Seeing the younger sister who was still following Da Muxiu, Nie Zi felt a little complicated for a while.
“President, shall we do it too?”
Dandi turned to Luoz for instructions.
“Hey, the position of president will most likely fall into Lusamine’s hands.” Luoz was not as fearful as Yu Longying, but there was still regret in his eyes.
“Why? There is still a chance now.”
Chibana cast a glance at Manila, the red sun that fought Lusamine’s philodendron.
“Lusamine will appear here, which means that she has the support of Mr. Xiu with a high probability.” Luoz spread his hands.
But even so, Luoz didn’t want to give up easily, ordered the helicopter to land, and joined the battle, “Strike!”
In the sky, the mane of twilight opened its mouth wide, and the rich golden energy quickly condensed.
Photon gushing!
Necrozma’s exclusive skills!
The huge golden energy beam pierced through time and space, directly hitting the flame white Sirem.
Yanbai Kyurem gritted his teeth, damn it, it still hurts.
But…it’s nothing!
Yanbai Kyurem roared loudly, and white and red flames gushed out from his body to form a ball, wrapping his body and isolating the photon spurt.
In the next instant, violent red and white fire snakes gushed out endlessly like a catastrophe of a python, dyed the sky red, and rushed towards the mane of twilight without any dead ends.
256 to one shot to end the land package
“Li Nuo!”
The disadvantage of Solgaleo’s cheating attributes was revealed again——
Afraid of fire.
After a cry of pain, the body running in the gust of wind continued to fall, but on the way of falling, it suddenly tossed and turned into a black-gold meteor for the second time and rushed out.
Meteor flash!
Yanbai Kyurem raised his eyebrows slightly.
In an instant, Yanbai Kyurem transformed into a dark form, and spread his arms as hard as he could to embrace the re-emerged Twilight Mane.
The huge force slammed the Dark Kyurem into the mountain wall behind him.
Two seconds later, the smoke dissipated.
Everyone is watching.
I saw Dark Syrem clasping the front shoulders of Twilight Mane’s legs with both arms.
Twilight Mane opened its mouth wide with a low growl.
Want to use Photon Surge this time? !
“Dragon Claw.”
Oki Xiu coldly gave orders to the Dark Sirem.
Dark Kyurem’s two claws instantly exploded into a dark green lightsaber nearly two meters long.
“Brother Xiu, please don’t hurt Little Xingyun!”
Lillie yelled worriedly.
Da Muxiu looked sideways at the doll-like and pitiful Lilia, nodded and said:
“Shave it.”
Dark Kyurem’s eyes were ruthless, and the dragon’s claws slammed heavily on the black armor on Solgaleo’s body.
There was an ear-numbing sound.
A piece of black armor covering Solgaleo’s shoulders forcibly peeled off from the Sun God
Twilight Mane let out a shrill scream, and the photon spurt it was about to emit stopped in response.
The cut off black armor seemed to have self-awareness, and wanted to fly back to Solgaleo.
“When will I let you go?”
Da Muxiu threw the second elf ball, and Xanadu used his thoughts to hold the black armor firmly in the air.
The Dark Kyurem was at full strength, and his violent claws kept slashing at the pitch-black armor on the surface of Dusk Mane.
Amidst the other party’s miserable screams, pieces were peeled off.
In the end, all the crystal armor on other parts of Solgaleo’s body were peeled off, leaving only the colored eye pupils of the mask that finally covered the face.
Dark Kyurem dug the back of Solgaleo’s neck with one hand, and dug it firmly into the ground, while pinching the mask with the other hand.
Just tore it off abruptly.
“It hurts so much!”
Just seeing this scene made many trainers present terrified.
This is too violent, right?
After the last black mask fell to the ground, it began to reassemble with the parts that had been stripped off by the Dark Kyurem before, and returned to its original original form, staring at Kyurem wearily and unwillingly.
And Solgaleo, who finally regained his consciousness, was even weaker, staggered and fell to the ground, pulling his tongue as if he was half dead.
“Little Nebula!”
Lillie rushed forward impatiently, hugged Solgaleo’s head, and burst into tears.
“Tapu Butterfly… eh?”
Seeing this, Da Muxiu instinctively dispatched the number one nurse in his team.
But it was only halfway through the action of pulling out the poke ball that he remembered that he left the nurses Miaowahua and Kapu Didie with Xiaojuer.
“Xanadu, you go.”
Fortunately, although Xanadu has been transferred to a female soldier, she still knows how to nurse.
Quickly let Xanadu send a few healing waves to Solgaleo.
“Li, Li, here…”
At this moment, Necrozma shook his head.
Although it is still angry because of the loss of light, it may be because of being beaten up, or it may be because it has absorbed a lot of light power from Solgaleo, so it is calm at the moment Not a lot.
Although the eyes looking at Sirem are still full of fear, but there is a longing for light in the endless time.
Still let Necrozma’s evil come to the gall, and approach the repairing Solgaleo again.
“You really don’t give up.”
Da Muxiu raised his eyebrows and winked at Dark Kyurem.
The opponent immediately wanted the dung beetle to the ground.
At this time, Solgaleo also barely regained consciousness, and shot flames at the dug-up enemy.
However, just as a ball of fire condensed in front of his mouth, Solgaleo only felt a strongIntense pain welled up in his forehead, and he passed out again.
Lillie: “….”
It seems that a lot of energy has been sucked away.
“The mind seems to have calmed down a lot, is it because a lot of energy was absorbed from Solgaleo just now?”
…ask for flowers….
Da Muxiu squatted down beside Necrozma, looked straight into his colorful eyes and said:
“Nekrozma, it’s unrealistic for you to want to eat the sun and moon gods in one go. Follow me. Although I can’t restore you to the form of the former glorious god at once, I can guarantee the light source you need every day. need.”
Necrozma raised his eyes reluctantly, and responded to Oki Xiu.
Dark Kyurem translated telepathically:
“It asks if you really can’t feed Solgaleo or Lunala to it?”
“No, they can only be used as your temporary power bank.”
Da Muxiu smiled.
Necrozma will go crazy once it doesn’t eat the light source, but if it wants to return to the peak state of the glorious god mode at one time, it is bound to suck up the sun and moon gods.
This is not allowed by Da Muxiu. At most, Solgaleo and Lunayara can provide Necrozma with the daily light source expenses.
Necrozma seemed to want to argue with reason, but Da Muxiu interrupted it quickly:
“Don’t overreach, Necrozma, don’t worry, as long as you follow me, even if you don’t return to the form of the former glorious god, I can give you stronger power than before. Isn’t Kyurem a good example? ”
After a short pause, Oki Xiu said again:
“If you don’t agree, we will become your enemies. At that time, you will not be able to eat any light source, and you can only go crazy in endless years. Is that okay?”
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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