“White jade orb and diamond orb.”
Oki Osamu speculated.
Together with the key of the gun, it is called the three major cultural relics in the Sinnoh area since ancient times. According to legend, it is a holy relic left by the two gods of time and space.
“The stolen diamond orb and the white jade orb!?”
At this time, a group of members of the Sinnoh Alliance headed by Sirona also rushed over, just in time to hear Oki Xiu talking to himself.
“Mr. Xiu, does what happened in Baiyang Town have anything to do with the stolen white jade orbs and diamond orbs?”
Wu Song said urgently.
Da Muxiu ignored the other party’s question at all, and said to Palucci:
“The ones who summoned you are nothing more than a third-rate gang of human beings. It’s no big deal. The key is Arceus. If it wakes up and is really going to destroy the world, can I ask you to help me too? I like this world very much, and I don’t want to. To see it destroyed.”
“…Although I don’t want to cooperate with this guy, but……All right. ”
I don’t know if he was convinced, but Palki was surprised and simply agreed, without hesitating for a long time.
“Two gods, please restore the distorted time and space in Baiyang Town.”
At this time, Sirona mustered up the courage to come forward and shouted to Dialga and Palkian.
The two dragons looked sideways, only to realize that a human town had been messed up by them.
Just now, all my attention was on the dry frame, and I didn’t pay attention to this matter at all.
The space-time twin dragons did not pretend to be arrogant, and exerted their strength at the same time. The distorted and fluctuating time-space barrier began to dissipate. The dilapidated streets seemed to go back in time and space, and the regular script returned to its original state.
Xiao Shun was shocked and said: “”Okay, that’s amazing! ”
Although I have seen the legendary battle in Larousse City, the power displayed by the small Rift Karaza and Deoxys at that time is simply impossible to compare with the space-time twin dragons.
“This is God…”
Saori, who once boasted that she has good strength, has completely opened her eyes. In front of these legends, their ordinary trainers seem so insignificant.
Harry’s mouth was dry and he was so surprised that he couldn’t speak at all.
“Okay, it’s okay, let’s go.”
Oki turned around and said.
A round of black hole suddenly opened from mid-air, and the dark and evil cold air trembled in the hearts of everyone present (by Li Wang).
Immediately afterwards, a cold red pupil appeared in the black hole.
Before anyone else could react, Giratina suddenly rushed out of the black hole, grabbed Palkban’s neck in one bite, and dragged it into the reverse world.
“Fuck! Human! You!”
Palki glared at Damu Xiu in surprise, shock and anger.
“Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t do anything.”
Seeing Palkyan’s eyes, Oki knew that this guy suspected that he used the platinum orb to recruit Giratina.
But unfortunately, this has nothing to do with Oki Xiuzhen, it was Giratina who came to the door by himself.
“I have something to go.”
Dialga hurriedly opened the time passage, only regretting that Arceus didn’t give himself two more legs to drill into the passage.
slip away~
Giratina’s eyes were ruthless, and he switched to the origin state, and swung his tail towards Dialga.
Don’t even try to run away! .
245 President retires
Five seconds later, Giratina in the original form bit Palkiban’s shoulder, twisted Dialga’s neck with his tail, and dragged them both into the reverse world.
This scene looked silly to everyone who was shocked by the power of the time and space gods a few seconds ago.
Are they afraid they are dreaming?
How low are the time and space gods?
“Hoo? Hoo Hoo—!!”
Diyaluka and Palkyan made miserable pig-calls, but they were finally unable to resist and were dragged into the reversed world.
But presumably Giratina himself knows it well, and to stop Arceus in the future, he will have to rely on the strength of these two guys.
“Xiu, do you really want to fight Arceus?”
Xiao Lie Kongzuo flew to Da Muxiu’s side, his face was tense but his tone couldn’t hide the excitement.
“Emmm go back to Alola first.”
Da Muxiu glanced at himself and the lineup of these little girls under his command.
Needless to say, how strong Arceus is, Omiko himself doesn’t think he will lose, but in order to be sure, Omiko still wants to get the last top legend, Necrozma, into his hands.
