In the original book, they also briefly formed an alliance and dealt with Arceus together.
Although it is basically just being shaken to the ground and pounded.
“Is there really that kind of idiot who dares to lie to the God of Creation?”
Sigana could hardly imagine her ears.
It is not uncommon for humans to covet the power of legends, but in Sijana’s impression, Hooh, Lugia and the like are at their limits.
There are still people who have made their minds on Chuangshi Shen. Isn’t this lighting a lamp in a latrine?
“Things like human desires are unimaginable.”
Da Muxiu couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.
But when it comes to Arceus’s act of destroying the world, Da Muxiu also felt a little speechless, and said to Di Yaluka:
“However, your father is too extreme. Back then, only one person cheated it, but it wanted to take revenge on all human beings. Isn’t that a bit too much? Let’s talk about it, can we only take revenge on the descendants of that family, or only take revenge on Shenao? Get the others involved.”
At that time, he coveted the origin power of Arceus, and seized the life gem with the fusion of the five origin powers of water drop, emerald green, earth, thunder and lightning, and dragon.
Causing Arceus to hate humans madly.
In the final analysis, they are all moths made by the so-called “Super Grace” family.
It would be understandable if Arceus only took revenge on that clan of big wood repairers.
But it poured its anger on all human beings, and Da Muxiu felt that it was too much.
“If you can persuade Father God, you can try.”
Dialga said silently.
But based on its understanding of Arceus, if it can be persuaded with words, it is not the Father God
“Xiu, will the world really be destroyed by Arceus?”
Lusamine couldn’t help sticking to Oki Xiu’s side, trying to gain some sense of security.
Sigana on the other side widened her eyes in shock.
Fuck me, this woman is Lillie’s mother, right?
She, how could she do this to Xiu! ?
“Who knows?”
Da Muxiu turned his head and asked Dialga:
“Hey, Dialga, if I join forces with the three dragons of Sinnoh with the power I have now, do you think I can stop Arceus?”
Diya Luka was stunned, and the legends such as Sirem, Wuji Taina, and Cracking Seat owned by Da Muxiu appeared in his mind, as well as the pink devil Divers and other monsters that were not legends, but were extremely terrifying.
Plus myself and my hated Palkyan and Giratina…
“I think it should be enough, but if you can add another guy who is not inferior to Kyurem, it should be safer.”
Dialga replied after pondering.
Not inferior to the legend of Kyurem, it is really hard to find.
That is to say, the complete body Hoopa, the black cracked empty seat and the infinite Tai, do they have this ability?
and many more!
There was indeed one that didn’t show up.
It’s just that it’s more difficult to find it.
After all, strictly speaking, Necrozma is not considered an elf, but a “beast” belonging to another world.
“It’s been a long time, the battle on Lillie’s side should be over, right?”
Lusamine said suddenly.
Da Muxiu asked Rotom’s arm to report the time.
It has been nearly 20 minutes since Lillie and the others went to Sinnoh through Hoopa’s magic ring, and it’s almost time to finish the fight.
“Forget it, let’s go and have a look.”
Da Muxiu turned his head and looked at the magic ring that Hoopa had left here beforehand.
Walk into it with Dialga.
Boom—spray! ! !
Da Muxiu and Diya Luka just came to the outer area of ​​Baiyang Town through the magic ring.
Then I saw Palkyan being hit hard on the ground, smashing the 560 end of the bridge and falling into the lake below.
And it was Lillie’s Solgaleo, Marie’s Yveltal, and the Phoenix King summoned by Hoopa who joined forces to knock down Palkyan, led by Serena.
It seems that after the last battle, Phoenix KingShe liked Serena quite a bit, but she didn’t resist.
“Hahaha! How ugly! Stupid Palucci class!”
Diyaluka’s face was full of smiles. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Palkyan being beaten. It was so cool!
“Come on less, it’s your fate.”
Da Muxiu rolled his eyes at the villainous Diya Luka.
