“There’s an email for Loto! There’s an email for Loto! It’s Loto from Lover 1!”
While Da Muxiu and Akromar were discussing the next plan, Rotom’s mobile phone flew out of Da Muxiu’s pocket to report.
The corners of Akromar’s eyes couldn’t help twitching, what kind of remark is this? Return No. 1 lover…
Oki Xiu didn’t care, and swiped open the screen to have a look.
Well, it’s a message from lover number 1, Lusamine.
Wow, breaking news.
The number one figure of the Elf Alliance, the chairman of the Kanto Alliance and the chairman of the alliance, Damaranqi, will announce his retirement.
The members of the alliance who knew about the defection of the former four heavenly kings in Kanto knew it well.
It’s not that Damalan is retiring, but because of the defection of Yulongdu and others, he resigned.
It’s just that this truth must never be announced to the outside world, so it was replaced by the better-sounding term “retirement”.
“Brother No. 1 is calling! Brother No. 1 is calling!”
Just as Oki finished reading the email, Rotom yelled again.
Da Muxiu looked up again and swiped the screen.
A green face immediately appeared from the screen.
“Cousin, have you read the news?!”
The green face was almost stuck to the screen, and he said excitedly.
“It’s about President Damalan, right? By the way, stay away from the camera.”
Da Muxiu was rather disgusted.
When Qinglu heard this, she stood a little further away, but still said excitedly: “Cousin, the opportunity for our Omu family has come!”.
246 My Damu Family Is Invincible Under Heaven
“I see, it’s rare that you have the same idea as me, Little Green.”
After briefly exchanging opinions with Qinglu, Oki Xiu crossed his legs and showed approval on his face.
“I always feel that you are belittling me, but forget it.”
Qinglu raised her eyebrows, then said again:
“All in all, as long as Grandpa takes over the position of Mr. Damalanqi, our Damu family will be invincible, isn’t it, cousin!” As soon as the news of Damalanqi’s retirement came out, political forces in all regions began to stir.
The president of the alliance is undoubtedly the chief of the Elf Alliance, and even the most powerful figure in the entire Elf Continent.
Although in front of legendary owners like Oki Ou or Sakagi, the level of power is not very attractive.
But how many people in this world can reach the height of a legendary trainer?
Even people like Yulongdu can be driven crazy by political means.
The Oki family is no exception.
Although there was a big wooden repair, they were promoted from a middle-level family with no power to a first-class family-the ranks.
But who would think that there is too much power in their hands?
Dr. Yusei Oki, who is well-known in the research field, was elected as the new president.
Whether it’s Oki Osamu, Qinglu or Xiaomao, they all have the same idea.
Although Da Muxiu also thought that his grandfather Da Mucheng would also come.
It’s a pity that his old man’s reputation in Alola is not bad, and he really doesn’t have much presence in other regions.
Zhenxin Town, Dr. Damu Institute.
“Oh, my old bone still wants to focus on the study of elves.” After knowing the thoughts of several juniors in the family, Dr. Oki scratched the back of his head with a tangled expression. It’s really not Versailles.
Otherwise, he should be the champion of the Kanto League by now, not a researcher.
Seeing her grandfather’s indecision, Qinglu beat her chest and feet angrily.
He had never had this kind of thought before, but now he really felt that his grandfather was too ambitious.
“I’m beginning to understand why Grandma Juzi looks down on you, Grandpa.”
Really couldn’t find any reason to persuade Dr. Oki, Qinglu said in a panic.
Now Chihong has submitted the champion’s resignation letter to the league. In this way, it is a certainty that he, who ranks second, will be the new Kanto League champion.
In this way, my cousin Ohki Ou is the strongest trainer in the world, I am the champion of the Green Kanto League, and my grandfather Oki Yusei is the president of the Elf League.
If this wish can really come true, Qinglu just wants to roar:
“IThe Damu family is invincible! ”
However, how could he have expected that facing the duck that almost flew to his mouth.
Dr. Oki didn’t really want to eat it.
