“Since Mr. Xiu has nothing else to do, I will take my leave first.”
After speaking, Sach silently disappeared into the shadows.
This kind of woman is born for the dark world, and she probably enjoys such a life herself.
As for which side she is loyal to, she doesn’t care.
(cfce) “Mr. Xiu, the investigation found a very strong energy fluctuation.”
At this moment, Akromar called.
“Is it Necrozma?”
Da Muxiu was instantly refreshed.
“I don’t know, but the intensity of the energy far exceeds that of any other beast before.”
Akromar said solemnly: “In the Pawnee Grand Canyon.”
DivinelyDistrict, Lily of the Valley Alliance Headquarters.
Lusamine and her party of six were transferred here through Hoopa’s ability.
When seeing Lusamine and other women walk out through the magic ring, the former president of the Sinnoh Alliance, Kale, who is currently acting as the interim president, and Sirona and other senior members of the Sinnoh Alliance were all dumbfounded.
This, this ability is too convenient, right?
“President Lusamine, it seems that the position of president is inevitable.”
Sirona looked down at this glamorous beauty, whose appearance was not inferior to her own, and even because of the vaguely mature charm exuding from her body, her charm might be even better than her own.
“It’s my first meeting, Champion Sirona, but unfortunately, I don’t have time to chat with you over tea.”
Lusamine flicked her hair from the back of her head, her emerald eyes slightly dimmed, “Where is the pillar of the gun?”
Mustard Lane, Sirona, and all the god kings of Shenao suddenly changed their expressions.
It was a long-abandoned historical relic of Sinnoh, but the archaeologists including Sirona have not been able to find out what secret there is.
Lusamine asked what this place was for?
Although puzzled, the other party came to help them solve the problem of the Galaxy team after all.
Sirona immediately pointed out the location of the spear pillar for Lusamine.
After leaving a casual “thank you”, Lusamine turned around and left with the five Lilia girls.
“This lineup is really scary.”
Ah Liu said, “Almost everyone owns a legend.”
Lillie with Solgaleo, Sigana of the Evil Eater, Mary from Yveltal, and Serena from Hoopa.
There is also the “Little Zhengtai” named Xiao Huang, although I don’t know what legend he has.
But after all, he is the heavenly king appointed by Da Muxiu, so there must be no one.
Now the former king of Kanto, three of them are in prison.
The strongest alliance area, I am afraid it has to be changed.
“Does Oki support Lusamine as the president?”
Wu Song was puzzled and said:
“I thought he would support Galar’s Roz or the city’s Yulongying.”
“I’ll go and have a look too.”
Sirona was really worried, and hurriedly chased after Lusamine.
251 This Is Not a Digimon Studio
Pawnee Canyon.
Legend has it that there are precious elves such as wild heart scale treasures and mini dragons living here, and it has become the new residence of the Meteor People who immigrated from the Fangyuan area.
At this time, the Sun and Moon Altar in the center of the Pawnee Grand Canyon.
Da Muxiu was standing in the middle of the altar, and Akromar on the right back was tapping the tablet computer on his technical suit quickly, saying:
“Detected, Mr. Xiu, this is the location – it’s coming!”
Akromar’s voice – just five seconds after falling.
In the center of the sky above the Sun Moon Altar, a strangely large hole like a spider web was suddenly torn open.
It is the ultimate hole!
Since Lusamine used the power of Cosmog to forcibly open the ultimate hole, and was defeated by Oki Xiu.
The Ultra Hole has not appeared in the Alola region for a year.
But now, it came on its own initiative!
“Come, come, come! Necrozma!”
Da Muxiu couldn’t hide the excitement in his tone.
Finally, a black shadow rushed out from the ultimate hole.
Oki Xiu’s eyes and pupils suddenly tightened, and he subconsciously prepared to throw the high-level ball in his hand.
However, halfway through the swing, it stopped abruptly in the middle.
Because what appeared was not the Necrozma that Da Muxiu had been waiting for for a long time.
It’s a big night bat.
The golden wheel inlaid with golden lace looks like a full moon, plus the dark and bright ruby ​​eyes and the center of the eyebrows are as deep as the night light.
Mysterious, beautiful, elegant!
If Mikri or Xiaoyao, a coordination trainer who pursues gorgeousness, sees this elf.
You will definitely start drooling like an idiot, right?
Although Da Muxiu’s standard for subduing elves is also a little bit of facial control.
There is no doubt that this elf grew up in his aesthetics.
But it’s not the long-awaited Necrozma after all.
Oki Xiu’s face collapsed in an instant.
What about the Necrozma that I have been looking forward to for so long? !
“It’s Lunala, the god of the moon in the legend of Alola.”
Akromar stepped forward and suddenly realized:
“So it turns out that this wave of energy came from Lunala.”
However, as soon as Lunala flew out of the ultimate hole, she fell to the ground with a painful face
With a “plop”, it landed heavily in front of Da Muxiu and Necrozma.
Immediately afterwards, something happened that surprised both Damu Xiu and Akromar.
I saw a dazzling light on Lunala’s body with a face full of pain.
This is… the light of evolution! ?
Just when this idea was produced in the minds of the two of them.
The Moon God shrouded by the “Light of Evolution” has a very degenerated body surface.
In the end, it turned into a small nebula.
Little Nebula… no, it’s Cosmog!
“Retreat, degenerate?”
Da Muxiu stepped forward in surprise and held Cosmog in his arms.
I wonder if I went to the wrong set?
This is not the Digimon world, can it degenerate? !
“This is really interesting.”
Akromar rolled his eyes, revealing the excitement of being a mad scientist, “This is the first time I’ve seen elves degenerate.”
Akromar then said: “Mr. Xiu, in short, let’s take it back to the etheric paradise. I’ll do a physical examination for Cosmog.”
“we can only do this.”
Da Muxiu rubbed his temples.
Mouth, happy for nothing.
A few hours later, in the healing room of the Ether Paradise Elf, which has been taken over by Akromar.
“Bell beep?”
Cosmog waved a pair of small tentacles clouds above his head that looked like hands and horns, and circled around the examination table excitedly.
Da Muxiu dug up Cosmogu.
“Mr. Xiu,”
Akromar looks away from inspection instrumentsThe screen turned and reported to Oki Xiuhui:
“I can speculate that Lunala deliberately degenerated into its original form in order to save energy consumption. Of course, this is also because it was seriously injured before and could no longer maintain the form of the Moon God.”
“So that’s the case. I’m afraid Lillie’s previous Cosmog is in the same situation.”
Da Muxiu thought for a while, then turned his head and asked Cosmog, who was like a rice ball in his palm:
“Who beat you like that?”
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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