Even though none of the three first-level gods above was a match for Palkyan in a single duel, it would be a different matter if they joined forces and were commanded by a champion-level trainer.
Palkiban, who rushed out of the lake again, immediately spotted his deadly enemy, Dialga, and angrily shouted:
“Dialga! You guys are here too!?”
“Ouch? Want to fight? I’ll accompany you!”
Dialga happily flew over and said with a smile.
Normally, Dialka wouldn’t bother to write a book like Beating a Dog in the Water, but it’s a different story if the object is Palkyan.
“Okay, stop messing around.”
Oki Xiu said:
“Can we talk about business?”.
244 Giratina: Come to reverse the world, specifying you to eat fruit
“Okay, it’s amazing, Palk was crushed and beaten from start to finish.”
On one side of the space-time barrier, Aliu looked at the distant sky, and with a dragon’s tail, he pulled Palkyan back into the small MEGA seat in the big lake below, and Gulu swallowed a mouthful of saliva.
Although Lilia’s three daughters had the upper hand in the battle with Palkiban just now, it was three against one after all.
But right now, just one of the empty seats in MEGA can crush Palk and hit him. This scene is too shocking.
“Huh? Didn’t Brother Xiu say he didn’t care? Why did you still lose?”
A puzzled expression appeared in Lillie’s eyes.
“But it will be fine this way, thank you, Feng Wang.”
Serena took Hoopa and jumped off the back of the Glitter Toucan, hugging its fluff on the front of the moon and rubbing it twice.
Sirona licked her lips tightly. To be honest, she really didn’t want that man to set foot on Shenao’s land again.
“The winner has been decided.”
Mary said calmly.
Palucci rushed out of the lake angrily again.
But Diya Luka found an opportunity to give it a kick, and finally made Palkyan completely dumbfounded.
Palkban fell on one side of the broken bridge, as if repeating the battle of Ragnarok that happened in Shixiang Town before.
“What a recalcitrant old man.”
Floating to the side of the Palk class, the small crack empty seat released the MEGA form, and almost smiled on his face.
After killing the God of Space, the legend of my uncle will have another splendid stroke in the future.
Unlike the previous tragic battle in Shixiang Town, Palkyan only lost his physical strength now, and did not pass out like last time. He fought with Dialga, Solgaleo, Yveltal, and Hooh successively, and finally fought against MEGA Kozakuza. No matter how thick its skin is, it can’t hold it anymore.
“Can you calm down and talk now?”
Da Muxiu also came over at this time, lowered his head and asked Palkyan who was lying on the ground.
“You human being again? Why did you help Dialga invade my domain! o???”
Palkiban’s eyes seemed to burst into flames, and a telepathy full of anger sounded.
“You fart! It’s you who invaded the time and space of this dragon!”
Dialga roared angrily.
Da Muxiu silently took out the platinum orb. For these two rivals, the most deterrent, except for Arceus, is Giratina.
Sensing the rich and exclusive Giratina energy emanating from the orb that Oki took out, Dialga and Palki suddenly stopped bickering.
“Hey hey hey! Wait! Wait! Human!”
“Don’t mess around, don’t mess around, you have something to say!”
The Gods of Time and Space, who were still invincible just now, are now slurring their speech like a mouse seeing a cat, which makes people find it funny.
But it feels like the third legend in each region can tell the first two.
For example, the Rift Seat is for Gurado Gaioka, Giratina is for Dialga Palkian, Ziggard is for Yveltal Zernias, and Necrozma is for Solga Leo Lunala…
Oh, it seems that the only exception is Wuji Tai, who was hammered by Cang Xiang and Zangmarante.
“Didn’t I already tell you, Diya Luka? You woke up from your deep sleep when you felt something calling you, Palkian, didn’t you? It’s just that when you saw the other party suddenly, you mistakenly thought it was someone else. One side has invaded its own territory.”
Da Muxiu silently put away the platinum orbs, anyway, Giratina would have to pack them both afterwards.
“Is it a relic I left in the world?”
Palucci reacted in surprise.
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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