“Bell beep?”
Cosmog tilted his head, looking stupid.
Da Muxiu couldn’t help having a headache, saying that elves’ personalities would change before and after evolution.
It seems that even legends are no exception.
But there is no need to ask this question.
…ask for flowers….
In the ultimate space, Lunala, a first-level god, can be beaten to death, and even a degenerated beast.
Who else but Necrozma?
I am afraid that Lunala degenerated back to Cosmog, and there is also a reason to avoid being chased by Necrozma, right?
“Currently Necrozma should still be in the ultimate space, looking for the sun and moon gods everywhere.”
Akromar squeezed his chin for analysis, and then asked Da Muxiu:
“What do you think next? Mr. Xiu, will you continue to monitor the energy fluctuations in the Alola region as before?”
“…No, no, I don’t know when Arceus will come out to destroy the world. I think we should take the initiative to look for Necrozma.”
After thinking for a moment, Da Muxiu decided.
“Are you looking for Necrozma on your own initiative?”
Akromar was a little surprised, frowned and said:
“Then, do you want to take the initiative to enter the ultimate space?”
“No, that’s too dangerous.”
Da Muxiu rejected the proposal of Acroma, the ultimate space, which is the site of Necrozma
The main character in the original book was fully armed when he entered that place.
What’s more, it is too unfavorable to fight on the opponent’s home court.
Da Muxiu still wants to find a way to attract Necrozma to this world.
In the original book, I remember that Lusamine used Cosmog to evolve into Cosmom, and then used the ultimate power of the Star Child to attract Necrozma.
Da Muxiu cast aside the cute little thing in his eyes, and shook his head secretly after a few seconds.
No, Lillie’s Cosmoguna in the original book has already stored a lot of energy to evolve successfully.
The one in my hand has just degenerated, and I absolutely can’t do it.
“After all, what Necrozma wants is light, right?”
Akromar suddenly said:
“In other words, if there is a strong enough light, it should be possible to attract Necrozma.”
“Is it light?”
Oki raised his eyebrows slightly.
Among the beasts, the sun and moon gods are the ones who control the power of light, otherwise Necrozma would not try to chase them down.
After all, Necrozma himself is the God of Radiance.
In addition to the power of light… Oki Xiu vaguely thought of a sad figure that could not fly.
252 will not
Tianguan Mountain, the pillar of the spear.
“It’s broken.”
Looking at the dilapidated ruins in front of her, Sijana said with one hand on her hip.
“President Lusamine, is Team Galaxy’s goal really here?”
Sirona, who followed Lusamine’s group all the way, frowned and asked.
“Who knows? Anyway, that’s what that guy Oki Xiu said.” Lusamine half-emptied her blue eyes, and slowly turned her head to look around.
“It is said that Arceus created the three origin dragons here…”
Gulardo, do me a favor
Sirona murmured to herself.
The Pillar of the Spear, it is said that Arceus, the creator god, created Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, the place where the three origin dragons were created.
But even she, a semi-professional archaeologist, only knows about this place.
If the Galaxy team is really eyeing this place, what exactly do they want to do? “five six seven”
“Mother, do we want to hide?”
Lillie approached Lusamine and asked.
Lusamine nodded after thinking about it.
Sirona frowned slightly when she heard the words. Although the ruins are messy, but the area is small, it may not be easy to hide people.
But immediately, Sirona knew that she was small.
Hoopa immediately threw out the magic ring and fished out Rogia, the god of the sea.
“Please, Rogia.”
Hoopa clasped his hands together, pretending to be pitiful and begged Rogia.
The corners of Rogia’s eyes twitched when he was sleeping on the bottom of the sea and was suddenly pulled out, but in the end he still fanned the pair of huge wings, and was involved in a thick white mist that enveloped the entire Tianguan Mountain.
The exaggeration of the dense fog even reached the point where people could not be distinguished from two meters away.
“Thank you, Rogia!”
Hoopa finally waved to Lugia and smiled.
Rogia re-entered the magic ring with a gloomy face and returned to the sea.
Bullying honest people!
“Next, let’s wait quietly for the arrival of the Galaxy team.”
Lusamine found a rock and sat down, crossing her legs and resting her chin with one hand. The queen was fully seated and the other women also found a seat, sitting down and waiting.
“Although I’ve seen her a few times, Lilia’s mother is really young.” Xiao Huang clasped her hands on her knees, exuding a bullying temperament all over her body.
“It is said that it is almost forty. I really want to ask how President Lusamine takes care of it…” Serena replied in a low voice.
“Will Lillie grow up like that in the future?”
Xiao Huang’s curious eyes turned back and forth between Lusamine and Lillie’s mother and daughter.
Although the temperament is completely different, but in terms of appearance,This mother and daughter look really similar.
“Then Xiu, that philandering radish, will definitely not let her go.”
Marie rarely intervened in the topic.
It happened that Lusamine listened to their chat content, and a cross appeared on Lusamine’s forehead, and some indescribable image of Oki Xiu and her daughter appeared in her mind…
No no no no!
I will never allow that kind of thing!
“Mother, what’s wrong with you? You don’t look very well.”
Lillie’s concerned inquiry interrupted Lusamine’s wild thoughts.
“No, nothing…”
Lusamine struggled to show a smile.
She can’t say something like “I’m thinking of Da Muxiu, a bastard eating mother and daughter rice bowls” to her daughter.
“someone is coming!”
Sigana said suddenly.
In an instant, everyone held their breath and focused their gazes on the entrance and exit of the ruins.
Da da da……
Footsteps echoed in the empty ruins.
In the dense fog with extremely low visibility, Lusamine and the others who were hiding behind the rocks barely saw a figure walking into the ruins through the dense fog.
“Do it!”
Lusamine whispered.
In an instant, Lillie, Sigana, Mary, Serena, and Xiao Huang released their ace spirits in one go.
Solgaleo, King of Evil Eaters, Yveltal, Koga Ninja, and Melmetta rushed forward.
Even Sirona released her biting land shark.
A deep dragon roar came from the dense fog.
In an instant, Liliai and the other women felt something was wrong.
In an instant, with a gust of wind sweeping across, the attacks of many champions and even legends were blocked by a pair of huge dragon claws.
That’s… Dark Kyurem! ?
“What are you doing?”
Da Muxiu walked out slowly from behind the Dark Kyurem, and asked the girls with a ghostly expression.
The atmosphere was once very awkward.
“Yes, I’m sorry, Brother Xiu…”
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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