Immediately, the water in the right arm surged, wrapped the whole arm, and slapped the opponent’s face.
The water burst!
The blue dragon was staggered and took a few steps back.
but notDid not fall.
However, Palkyan has taken this opportunity to get up again.
Xiaoguang and some other Sinnoh-born trainers around shouted out the name of the second dragon that appeared with panicked faces.
God of time!
What, how could this be?
The two legends of the guardian gods unexpectedly appeared at the same time.
And, and there was a fight? !
“Look at Dialga’s face!”
Tou Zi pointed at Di Yaluka and shouted in panic.
Everyone turned their eyes and found that Dialga’s dragon-scale face made of steel seemed to have been half corroded by sulfuric acid at this moment, and nearly one-third of its area was rotting away.
Compared with the normal period, it is less powerful, and more ferocious.
Not only Palkyan, but even Dialka was injured like this! ?
The townspeople in Baiyang Town were trembling with fright.
God, are the battles between legends so fierce?
It is an attitude of putting the other party to death!
However, Mei and his party, who were unaware of the Legendary War 560 that took place in Shixiang Town not long ago, completely misunderstood.
Palkyan and Dialka’s facial injuries were not caused by each other.
It’s the good work of the black cracked empty seat and Wujitai.
But it is also because of this that when the two gods of time and space are recuperating and continuing their lives in their respective territories, the other party takes advantage of the fire to invade their territory.
This also made the time and space gods even more annoyed, and there was no room for fighting.
Dialga opened his mouth for the second time, and the silver-gray energy ray fell down with a destructive force that could easily destroy a city.
Cannon Cannon!
Palucci was surprised by the burst of dark energy in his claws, split the incoming cannon into two, and continued to rush towards Dialga.
Shadow Claw!
And the aftermath of the split cannon light cannon fell around Baiyang Town like a meteor shower.
boom! !
boom! ! !
The continuously falling white beam of light shattered everything it touched into powder.
People screamed in terror and fled like headless chickens.
All he wanted was to stay away from the two gods who had lost their minds.
However, the entire town has been completely transported to another dimension by the distorted time and space.
People inside the town simply cannot escape to the outside world.
And the battle between the time and space gods is still going on.
They don’t care whether humans are dead or alive, neutrals will not actively attack humans, and they don’t care about humans.
239 The Isolated Time and Space, Darkrai Persuading the Fight
Because Baiyang Town has been completely separated from the outside world.
Because of this, no matter how much the inside was destroyed, the outside did not receive any damage.
It’s like watching a big projected movie at zero distance.
“Yes, I have to contact Junsha and the alliance quickly!”
Seeing the two giant dragons that demolished half of the city in an instant, a few lucky tourists who hadn’t had time to enter the town suddenly came to their senses, hurriedly took out their mobile phones, and frantically dialed Junsha’s number.
Dialga and Palkiban are fighting! ? ”
In the newly-built Sinnoh Alliance headquarters on the top of Tianguan Mountain, Sirona, who was discussing with a group of high-level Sinnoh Alliance officials about how to get the cultural relics back because of the seizure of three cultural relics, suddenly stood up from her seat after hearing the news.
Because of excessive force, the whole chair fell backwards.
Sirona couldn’t help but think of the phone call with Karunina half a day ago.
I thought to myself that this big wood repaired his mouth, didn’t he open his mouth?
So accurate?
“How is the alienation of the people doing?!”
Sirona shook her head, expelled the redundant thoughts from her brain, and hurriedly asked the alliance personnel who came to report.
“No, no, Diyaluka and Palkyan used their power to wrap up the whole city, as if putting Baiyang Town into another time and space that we can only see but cannot touch. The rescue work It simply cannot be done!”
The alliance personnel want to cry but have no tears.
For a while, the expressions of Sirona and many high-level alliance officials changed drastically.
Whether it was the battle between Lake of Wrath and the Rockets and Yulongdu some time ago, or the legendary battle that took place in Shixiang Town.
These two things are able to minimize the impact and disaster level.
It is because of the perfect completion of the alienation and asylum work of ordinary people.
Once civilians are involved in the disaster, the severity of the situation will be out of control.
“Champion, no matter what, let’s talk first”
Wu Song got up and said.
Sirona nodded and led the Sinnoh Alliance Four Heavenly Kings out of the headquarters quickly.
The luck of misfortune is that Tianguan Mountain crosses the entire Sinnoh region, and Baiyang Town is not too far from the headquarters.
In less than half an hour by helicopter, Sirona and her party reached the sky above the city.
Looking inside through the twisted and wavy weird shield.
In addition to the twin gods of time and space who were still wrestling together, there was also a messy and appalling city.
Indistinctly, we could still see crying children and the remains of victims who fell to the ground.
“Bite the land shark, please!”
Sirona bit her lower lip tightly with her white teeth, and threw out the poke ball to summon her ace.
“Dragon Star Group!”
Sirona hadn’t been completely overwhelmed by anger yet, and asked Lie Bite Lu Shark to use long-range attacks to test first.
Lie Bite Lu Sha raised his head to the sky, spit out a golden energy ball and exploded in mid-air, turning into countless small meteorites and falling down.
When it hit the twisted protective cover, there was no impact at all, as if sparks melted into the sea, it disintegrated and dissipated at the moment of contact.
“Not at all!”
Sirona gritted her teeth and was about to bleed.
In such a situation, even if it is delayed for a second, it is unknown how many innocent casualties will be caused.
“Champion, look over there!”
At this time, Daye stretched out his hand and pointed to the other side.
Sirona turned her head and found that at the entrance of the town and the bridge, there were still people directing the elves from the inside to continuously attack the protective shield, trying to break through the barrier made by the time and space gods from inside.
Seeing this, Sirona hurriedly letThe plane landed on the other side of the bridge.
Across the distorted but translucent diaphragm, Sirona immediately recognized the two girls who attacked the protective shield with elves on the opposite side. They were the two girls who had acted with Oki Xiu and destroyed the headquarters of the Sinnoh Alliance.
I remember it was called… Touzi, and Mei, right?
“The champion of Sirona is here! There are also four heavenly kings!”
And inside Baiyang Town, Xiaoguang also recognized the reinforcements coming from the other side through the blurred silhouettes, which were the champions and four heavenly kings of their Sinnoh region.
It’s a pity that although both parties can vaguely see each other, their voices cannot be conveyed.
“Can not be done!”
Touzi, who called himself King Yanwu and Tiehuohuiye, was not there to reinforce at all, and looked at the motionless barrier with a bitter face.
“After all, it is something created by legends, and we can’t break it at all.”
Mei on the side also called out her two strongest spirits, the Monarch Snake and the Popping Clown.
Together with Xiaoyao and Touzi, they want to break this distorted barrier of time and space.
But no matter how many elves they called out to attack together, the barrier still remained motionless.
As for Xiao Shun next to him, not to mention people like Harry.
“I can’t contact Ah Xiu at all, there is no signal!”
Xiaoyao, who released the flame chicken and the Qixi blue bird, also had a tone of crying.
“”〃Everyone be careful! ”
Saori exclaimed in surprise.
The angry dragon roar resounded through the sky again, Palkban and Dialga collided fiercely again
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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