Oki Nanami, who was beside Dr. Oki, cast a reproachful look at his younger brother, “Xiaolu, what did you say? If Grandpa doesn’t want to be, you can’t do it. Are you still forcing him?”
Qinglu scratched her head with a headache.
He was about to call Da Muxiu again, but a golden magic ring with a diameter of about two meters suddenly appeared on the side of the research institute.
The three of them, oh, plus Aunt Hanako were taken aback.
Two seconds later, I saw Da Muxiu walking out of the weird circle holding a little devil-like elf.
“Hoopa is so convenient, it even saves airfare.”
Oki Ou, who came to Kanto from Alola with Hoopas in his arms, said to himself.
“Oh! This is the legendary Hoopa! Does it have the power to summon other beasts? Ah Xiu, show me!” Seeing the little devil in Da Muxiu’s arms, Dr. Da Mu drooled instantly rushed up.
The punishment Hupa was taken aback, and he quickly shrank into Oki Xiu’s arms, complaining in a loli voice:
“What’s going on? This human being looks so disgusting…”
“I’m sorry? Little Hoopa, Grandpa didn’t mean anything malicious.”
Nanami hurried forward to comfort her.
Seeing that Dr. Oki was still drooling at Hoopa, Oki was quite speechless and said:
“Is this what a president should look like?”
“Cousin, grandpa said he doesn’t want to be a man, what should we do?”
Qinglu walked up with a displeased face.
“Ah? I guessed it too.”
Oki replied.
After talking with Qinglu, Oki Xiu thought of this question——
In all likelihood, Dr. Oki would not be willing to be the president.
Otherwise, he would not have given up his position as the champion of the Kanto League in order to become an elf researcher at his peak.
…ask for flowers….
It even triggered the blackening of Juzi’s mother-in-law.
“Then, what should we do? Cousin.”
Qinglu really didn’t want to give up this good opportunity to make the Damu family famous.
“If it doesn’t work, I can only let Uncle Ying or Luoz take this position. There is no other way, and I can’t find any other candidates.”
Oki shrugged.
Now the most hopeful person to take over Damarange’s position.
One is Yu Longying, the president of the Chengdu Alliance, and the other is Luozi, the president of the Galar Alliance.
The other presidents of the alliance are either too old to compete like Grandma Long, or they just came to power like Zvokie Dawu, so they don’t have the qualifications.
And Yu Longying and Luo Zi are the most promising competitors.
If you had to choose one of these two, Da Muxiu would prefer Luoz.
The Galar region managed by Roz needs the enormous energy of Wujitana, for which he is very dependent on Oki Xiu who is the trainer of Wujitana, and therefore will never betray himself.
“Cousin, I think Uncle Ying is pretty good.”
At this time, Xiao Mao, who was silently on the sidelines and couldn’t get in the way, said:
“Think about it, as long as you marry Miss Yulongchun, he will be your father-in-law, and the child will also be surnamed Damu, so the final benefits will still fall to our family?”
Qinglu’s eyes lit up, and she patted Xiaomao on the shoulder, “Good boy, it’s rare that you are so smart!”
Damu repaired the black lines all over his head.
Why do these two boys feel that they are getting more and more flamboyant, and they can come up with such an idea.
“Cousin, do you have a better candidate? Or is there any woman among you who is suitable to be the president?”
Qinglu spread her hands.
Among other things, Da Muxiu knew which women Qinglv Xiaomao had.
Speaking of which, Xiaomao is also a playboy, only Qinglu is a traitor, and he only loves his gay friend Chihong.
Da Muxiu remained silent.
Well, among his women, there are really few who are good at politics, the model Xiaojuer, the actress Karunai, the cute Mary, Serena and the others… Wait! ? It seems… there is really another one… Yu.
247 Not to mention women, men are…
The Quartz Plateau, the headquarters of the Elven Alliance.
Although he announced his retirement statement, Damalan, who is still serving as president, looked at the resignation report presented at the table, then looked up at the young man standing in front of him, sighed secretly and asked :
“Has it been decided yet?”
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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