baiyang Town is a water town standing on the 25th of the lake and connected to the outside world by a bridge.
But at this moment, in the lower part of the bridge, a group of mysterious people in silver and white uniforms were fiddled with sophisticated calculation instruments.
On the computer screen, the increase bar marked with the numerical value climbed sharply, and the prompts “Warning!”, “Warning!!!” and “Warning!!!” constantly popped up in the center of the screen.
Zhen Xing, a senior cadre of the Galaxy team who was typing on the keyboard, had no choice but to give up and said:
“There is no way to control Palkyan and Dialga! Just summoning them is already the limit.”
Next to Zhen Xing and other members of the Galaxy team are the three major cultural relics that have been handed down from ancient times in the area called Sinnoh——
The key of the gun, the vajra orb, and the white jade orb.
Combining these three ancient relics together, and adding a successful method, can summon the twin gods of time and space.
However, this is already the limit.
It is simply impossible to control.
Rumble one by one
In Baiyang Town, the festive atmosphere of the celebration was suddenly interrupted by a powerful earthquake with landslides and ground cracks.
Suddenly, many buildings collapsed in an instant, and a large number of broken walls and rubble fell down.
The trainers on the street hurriedly called out their elves to help resist.
“Everyone! Look over there!”
Suddenly, Xiaoyao looked shocked, and pointed to the Tower of Time and Space, a famous scenic spot in the town.
Everyone heard the words and turned their heads to look.
The translucent twisted walls began to spread continuously, enveloping the entire town.
Suddenly, the ground of the town shook even more violently, and the originally distorted space shattered in an instant.
Then, a huge dragon shadow broke through the space barrier and fell heavily into Baiyang Town.
“That’s… from the legend!?”
Seeing the huge dragon shadow with purple stripes in the silver and white, Xiaoyao and others below were stunned.
That is the patron saint in Sinnoh’s legend, the god of space Palkia!
However, at this moment, Palkyan’s huge body fell heavily on one side of the bridge, crushing the whole bridge to pieces.
Countless rocks fell from the bridge break into the lake below.
Seeing this, Zhenxing and others hurriedly called out their elves to cover them, and fled into the submarine that had been prepared long ago.
If Palkyan or Diya Luka knew that he had tricked them here.
Why don’t they kill Team Galaxy?
slip away~
“Paluchban’s shoulder, is it injured?”
Mei asked with narrowed eyes.
Hearing this, the others also looked carefully.
It was found that the pearl-like shoulder of Palucci class was indeed injured, and it seemed to be broken and sunken
Even a layman could see that it was badly wounded.
For a while, everyone was even more surprised.
What kind of spirit can hurt the God of Space like this! ?
Before the residents and tourists of Baiyang Town recovered from the shock of the sudden arrival of the Palkban.
Another dragon roar that pierced the sky broke out.
The blue dragon jumped out from the other side of the distorted time and space, and its four big feet fiercely stomped on the fallen Palkban on the bridge.
Palucci suddenly turned around at the last minute, causing the opponent to step on the air.
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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