Necrozma fell silent, and after a long time, he spoke again:
“It asked if I could give it something to eat first?”
Kyurem thoughtfully continued to translate.
“Gulardo, please try again to end the earth package.”
Da Muxiu shouted at Gulardo.
Gulardo, who was at the melon-eating angle from the beginning to the end, rolled his eyes and raised his head high.
Let the bright sun that barely fell just now rise again, and turn the Sinnoh area into an oven again.
“Force? Here?”
Necrozma immediately groaned in satisfaction.
Although it is not the original light power of the sun and moon gods that cannot calm Necrozma’s mania, it is still no problem to meet the temporary needs.
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“Very good, please teach me more in the future.”
Seeing that Necrozma had stopped agitating, Oki stood up and at the same time signaled Kyurem to let him go.
After absorbing a lot of light sources, Necrozma, who had fully recovered his sanity, did not choose to do anything again.
But from time to time, he still cast coveted eyes on Solgaleo and Cosmog on the shoulders of Oki Xiu.
Solgaleo yelled at Necrozma viciously.
Necrozma’s eyes turned hard, this guy, when did he become so courageous? Dare to yell at yourself?
Instinctively activated, Necrozma immediately grabbed Solgaleo as a snack.
However, Necrozma stopped her pace abruptly, feeling the signal from Oki Xiu’s eyes.
Da Muxiu nodded in satisfaction, “Very well, from now on, everyone “570” will be a companion, so we must get along well, Necrozma.”
Faced with such a result, Necrozma could only agree helplessly and frustrated.
No way, who made these two annoying guys find a backer?
【mission completed! 】
[System Reward Distribution: Dragon Beast Buster]
The moment Necrozma gave up, he suddenly felt an unprecedented powerful force gushing out from the depths of his soul, and finally condensed in his hands.
Necrozma looked down, only to see a pair of giant black wrist armors on his arms.
The three sharp knives at the top exuded a chill that suffocated Sylem and the small empty seat in the high-level ball.
This is the nemesis weapon of the dragon clan, the dragon beast nemesis of the black combat tyrannosaur!
“This is… the new power this guy got?”
As the legend that has followed Oki Xiu the longest, it is no surprise that the new elves in the same team get strange powers.
But the killing intent emanating from the dung beetle’s claws made Kyurem frowned.
“Hey, hey, I don’t want to fight this guy!”
Xiao Crack Kongza’s expression was also full of fear, and he looked at the pair of big claws on Necrozma’s new arms through the translucent ball cover.
Necrozma looked at Da Muxiu with puzzled eyes.
Da Muxiu smiled and said: “I said, you will get stronger power.”
Necrozma still felt strange, but it was replaced by excitement.
It can feel the terrifying power contained in this pair of big claws!
No wonder such a powerful guy chooses to follow this human being.
Necrozma glanced at Kyurem, thinking to himself.
“The battle over there also seems to be over.”
Da Muxiu immediately looked down towards the mountainside.
Under the all-out attack of the masters in the three regions, a second-rate organization like the Galaxy team simply couldn’t hold on.
After all, Chiri, the senior champion, is the only one who is strong enough among them.
Other team members, even at the cadre level, are quite reluctant to reach the king.
On the alliance side, there are no less than three senior champions, and there are several legends in hand, not to mention that the top champion Dandi is here.
The key is who killsChiri…
Oki Xiu knew the result when he saw the slender arms of the alien beast Pheromyces leaning against Chiri’s neck in a murderous manner.
“Forget it, that’s fine.”
Oki Xiu smiled lightly and said to himself.
Oki Oki himself is not interested in the unambitious uncle who is unwilling to take over the position of president. Since Lusamine wants it, there is nothing wrong with giving it to her.
What’s more, she will not betray herself.
“What a pity, President Roz.”
Dandi took back his fire-breathing dragon, smiled bitterly and said to Luoz.
Luoz shrugged, not showing much disappointment, but turned to Damu Xiudao:
“Congratulations, Mr. Xiu, you have subdued another legend.”
“Thank you, after all, for the next crisis of all mankind, it is always better to have more combat power.”
Oki Xiu smiled.
Roz looked slightly startled.
The matter of Arceus has not been disclosed within the alliance, so Roz does not know what the other party is referring to.
But recalling Oki Xiu’s usual style of doing things, I’m afraid he was not joking.
“I don’t know what it is, is there a chance for Galar to help us?”
Roz asked.
“No, no need, the current combat power should be enough.”
Oki Xiu smiled.
Just kidding, fighting Arceus, let alone a top champion like Dandi, ordinary first-level legends have to be killed randomly, at least top-level legends like the Gods of Time and Space are barely qualified…
Seeing that Da Muxiu had no intention of revealing it, Luoz was not reluctant, and changed the subject:
“The villa built in Shuizhou Town has been completed. I don’t know when Xiu Jun will be able to move in. We welcome it very much.”
The real purpose of Luoz is to hope that Omichi will bring Wuji Taina over, and give them a certain amount of supplementary energy from Galar.
Ever since Wuji Taina left Galar, Jiju energy has been used a little bit less.
“I will go when I have time, but President Roz doesn’t need to force me to match Lurina with me.”
Oki Xiu laughed.
“Oh, what a pity.”
Roz was a little frustrated.
He also wanted Lulina and Oki Xiu to make a pair, and it would be best to have a baby, and bring Wuji Taina back to Galar in the future.
Da Muxiu said that the author of the dog has begun to recuperate, and the book is almost finished.
Lulina will be the first heroine in the next book.
“Very, sorry, father.”
Yu Longchun walked up to his father Yu Longying with a worried expression on his face.
However, after a long silence, Yu Longying’s inner helplessness and regret finally turned into a long sigh.
In the end, the three cultural relics, the Vajra Orb, the White Jade Orb and the Key of the Spear, were recovered by Sirona.
All members of the Galaxy team headed by Chiri were also arrested by the arriving alliance personnel.
And Lu 2.4 Sami Nai also became the most powerful successor to the president of the Elf Alliance by virtue of his achievements in arresting Chiri.
But just arresting Chiri wasn’t enough for her to take Damalangi’s place.
Everyone in the upper echelon of the alliance knows the reason why Lusamine can secure her position.
It is Oki Osamu’s support behind him.
PS: This book is gradually coming to an end. As I said just now, the next book has already been conceived, but I have to wait until I come back from the countryside after the Chinese New Year to write it.
It is a pity that this book did not include Lulina and Caidou, two dark-skinned beauties whom the author has been lusting after for a long time, due to the length of the book and the author’s physical condition.
In the next book, Lulina is going to be the first female lead, or the first female lead to be accepted.
By the way, Lulina seems to have not appeared in Muji animation yet, do you know who it is? .
258 Are you an idiot?
For a month in a row, the matter of Damalan’s successor became the most discussed topic in the entire Elf Continent.
The beauty president, Lusamine, has also become a topic that countless people talk about.
The successful crusade against the Galaxy team made her famous, and the votes she got were far above the presidents of other regions.
Even Roz, who was fully supported by the people of the Galar region, was left behind by a large margin.
“Do you really want to choose her?”
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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