563 “It’s amazing! Xiu, as expected, you’ll be fine if you want to come!”
Xiaoyao ran up to Da Muxiu with a look of admiration, jumping and shouting excitedly as before.
Da Muxiu put his hand on Xiaoyao’s scarf, signaling her to be quiet.
“This time… thank you for your help.”
Sirona suppressed the complicated emotions in her heart, walked over and bowed lightly to Da Muxiu in thanks.
Regardless of the past, if Damu Xiu hadn’t come over, the residents of Baiyang Town and the entire town would have disappeared.
“You’re welcome, as I said, I don’t really have any particular hatred for Sinnoh, no matter whether it is safe or destroyed.”
Oki Osamu said the horrifying remarks with a relaxed face.
Sirona frowned, sure enough he hasn’t changed at all!
“Mr. Xiu, if the appearance of Dialga and Palkiban this time is caused by the Vajra Orb and the White Jade Orb, then Team Galaxy must be the culprit.” At this time, the current president of the Sinnoh Alliance Chi Ri walked out, speaking seriously.
When he, the leader of the Galaxy team, said such words, Oki Xiu almost couldn’t hold back his laughter.
“Yeah, the strength of this organization (cfce) is not good, but the ability to do things is pretty good. I really want to see what kind of virtue their leader has.”
Damu Xiuguai laughed.
Chi Ri’s expression didn’t change much, as if everything really had nothing to do with him.
And the members of the Sinnoh Alliance, headed by Sirona, all looked extremely dignified.
If the time and space gods were really summoned by the white jade orb and the diamond orb.
There is no doubt that the man behind the scenes is Team Galaxy who stole the orb.
As Da Muxiu said, this gang itself is not that strong.
But the alliance just couldn’t catch their tails.
It feels like they can always predict the league’s next move.
“Axiu! Lizhi Lake will hold the Mikri Cup soon, how about you come to see me and Xiaoguang’s match?” Xiaoyao invited with a look of anticipation.
“It depends on the situation. I will come when I have time. Please work hard.”
After Da Muxiu left a word of encouragement to Xiaoyao and the girls, he asked Serena to ask Hoopa to open the space channel again.
Hoopa threw out the magic ring, and sent Oki Xiu and Li Liai back to Alola.
“It’s really enviable, to be able to drive the power of legends so freely.”
Seeing that the magic ring dissipated, Harry bit his handkerchief enviously.
Who doesn’t envy a trainer with legends?
Now countless trainers, even big forcesIsn’t it also the reason for the crowd to curry favor with Da Muxiu? You know, those little girls who follow Da Muxiu basically have a legend in their hands.
How not to be envious?
“What a pity, champion.”
The ground king Juye walked to Sirona, and said with deep meaning in his eyes:
“If that hadn’t happened, you’d have at least one legend in your hand by now.”
“Don’t say such things, Grandma Juye.”
Sirona rarely showed displeasure.
She, Sirona, is not that woman who climbs up to power and wealth!
After returning to Alola.
Da Muxiu immediately summoned Akromar who was far away on the artificial island of ether.
Since Lusamine became the president of the Alola Alliance and set up the alliance headquarters on Ula’ula Island
I seldom return to Ether Paradise.
Things over there are basically managed by Akromar.
And Akromar has not been idle, and has not given up on the research on the ultimate hole during this time.
“The progress of the research is very good, Mr. Xiu.”
Akroma couldn’t hide the excitement in his tone, and said to Damu:
“The energy fluctuation of the ultimate hole is extremely unstable recently.”
“That is to say…”
Oki Xiu slightly squinted his eyes.
Akromar nodded, “Yes, on the other side of the ultimate cave, there is a powerful elf active, far stronger than the previous beasts.”
Da Muxiu showed an excited smile, “Very well, it seems that we will meet Necrozma soon.”
Akromar also pushed down his glasses excitedly, “Nekrozma, who Mr. Xiu called ‘beyond all previous legends’, I really want to study it, it’s really exciting
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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