The strong cross wind and the shock wave that can shatter rocks rippling around again.
Palucci was amazed that his hands were like the breath of water, entangled with streams of water.
The water burst!
Dialga opened his teeth, condensing the dark blue energy.
Dragon Wave!
They are coming again!
A small dark green prototype protective shield blocks the center of the two.
This slowed down the move speed of the time and space gods by a second.
That’s… Darkrai!
That’s right, from the fight between Dialga and Palkiban to the present, that Darkrai has repeatedly shot to stop the twin gods.
Originally, the two dragons of time and space didn’t bother to care about this little guy, and their moves were not ruthless, but (of Li Wang’s) just knocked it into the air.
But this little bastard interfered again and again, which immediately annoyed the time and space gods who were already at the peak of anger.
Want to die, right?
it is good!
Perfect for you!
In an instant, Dialga and Palkai were surprised that the relationship between the pair could be called a legend of brothers, and tacitly changed the attack target to Darkrai.
“No! It will die if it hits that trick!”
Xiaoyao shouted in panic.
Palkai was amazed that Diyaluka hadn’t turned Baiyang Town into a wisp of dust in the world after fighting for so long, all because of this Darkrai.
But there is also the reason why the time and space gods didn’t bother to pay attention to him at first.
But now, both Dialga and Palkyan were bored, and shifted their attack target to Clay.
If the two moves fall on it at the same time, even if this Darkrai has reached the peak strength of a second-level god, it will be dead.
240 Dialga: Strategic Negotiations
If Dragon’s Wave and Water Break hit that Darkrai, it would surely die on the spot.
The reputation of Darkrai, known as the “Nightmare God”, has never been very good among the people.
However, when Baiyang Town was in danger of being destroyed, although the specific reason was not known, it was indeed the one who stood up without fear and minimized the damage.
But now, seeing that the time and space gods have locked their eyes on Darkley.
Not only Xiaoyao and the others, but also the townspeople and tourists in Baiyang Town below couldn’t help worrying about Darkley.
“Die to my father!”
Dialga’s dragon wave and Palkian’s water burst were released together.
Darkley’s protective shield was instantly pierced like paper, and it seemed that the Nightmare God was about to be annihilated in the world.
Everyone thought that they were about to see the scene of Darkley’s death in the next second.
A golden circle suddenly emerged from the sky above Darkley, sucked it into it instantly, and disappeared in the next instant.
boom! ! !
The waves of the dragon and the water flow collided together, and the aftermath of the explosion hit the town like a sky fire, and it didn’t know how many lives were harvested.
560 But Mei and the others clearly saw it.
At the last moment just now, Darkley was indeed transferred away by some strange thing.
“The one just now was…”
Diya Luka and Palkui were overly surprised, and after Darkley disappeared, they didn’t make another shot immediately.
The golden ring just now… can’t be wrong!
It is the ability to control them some time ago, and cause them to be beaten by the black crack seat and the culprit Hupa who was beaten by Wujitai!
If possible, Dialga and Palkban would definitely catch up with that bastard right now.
Unfortunately, they do not have this tracking capability.
After being dazed for less than ten seconds, he turned his anger back to the enemy who had invaded his territory.
go to hell!
Immediately, Dialga opened his mouth again, and Palkban raised his arms again.
“It’s over, they are going to fight again!”
Although for some unknown reason, Darkley seemed to have escaped a catastrophe, making everyone happy for a few seconds.
But when he saw the two gods attacking again, Touzi held his face in horror again.
Alola Alliance Headquarters, Mount Lanakira.
Oki Xiu, Lusamine, Lillie and other girls surrounded the back garden of the headquarters, looking at Darkley who had just been fished out of the golden ring of space by Hoopa.
And Darkley himself was stunned, what’s going on?”Isn’t this Darkrai?”
Lusamine spoke.
Da Muxiu turned to look at Hupa, raised his eyebrows and said, “What’s going on? Hupa, didn’t you tell you to bring Diyaluka or Palkui here?”
At this time, the Rotom mobile phone, which was still in the call state, was flying by Oki Xiu’s shoulder.
The caller was Sirona.
When the fierce battle between the time and space gods was in full swing, Sirona couldn’t care less about the grievances with Da Muxiu, so she could only call him for help.
Moreover, the two girls who seem to have a good relationship with Oki are also trapped in another time and space.
Compared with him, he will not turn a blind eye.
After learning about this incident, Oki Ou also tried to call Mei and Toko.
As Sirona said, I can’t get in touch.
But he is not interested in traveling all the way to Sinnoh.
Since it was Diya Luka who fought with Palkyan, wouldn’t it be over if one of them was brought over?
but now……
Feeling the suspicion in Oki’s eyes, Hupa felt embarrassed and touched the back of his head, and said with a dry smile:
“I’m sorry, Hoopa~ Maybe it’s because they were too close, and I didn’t grasp the distance properly, just do it again.” After finishing speaking, Hoopa threw out the second gold ring, “Hoopa? Laolo!”
Subspace Slash and Time Roar (cfce) are about to collide again.
Without Darkley’s help, all the residents in Baiyang Town, which is in a distorted time and space, feel that they are really going to die.
Xiaoyao put her head in her hands, crying to her father and mother, “Are you really going to die here? Dad, Mom! I don’t want to die so early!”
Xiaoguang: “Why is this, I still have a lot of things I want to do!”
Mei: “I haven’t dated yet! I’m still a virgin!”
Touzi: “Please don’t say such nonsense at this time, okay!?”
At the very last moment, the golden ring that appeared above Darkley’s head just now appeared above Dialga’s head again this time.
A strong suction pulled it into the ring, as if replaying the scene where Darkley disappeared just now.
Dialga also disappeared together with the golden ring.
Palucci was surprised: “???”
The other townspeople and tourists below are also question marks.
“Oh! This is finally the right one.”
Seeing Diya Luka appear from the golden ring, Oki nodded in satisfaction.
Originally dragged into an unfamiliar environment, Dialga was stunned for a few seconds, and then found Hoopa beside Serena’s shoulder.
The Dragon of Time instantly remembered the memory of Shixiang Town, which can be called the biggest black history of his dragon life, and after roaring, he stepped on Punishment Hupa with one hoof.
“Calm down, Time Dragon.”
Oki raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth.
Wujitai flew out of the master ball at that moment, and the bone claws dug Diya Luka’s throat tightly, and dunked him in the snow.
Dialga looked shocked.
It was the skeleton bastard in front of him who made his face into this virtue!
“So handsome! This is the Dragon of Time!”
Dragon Control Sijana hurried up, jumping and screaming excitedly.
But when he saw that half of Dialka’s face seemed to be dissolved by sulfuric acid, he was surprised again, “Huh? What happened to Dialka’s face?” Dialka’s face turned black, damn it, this damned female Humans dare to sprinkle salt in their own wounds.
“Maybe it was caused by the Mieshi Longyan before Wuji Taina.”
Da Muxiu came over, squatted beside Diya Luka and said:
“God of Time, I’ll help you heal your wounds, so calm down and talk to us, how about that?”
Dialga frowned tightly. To be honest, he didn’t want to talk to the humans who mixed up with his enemy, Hoopa.
But noticing that Wuji Tai slowly opened his bloody mouth, Diya Luka wisely confessed:
“Alright, alright, Ben Long will listen to what you have to say.”
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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