No, this is not a confession, but a strategic negotiation.
Da Muxiu winked at Wu Ji Tai Na, signaling it to let Di Ya Luka go.
Immediately, he released the two wet nurses Miaowahua and Kapu Diedie from his team to heal Di Yaluka.
241 Hoopa, Dialga, remember me
At this moment, Palkyan, who was floating alone above Baiyang Town, had a look of being fed shit.
When it sees the golden ring, it knows:
It’s that guy Hoopa again!
First Darkrai’s bastard, then Dialga? You bastard.
What does that guy want to do! ?
Originally, that guy Palkyan and Hoopa would grab himself together like last time.
But after waiting for a while, I found that there was no movement at all.
Palucci frowned in confusion.
Not going to do it yourself?
What the hell is that guy Hoopa doing?
Now that the enemy is gone, no matter how unhappy Palkyan is, it will be of no avail in the end.
I had no choice but to tear open the gap between time and space and return to my own domain again.
But this enmity, it is remembered by the space dragon.
Hoopa, Dialga, don’t even try to escape!
Seeing the Space-Time Shuanglong leave one after another, Mei Xiaoyao and the other women let out a sigh of relief, and fell to the ground with their little butt drums.
Although I don’t know exactly what happened, but I finally saved my life.
Xiaoyao clasped his hands together, and said with a pious face: “Boss, I finally survived… Thank you, Mom and Dad, for your blessings.”
Mei: “Huh? After I go out, I have to have a good relationship. Otherwise, I won’t know what it’s like to be in love when I die, and it will be too miserable.”
Touzi: “Mei, your brain circuit is hopeless…”
“Sorry, everyone.”
At this time, Saori interjected: “It seems that we can’t get out from here yet.”As soon as these words came out, the girls turned their heads to look at Saori.
The other party raised his finger and pointed to the space-time barrier that hadn’t changed in the slightest.
“Mr. Xiu! Dialga and Palkiban are gone!”
Just when Da Muxiu released Kapu Diedie and Miaowahua to heal Diyaluka, Sirona’s shout came from the Rotom phone flying beside his shoulder.
“I know, Mei and the others have come out?”
Oki Xiutou asked without answering.
As expected.
Now that Dialga is gone, the Palkiban who lost their target should also return to their own territory
“No, the barrier is still there. Baiyang Town is still in a time and space where we cannot communicate with the outside world.”
Sirona said anxiously.
Oki raised his eyebrows, turned his head and asked Diyaluka whose face gradually returned to normal:
“God of Time, what’s going on?”
Dialga, who had been focusing on the fight with Palkban up until now, couldn’t understand the other party’s meaning for a while.
After a lot of talking and talking, Oki finally let Dialga understand what it meant.
“Oh~ that, because of the power of that bastard Benlong and Palkyan, they are cut off from the normal world. To explain it in terms that you humans can understand, it means that they are already in two different worlds.”
Dialga explained nonchalantly.
“Can you recover?”
Oki asked back.
Diyaluka shook his head, “That won’t work, it’s caused by the combined power of Ben Long and Palkia’s bastard, and it can only be repaired by the joint efforts of Ben Long and that bastard.”
emmm… But according to Sirona, Palkyan has already gone back, right?
In desperation, Da Muxiu could only say to Hupa:
“Hoopa, can you fish human beings?”
“For ordinary humans, Hoopa can get as much money as he wants!”
Hoopa proudly raised his back.
“Very good, please bring Mei and the others over.”
Damu practiced Taoism.
Since there is no way to restore the connection between Baiyang Town and the outside world, it is enough to just pull people out
“Who is Mei?”
Hoopa said with a confused face.
Oki rubbed his temples, and then remembered that Hupa had never seen Mei Toko and the others.
Turn on the phone and search for Toko’s blog, there are many photos of her and Mei traveling together
It also includes Xiaoyao’s.
At this time, Oki found that the latest group of photos released on Touzi’s blog actually included Xiaoguang, the heroine from the Sinnoh region.
It seems to have joined their ranks.
Then Oki showed Hupa a group photo of the four of them, Meitoko, Xiaoyao and Xiaoguang, and said:
“Just the four of them, let’s get them here.”
“No problem Hoopa!”
Hoopa then throws the last hoop.
There are indeed restrictions on fishing legends, but if it is an ordinary person or thing, Hoopa can fish as much as he wants.
…ask for flowers….
In less than five seconds, Mei Toko, Xiaoyao and Xiaoguang fell on the snow of Lanakira Mountain
The sudden cold wind blew these girls who were still wearing summer clothes shivering.
Mei: “Hey, where is this? Yah! Ah Xiu!”
Touzi: “Emperor, Dialga! And Darkrai!”
Xiaoyao: “Okay, it’s so cold! Flame chicken, make a fire quickly! It’s cold, it’s so cold.”
Xiaoguang: “Hey, where is this? Why did we come here suddenly?”
“Serena, explain to them.”
Da Muxiu rubbed his temples distressedly, he is not good at long-winded explanations.
“Finally recovered!”
Excitedly, Dialga stood up again, using the ice wall next to the snow mountain to take a picture of his repaired face.
Well, it’s so handsome.
This is suitable for Ben Long!
“There is such a thing! So Baiyang Town has been isolated from our world?”
On the other side, the four of Mei, who had heard Serena’s explanation, all showed shock.
“Yes, but there are still many people trapped in Baiyang Town, let alone that annoying Harry, Miss Saori is a good person, although Xiao Shun has a bad mouth, she is not a bad person. Are we going to die? ?”
Xiaoyao couldn’t bear it.
The pupils in Serena’s eyes twitched from side to side, and finally turned her gaze to Omu Xiu in front of Dialka.
According to Dialga’s narration just now, it can’t find Palkiban in normal times.
This is also the reason why the two sides mistakenly thought that the other party had invaded their own territory when they first met.
In other words, if Palkyan cannot be found and persuaded to help fix the problem in Baiyang Town.
Nahupa’s ability to teleport is the only way.
“I don’t want to deal with this matter.”
Oki Xiu said lazily.
The four of Mei and the others were rescued because they were related to him.
As for what happened to the others, Da Muxiu didn’t bother to care.
But now that Hoopa is Serena’s elf, what she wants to do, Da Muxiu will not deliberately stop Yu.
242 Palk class: Is it annoying?
Outside Baiyang Town, the successive disappearances of Diyaluka and Palkyan did not bring the town back to normal.
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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