The red face was calm, and after nodding, he said concisely and forcefully:
“This position is not for me.”
Obviously, Chi Hong, who has been the champion of the Kanto League for less than a month, now wants to voluntarily resign her position as the champion.
This is definitely a record that is difficult to break in a short period of time.
However, compared to the original book, which may only sit on the throne for a few hours and a few minutes, and the green fart is not yet warm, the red has been in office for a long time.
Seeing that Chi Hong had decided to go, no matter how helpless Damara was, he could only agree in the end, and then cast his eyes on “563” to another boy next to him, and said:
“Then, the next title of champion should be taken over by you, Qinglu, who ranks among the four heavenly kings in terms of strength.”
“No problem, President, don’t worry, I will do better than Chi Hong.”
Qinglu is still full of confidence.
At present, the combat effectiveness of the two is considered to be equal, but after Chi Hong enters the Silver Mountain, the strength of the two will become stronger…
“Stop calling me that, I won’t be growing anytime soon.”
Damalanchi forced a smile, raised his eyes and asked:
“By the way, what did Xuecheng say?”
“The old man doesn’t want to take over this position. I persuaded him with my cousin yesterday, but it didn’t work for a long time.”When this topic was mentioned, Qinglu looked disappointed.
Hearing that his old friend had no intention of taking over his position, Damalan felt regretful, but at the same time rejoiced.
After all, if Oki Yusei is the president, Oki Qinglu will be the champion of the Kanto League, plus Oki Omu, who is undoubtedly the strongest trainer in the world.
The power of the Oki family will expand to the extreme.
Whether it is Chengdu’s Yulong or Hezhong’s super power, they are far from being able to match.
Absolute power will inevitably lead to absolute corruption.
Damalan doesn’t want a family or a power to be too strong.
“But even so, it’s still very important who Xiuna supports.”
Damalan thought to himself.
Currently the most powerful contenders for the position of president are Luoz from Galar and Yu Longying from Chengdu.
These two people have not shallow friendship with Da Muxiu.
Who will succeed the two of them and which side Oki Xiu chooses to support will be crucial.
“By the way, is Xiu going back to Kanto now? Didn’t you ask him to come with you?”
Damalanchi then asked again.
Qinglu replied: “My cousin received a call this morning, and then walked over with a green face. I don’t know what news he received.”
Everyone in the office was rendered speechless by Qing Lu’s description, thinking that if Da Muxiu knew that you said that about him, he would beat you to death.
Home of the Union District Champions.
Miaowahua and Kapu-Diedie, two nurses in the big Muxiu team, cling to Xiaojuer’s sides, one on the left and one on the right.
Da Muxiu said with a serious expression and intense tension:
“Miao Frog Flower, Ka Pu Die Die, from now on, you two don’t have to do anything, just follow Xiao Ju’er, if she feels any discomfort, you can use your healing power to heal her right away, you know?”
“Aren’t you exaggerating too much?”
From the time she met Da Muxiu until now, Xiao Juer could say that it was the first time she saw him showing such an expression, and she couldn’t help laughing out loud.
After returning to Hezhong from the Quartz Conference, Xiao Ju’er sometimes felt that there were some problems with her body, she had no appetite to eat, and occasionally had a vomiting reaction.
Under the persuasion of Fenglu, Wanlong and other sisters, Xiaojuer finally went to see a doctor.
The final answer was:
“For the safety of the baby, it is best not to have sex in the first three months and the last two months.”
Having said that, everyone knows what’s going on.
It can be said that the whole world rejoiced after the inside of the United Alliance learned about this.
the reason is simple.
Even Granny Long, who is in a semi-retired state, found Xiao Ju’er immediately, hoping that she could set the birthplace of the child’s future trainer in Hezhong.
Da Muxiu and Xiao Ju’er’s children, how can I say that they are also half of Hezhong blood?
Of course, the more important thing is that this child is likely to inherit everything from Da Muxiu in the future!
