This inevitably made Sirona and other alliance personnel outside the town even more anxious.
Through the semi-fuzzy distorted time and space, they could vaguely see that there were still a large number of survivors inside the town.
If they have been locked inside and unable to communicate with the outside world, the consequences will be disastrous.
“Girona champion!”
At this time, a girl’s voice sounded behind Sirona and her party.
Sirona, the Sinnoh Four Heavenly Kings and others turned their heads to look.
I saw the crowd headed by SerenaA young girl with an average age of only eighteen years old walked out of a strange golden circle.
“Serena… the king of heaven.”
Sirona subconsciously called out Serena’s hit, and finally hesitated for a moment before adding the honorific title. “five six zero”
Although she is the king of heaven, as long as she has seen Serena’s VS Crimson battle at the Quartz Conference, no one doubts that she has the strength of a champion.
It is said that Ohki Osamu once said that he would build the Alola League into the strongest alliance comparable to the Kanto League, and the four kings are all champions. I am afraid that this is really not a joke.
“Let’s help restore Baiyang Town, champion Sirona.”
Xiaoguang said.
“Repair? Yes, is there a way?”
Sirona couldn’t help worrying while being pleasantly surprised.
Serena nodded, “Well, Dialga told us that to reconnect Baiyang Town with the normal world, it needs the power of the two gods, Palkyan and it.” “Wait, Dialga Told you? What the hell is going on here?”
Wu Song was completely confused by Serena’s explanation.
After all, my group was outside from the beginning to the end, and I didn’t know anything about what happened inside Baiyang Town or the champion land far away in Alola.
“In short, Palkyan must be persuaded to help us.”
Serena didn’t explain too much, but said concisely:
“Next, we need Hoopa to help summon Palucci, and then try to convince it.”
“Hoopa? Is that the little guy?”
Sirona and the others looked at the little thing in Serena’s arms in astonishment.
They also heard about the name “Hoopa” from the Carlos Alliance’s pavilion owners and heavenly kings, but they never expected it to be such a small thing.
“Is she the Hoopa that Calune said, who can summon legends and control them?”
Sirona looked at her in astonishment.
Serena said with some embarrassment: “No, Hoopa hasn’t mastered that power yet. After all, the mood to liberate Hoopa hasn’t stabilized yet.”
These days, Serena has also been trying to negotiate with Punish Hoopa and Liberate Hoopa.
But every time the other party was released, it was a blow from another dimension to greet them.
After liberating Hupa, Kyurem sent by Da Muxiu, Rikuzuo and other elves hammered hard, and returned to the elf ball sullenly.
Cycle from this.
“Let Hoopa summon Palkyan? That Dialga is now…”
Sirona was confused.
“Di Yaluka is now in Alola, with Brother Xiu.”
Lillie explained:
“Brother Xiu said he didn’t want to worry about this matter, but Dialga has calmed down. If we can restore Palkyan to his senses, we can ask him to help Baiyang Town recover.
normal now. ”
“What method can be used to restore Palkiban’s sanity?”
Daye pinched his chin and asked puzzledly.
Mary looked indifferent, “I can only fight.”
Lillia’s explanation just now was inaccurate. The reason why Diyaluka was able to calm down was completely threatened by Wujitai.
Otherwise, I would have rewarded Hoopa with a Time Roar.
“Yes, do you want to fight Palkchi?”
Ah Liu, the weakest of the Sinnoh Four Heavenly Kings, was sweating profusely, “Really, is there really no other way?”
“…you don’t need to do anything.”
Marie’s tone was still neutral, but the look of disdain in her eyes also did not hide anything.
From the very beginning, they didn’t think about relying on Sinnoh’s people.
Mary silently took out her high-grade ball, and Lillie also took out a red and white normal ball.
“Are they… serious?”
Seeing that Lilia and these underage girls really wanted to fight Palkiban, Daye swallowed involuntarily.
“No, they can do it.”
Wu Song pushed down the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said solemnly:
“Have you forgotten? Their performance at the Quartz Conference…”
As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all members of the Shenao Alliance changed immediately.
“Is everyone ready?”
Serena turned her head and asked everyone.
After Lillie, Mary and the others nodded, Serena lowered her eyes and said to Hoopa in her arms:
“Please, Hoopa?”
“give it to me!”
Hoopa threw out the golden ring suddenly, “Hoopa? Lolo!”
The golden ring that was thrown into the air grew up in an instant, and just after returning to the gap between time and space, Palkiban, who had not closed his eyes for two seconds, was awakened again.
The anger that had not yet dissipated was now added with the anger of getting up.
Palucci’s surprised anger burned to a new peak, and after a roar, his eyes glanced around.
Are you bothered? !
It’s that bastard who wants to die! ?
“Okay, what a scary Wia!?”
A Liu was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground.
I couldn’t feel it through the space-time barrier before, but now I really feel the deterrent power of the legend “Hoopa!?”
Palkyan, who turned his head around, immediately locked his eyes on Hoopa in Serena’s hand
Oh shit!
Just to avenge the last time!
Before finding Dialga’s four-legged lizard, I’ll start with you! 2.4
Thinking of this, the cracked purple pearl on Palkyan’s right arm began to emit a strong light.
Paluchban doesn’t care about punishing Hoopa and liberating Hoopa.
Anyway, Hoopa is right!
The first is the Yakong Split Slash!
It seems that it really wants to seek revenge on Hoopa.
“Little Nebula!”
Lillie and Marie threw their respective poke balls, and Solgaleo and Yveltal flew into the sky together, one left and one right, attacking Palk with cannon light cannons and waves of evil together!
“Sure enough, call them out!”
Wu Song had such an expression, as early as in the Quartz Conference, Lillie and Marie had shown the two legends they had.
But what surprised the Sinnoh Four Heavenly Kings and his party even more was that,Yveltal actually obeyed the order? ! .
243 Stick beats the dog in the water, my favorite
On the snowy mountain behind the headquarters of the Alola Alliance.
“Oh? So you and Palkyan were attracted by something together, and you mistakenly thought that the other party had invaded your territory, so you started fighting?”
During the conversation, Da Muxiu learned an interesting thing.
It is different from that in the original book, because of the imminent awakening of Arceus, the respective time and space of Palkia and Dialga blend together, resulting in the overlap of the territories of the two sides, making them mistakenly think that the other party has invaded their territory.
The reason why the space-time gods fought this time was because a force was calling them, and Bing summoned them to the same place.
That’s what caused them to fight.
Although the same is due to misunderstanding, the specific reasons are different.
“That should be the power of the relics left by Ben Long and the idiot Paluchban.”
Under the persuasion (threat) (threat) of Da Muxiu, Di Yaluka had no objection and was eager to return to the gap between time and space. He bent his neck and replied while drinking water:
“Someone should have used that to wake up Ben Long and Palkchi, that idiot.”
“What is Arceus’ attitude towards human beings? He doesn’t really intend to destroy human beings, does he?”
When this topic was mentioned, Dialka stopped drinking water, and after a few seconds, he said with shame:
“Father God was deceived by human beings and seriously injured back then… He has been in a deep sleep state, and he should wake up after thinking about it. If that day really comes, I can only join hands with Palkia and Dialka to stop it. ”
Although they dislike each other on weekdays, when it comes to critical moments, the three gods of Sinnoh will fight against the enemy together with the enemy.
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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