Lusamine, who has suffered too much, can see more clearly than others.
Compared with young girls like Xiaoju’er or Carunai, or even Mary and Serena.
She doesn’t have much advantage at all.
That being the case, you must grasp the present, and do your best to get what you want.
Da Muxiu, this stinking man… At most twenty years, after that, when he grows old, he will be unreliable!
Oki Ou said that Lusamine was thinking too much, and the author of the dog could not write it twenty years later.
“How could it be? I guarantee that you will be beautiful even on the day you are buried.”
Oki Xiu smiled badly.
Lusamine kicked her beautiful feet hard.
Is there such comfort? !
the next day.
Lillie, Serena, Marie, Sigana, and Xiao Huang who just completed the tour of the islands for two days
Summoned by Lusamine to the president’s office.
“Everyone is here, then I will explain the reason for calling you this time.”
Queen Lusamine sat on the chairman’s seat in full swing, resting her chin with one hand and said:
“I want to compete for the position of president, and I need your help.”
“Huh? Do you want to be mom?”
Lillie was surprised.
Xiao Huang blinked his big watery eyes, “Did you mean big brother?”
Lusamine said sullenly.
That smelly man is totally unreliable.
“The opponent is that Chiri, right? I heard it’s only at the level of a senior champion.”
Sigana raised her eyebrows confidently and said:
“There is no need for so many people to go together, I can kill him alone.”
“Do not,”
Lusamine said seriously:
“It is now confirmed that the three holy mushrooms are all in the hands of the Galaxy team, and they have ancient relics that can summon the two gods of time and space in their hands, so we can’t be careless.”
“So I want all of you to come with me to Sinnoh.”
Lusamine said with a serious face.
“Team Galactic’s goal is the Pillar of the Spear on Mount Skycrown.”
At this time, Da Muxiu opened the door and walked in.
Serena and other women subconsciously shouted:
“Brother Xiu?”
Da Muxiu said again: “My informant just sent a message saying that this is the destination of the Galaxy team. If you go directly there, you should be able to take advantage of it.”
Lusamine’s eyes trembled slightly, and then she smiled sweetly.
This stinky guy is still reliable occasionally.
“Xiu, brother Xiu, the matter about sister Xiaoju’er, yes, is it true?”
Serena walked up with a complicated expression, looked at Omuchiu with teary eyes and asked.
Mary stood beside her with a cold face and said nothing.
Da Muxiu opened his mouth, not knowing what to answer for a moment.
Alas, this kind of blooming girl who emerges from the mud like a lotus flower is easy to shake his bottom line as a scumbag.
o〃Then can you have a baby with me too? ”
At this time, Sigana’s careless words,The eerie silence in the office was broken.
Everyone in the room, including Oki Ou and Lusamine, looked at Sigana with a hellish expression.
Sigana shrugged nonchalantly, and continued:
“Why are you looking at me like that? I think it’s pretty good. As the inheritor, Xiuben is my best partner as the Meteor People, and if he has my blood and his blood, he will definitely become a Isn’t he a powerful inheritor?”
“He already has children.”
Mary’s tone was not kind.
“so what?”
(Hi Wang Li) Sijana clasped her hands behind her head, said indifferently with a face full of indifference:
“After following him for so long, you can’t even see this guy’s flamboyance? Rather than asking me to choose those weak idiots, I’d rather be with him.”
Saying that, Hijana showed her intimate gestures to Oki Xiu for the first time, jumped on his back, and said with a smile:
“How? I don’t care how many women you have outside, and you are still a first-timer, do you want to… grave with me?”
“Yeah! Sigana! What are you talking about? Get off Brother Xiu!”
Fearing that this best friend would say something shocking to the world, Serena blushed and rushed up to grab Sigana’s cloak, trying to pull her off.
Lillie immediately joined the ranks, also blushing.
And Mary glared at Sigana with eyes full of killing intent.
This woman, damn it! .
250 second-tier organization Galaxy
“Which side are you loyal to?”
After Lusamine left with Lillie and other girls, Oki Xiu suddenly spoke and said an unbelievable name:
From the shadow at the corner of the building behind, a woman with a cold temperament and a pale face walked out slowly.
That is one of the three beast warriors of the Rockets, Saatchi!
And her true identity is the undercover agent that Team Galaxy put into Team Rocket.
She came to find herself and revealed important information about Team Galactic.
Da Muxiu himself was taken aback.
Although in the original book, Saatchi did not show much loyalty to the Rockets or the Galaxy.
But such obvious second-five boy behavior has never been seen before.
“What Chiri-sama has done this time is too much.”
The corners of Saatchi’s mouth rose slightly, giving people a creepy feeling, and then said:
“Now that Chairman Damalanchi is angry and summons the power of the entire alliance to attack him, the Galaxy team cannot bear it.” In the original book, both the Rockets and the Plasma Corps dealt a huge blow to the alliance.
But that is only for a regional alliance.
If the entire elf alliance is pouring out, no evil organization can stop it.
Maybe it’s possible for the Rainbow Rocket team with cheats, since the leaders of those gangs have a legend…
Generally speaking, it is basically impossible for the entire elf alliance to go out to deal with a single organization.
Even if the President gave the order, other regions basically adopted a negative attitude.
Everyone sweeps the snow before the door, the reality is like this.
But this time, that idiot Chiri really annoyed Damarachi, and directly used the position of president to punish him.
It’s no wonder that other regional leagues don’t cheer up 120,000 points.
Even a giant organization like the Plasma Corps or the Rockets can’t hold it, let alone a second-rate organization like the Galaxy Corps.
“But that’s not the reason for you to be a boy, is it?”
Da Muxiu raised his eyebrows and asked with his back to Sa Qi.
Saqi smiled even more, “Since President Lusamine wants the position of President, I’m just doing it as a favor. If there is any place to ask Mr. Xiu, please see it in this thin face. , help the little one.”
Sachi’s meaning is very clear, she wants to sell favors to Da Muxiu.
In case she, Sachi, gets unlucky in the future, there is still a way out.
Not in the name of the Rockets cadres, but in her own name.
“…How is the Rockets doing now?”
After a brief silence, Da Muxiu asked.
Hearing that Da Muxiu didn’t refuse, Saqi showed a satisfied smile, and then replied:
“It’s a little confusing. Although Lord Sakagi’s old illness has been saved by the life force of Phoenix King, the fact that he wants to make Master Xiaoyin the second-generation leader has also spread within Team Rocket, with Chakra as the leader. Some of the cadres refused to accept it and launched a rebellion.”
Da Muxiu recalled it, remembered the dwarf in the original manga, raised his eyebrows and said:
“With his strength, he can’t touch Sakagi who owns Mewtwo and Deoxys, right?”
“Chaomeng left. It is said that after witnessing the powerful power of King Feng and Rogia, he decided to travel around the world.”
Saqi quietly revealed another explosion information.
Oki’s expression changed slightly, without Chaomeng, Sakagi’s combat power would be greatly reduced.
If Yulongdu, who is currently in prison, hears this news, he doesn’t know how he will feel.
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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