During Oki’s time in Hezhong, Sinnoh was just as he expected.
Something really happened.
The first Mikri Cup, which is highly anticipated by coordination trainers all over the world, will be held in Lizhi Lake, a well-known treasure of Sinnoh.
The event that the Galaxy team forcibly captured the Sinnoh Sansheng mushroom occurred.
That is, the three elves of Yuxi, Emrido, and Aknom.
In other words, they are red holy mushrooms, blue holy mushrooms and yellow holy mushrooms.
As a special guest at that time, Mikri, who came all the way from Fangyuan, discovered this scene in time.
Just want to stop it.
Although Mikri’s strength can only be ranked last among the major regional champions, it is not a problem to deal with Zhenxing, Buxing, these Galaxy team cadres.
However, at the last opportunity, he lost to Chiri, who possessed the advanced strength of the champion!
That’s right, Mikri lost to Chiri.
Under the stunned expressions of countless audiences at the scene, including Xiaoyao Xiaoguang and others, Chi Ri directly said that I stopped pretending and the showdown was over. In fact, I am the leader of the Galaxy team.
Then he left with his subordinates and the captured Sansheng Mushroom.
Taking advantage of the position of the president of the alliance, Chi Ri has already obtained everything he wanted.
That being the case, there is no need to continue to hide.
As a result, another big scandal broke out in the Elven Alliance-
The president of the Sinnoh Alliance is actually the leader of a criminal organization!
“My God…”
In the alliance headquarters, Damalan slapped himself on the forehead.
He was on the verge of tears.
I’m about to retire, and I can still make such things happen.
First Fradali, and now Chiri.
Damn, do you leaders of criminal organizations like being president so much?
Otherwise, Lao Tzu, the president of the president, would let you be the president!
“Oh, I wanted to go to Hezhong to see my little nephew, but now it seems that I have no chance.
Qinglu, who had just taken over Chihong’s position, curled her lips.
Although it has not been disclosed to the outside world, the fact that Xiao Ju’er is pregnant with Da Muxiu’s child has already been reported among the high-level members of the alliance.
Dr. Oki and Oki Chengya, the two old men, immediately flew to Hezhong after hearing about this incident.
Ouch, I have a great-grandson!
And Qinglu originally wanted to join in the fun.
As a result, the Galaxy team broke.
“At first, I thought that by quietly resolving Du and Team Flame’s affairs, the reputation of the alliance could be preserved. Who would have thought that Chiri is also the leader of a criminal organization.”
Breaking away from Chrysanthemum’s control, Xiba, who once again assumed the post of Heavenly King, asked Damarachi in a deep voice:
“President, what should we do next?”
After Damalanchi pondered for a long time, he almost gritted his teeth and said:
“Pass on my order and issue a message to all regions. Whoever can solve the Galaxy team’s affairs will be the No. 1 candidate for the next president!”
Even with Damarange’s temper, he was blown out of anger right now.
Lao Tzu is about to retire, and he made so many moths for me.
His grandma is playing dirty with me, right?
it is good!
Come on straight away!
Originally, the Galaxy team incident was only a matter for the Sinnoh region itself.
In other regions, whether it is Fangyuan in the east, or Galar in the west, they don’t plan to take care of this shit.
Let Sinnoh trouble himself.
However, when Damaranchi stated that whoever can solve the Galaxy team will be able to serve as the next president of the league.
In an instant, many people were not sleepy.
“Dandi! You, Qibana and Nie Zi will come with me to Sinnoh.”
Luoz got up with a big belly and said:
“According to the news, that Chiri has the strength of a high-level champion, and you have to deal with it. Just in case, call Qibana and Nie Zi.”
Dandi nodded.
Luoz patted Emperor Dan on the shoulder with deep relief, “When I become the president, the position of the president of Galar can only be taken by you.” “Hehe, president… this, Talk slowly after that.”
Emperor Dan forced a smile.
Yanmo City, Chengdu District.
“Call all the combat power that the family can deploy, and come with me to Sinnoh.”
Yu Longying said excitedly:
“Chiri’s head, I want to decide!”
Yulongchun followed closely behind his father, sipped his lips and asked:
“Father, can you find a way to release my cousin from prison?”
“Shut up! You mention that traitor again! I will sever the father-daughter relationship with you!”
Yulong Yingqi shouted out of nowhere:
“I was preempted by other women, how dare you ask me for this!?” When she heard that Xiaoju’er was pregnant with Da Muxiu’s child, Yu Longying was furious. You must know that in Yu Longying’s view, this was originally an honor that belonged to her daughter.
AloraUnion headquarters.
Lusamine reluctantly climbed onto Oki Ouchi’s body, trying to stuff the thing in again.
“Don’t show off your little thoughts in front of me, if you have another child, what will Lillie do?
Da Muxiu was speechless.
After returning to Alola, Lusamine showed unprecedented enthusiasm.
Originally, Oki was going to clean himself up for a while, but when he saw the Pikachu tail sticking out of Lusamine’s back, he said how could he hold on? Attack that tail directly.
249 This Is Not Ben
Even Xiao Ju’er, who was in the most beautiful period of her life, felt anxious, not to mention Lusamine, who was nearly forty now.
Especially after hearing that Xiao Ju’er had a child with Da Muxiu.
But Oki Ou, who has seen through Lusamine’s little plan, did not accept Lusamine like he accepted Xiao Ju’er.
He could give Lusamine power or legend, but he would never give her children.
If that happens, how will I face Lillie in the future?
Leaving aside this point, how will Da Muxiu face this child in the future?
Teach him to say, “Son, your mother is your father and I were the underground Qing people back then, and there is also a sister who is eighteen years older than you.”
Fuck, I’m afraid it’s not about giving birth to a dutiful son who is comparable to Uchiha’s one-dozen seven.
This is not a book, what do you think is a good thing for a mature woman to conceive her own baby?
Damn, there will be endless troubles!
Unless you are yellow-haired, you can let the suffering master help you raise your children.
It’s a pity that Da Muxiu is not yellow-haired, he is brown-haired.
“Lilia is so strong now, she is not afraid that no one will take care of you, what are you worried about?”
Da Muxiu raised his eyebrows and asked.
Under the cultivation of Oki Ou, Lillie’s strength has been constantly attacking the high-level champion, plus Solgaleo.
A new star trainer who is destined to leave his life in the history of elves.
It is said that a mother is more expensive than a child, so Lusamine should not worry about her pension.
“You bastard! Do you think I’m old!?”
Lusamine, who was still weak just now, got the strength from nowhere, and slapped Oki Xiuyuexiong in front of her with tears in her eyes.
“OKOK, my fault my fault?”
Oki Xiu repeated comforting words.
Mentioning the word “old” in front of a woman is courting death.
Not to mention that Lusamine is in a sensitive stage of age.
“…I want to be president.”
Lusamine put her pretty face back on Damu Xiuyue’s chest for a long time, and said coldly.
Oki raised his eyebrows.
“I’m going to be president,”
Lusamine raised her head and looked at O ​​Muxiu with resentful eyes, “You stinky man is totally unreliable. When I get old and ugly, you will definitely despise me. I can only rely on myself.”
It’s different from other women owned by Da Muxiu.
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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