Xiaoju’er’s sudden pregnancy made her obsessed with the second dimension in her previous life, and Da Muxiu, who planned to die alone, was caught off guard.
“Then, that… you won’t be angry, will you?”
Xiao Ju’er suddenly had a trace of guilt on her face, and asked Da Muxiu…
Seeing Da Muxiu turn his eyes to look over, Xiao Ju’er lowered her pretty face and said in a low voice:
“That, that, about the safety day, I, I lied to you…”
In this, it is not only because women have a mother’s love, but also because of Xiao Ju’er’s own little calculations in her heart.
There are no girls who are eighteen forever, but there are girls who are eighteen forever.
Although Marie, Serena and other women expressed their feelings towards Oki Xiu in a very obscure way.
But as a woman, how could Xiaoju’er not see it?
When I am old, and Mary, Serena and other young girls grow up one by one, what should I do if Omu Xiu doesn’t want me anymore?
Well, in fact, Oki Xiu has absolutely enough affection for every woman around him.
Almost everyone has a legend.
Even if they break up, the woman will definitely not lose.
Damn, you can get a legend just by sleeping.
As far as this condition is concerned, not to mention women, even men would be eager to stick to Da Muxiu.
Except for Karuna who didn’t have time to give the only suitable one.
However, the two of them were in a transactional relationship from the beginning, and it would be a later matter when they developed feelings… But no matter what, Xiao Ju’er couldn’t do things when the day came.
She wants to have an indelible bond with Da Muxiu.
“You think I don’t know?”
Da Muxiu was speechless.
Did Xiao Ju’er really think of herself as a fool?
2.4 During that time, the two of them came almost every few days. Who came every few days on a safe day?
Oki slender sighed.
“You, you won’t abandon our mother and child, will you? I, let me tell you, I am the only one who will give birth to this child!”
Seeing Da Muxiu sigh, Xiao Ju’er suddenly became nervous.
“What are you thinking?”
Da Muxiu lightly gave Xiao Ju’er a head-scratching blow, “I will give him the best education so that he can grow up healthily.”
PS: After writing this, everyone should have noticed that this book is coming to an end.
It is said that the author’s sickness has not been completely cured. Although it is not considered a serious illness for surgery, it is still very tormenting. I hope it can be completely cured before the Chinese New Year.
I also wish you all a happy new year.
One last word, 2021, Wori, you are a fairy! .
248 Are you playing dirty with me?
“I’ll listen to my cub’s voice.”
While chatting, Da Muxiu squatted down and put his head on Xiaoju’er’s flat belly.
Xiao Ju’er showed a dumbfounding expression, she had never seen this guy so naive, how long has it been? How could there be sound?
“Cough cough?”
At this time, Grandma Long coughed twice, interrupting the tenderness of Da Muxiu and Xiao Juer.
“Should you avoid understanding at this time?”
Da Muxiu said with a cold face.
“The most important thing now is to discuss the future of this child, right?”
Grandma Long said solemnly:
“existBefore you came, we old ladies had a discussion about letting Xiaoju’er raise her baby in Longzhi Township, what do you think? ”
The Hezhong League is so concerned about this matter, naturally there is a reason why this child has the half of the Hezhong blood that belongs to Xiao Ju’er.
Coupled with Da Muxiu’s cultivation, the bottom line is guaranteed to be a champion potential.
Alas, many tiger-style parents always say “you can’t let your children lose at the starting line”.
None of them knew that if they worked harder, their children would be born on the finish line.
Not to mention the cubs of Da Muxiu and Xiao Ju’er, who were born directly on the championship podium.
Da Muxiu thought about it for a while, and agreed.
As a treasured land for elves in the Hezhong area, Dragon Township has many advantages such as strict security and pleasant natural scenery, which is very suitable for raising babies.
More importantly, Da Muxiu will deal with Necrozma next, although the Alola area will not be too dangerous.
But Da Muxiu would never allow any danger to get close to his child.
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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