On the Quartz Plateau, Qinglu and other senior alliance trainers waited outside, waiting for the result of the meeting.
Although the matter had come to this point, he didn’t care who would take Damaranch’s place, but he never expected that Lusamine would be the one who might take that position in the end.
“Brother Qinglu, why do you think Brother Xiu chose her?”
Ah Jin squatted aside and asked curiously.
“Who knows?”
Green shrugged.
In Qinglu’s mind, whether it is Yu Longying, the patriarch of the Yulong family who has a close relationship with the Omu family, it can only be said that these 25 years are too innocent, and they didn’t think in that direction.
Or Galar’s Roz, should be more suitable than Lusamine, right?
Da Muxiu didn’t even pay attention to what the outside world was discussing.
At this time, he was fully preparing for another major event.
Ether artificial island, in the research room.
Necrozma was placed in a special medical oxygen chamber.
Akromar next to him was quickly typing on the keyboard on the instrument, performing a physical examination for Necrozma.
About half an hour later, Akromar reported to Damu Xiuhui:
“Mr. Xiu, if you want Necrozma to return to its peak state, I think you can use Z pure crystal.”
“Z pure crystal?”
Oki Xiu’s expression moved slightly.
He suddenly remembered.
In the original book, Necrozma’s Z pure crystal seems to be given to the protagonist by Akromar, right?
“That’s right, the Z move is to use the ultimate aura and Z pure crystal to increase the power to the maximum in one go. We can extract the genes of Solgaleo and Lunala to make Z pure crystal, and then use To store the source of light, when a certain amount is stored,It will be able to restore Necrozma to its peak for a short time. ”
Akromar explained.
“Can you make it?”
Da Muxiu glanced at the cute Cosmog on his shoulder.
It’s uncertain when this little thing will turn back into Lunala.
“It will take a lot of time to extract the genes of the sun and moon gods to produce new Z pure crystals, which is really tricky,” Akromar said distressedly.
“Forget it, super power moves are useless to Arceus anyway.”
Da Muxiu shook his head, he was not in a hurry to turn Necrozma into the form of a glorious god.
With the dragon beast nemesis, it already has a new power that is not inferior to the peak period.
What’s more, the super power moves that God Guanghui is best at don’t work on Arceus either.
What works for Arceus is only the water, grass, and ground it lacks now.
“Speaking of which, Mr. Xiu, where will Arceus descend?”
Akromar suddenly thought of a question.
Da Muxiu also realized that this was a major problem.
“Xiu! Time and space are collapsing!”
Suddenly, Kyurem in the master ball on Da Muxiu’s waist shouted in a deep voice.
Xiao Likongzao: “I feel it too!”
Wuji Taina: “This power…those two stupid dogs can’t compare at all!”
Da Muxiu’s expression changed suddenly, could it be——
Electricity, dragon five kinds.
Mijina, Sinnoh region.
This is a famous natural scenic spot in the Sinnoh area, with picturesque and beautiful scenery.
However, today, it changed with a fiery red light ball rising into the sky.
Caused everything to be changed.
“How come one by one at this time”
Xina, the successor of this generation of Chaoke clan, looked incredulously at the sacred figure in the center of the sky, which looked like a unicorn, and her eyes revealed a deadly killing intent that frightened the soul. Arceus!
Hina looked at the god who created the world in the sky in disbelief.
With his superpower, he should be able to judge Arceus’ coming day.
But, but why did it go wrong?
Hina didn’t know that the power of overcoming is a powerful force that can communicate with legends.
But it is only limited to the legend willing to communicate with you.
What’s more, the moment Arceus woke up, he decided to make human beings pay for their betrayal of him.
Wait until Hina notices it.
It was too late.
Arceus stared down at Mijina with fiery eyes, and angrily called out the name of the human who had betrayed him.
I combined the five slabs of origin into a life gem and lent it to him, but the other party betrayed me!
This is the only thing Arceus wants to do now!
At this moment, the rising blood-red light ball suddenly exploded above Arceus’ head.
The endless extraterrestrial meteorites turned into light spots all over the sky and fell.
boom! !
boom! ! !
boom! ! ! !
The sound of explosions continued one after another. Just now, Mijina, which was like a paradise, was turned into a doomsday by the light of Arceus’ sanctions in an instant.
“My God, this power is too…”
At this time, Sirona was riding on the back of Lie Bite Lu Shark, feeling that Mijina was completely frightened by the sight in front of her.
This, is this the power of the Creator God?
Seeing Sirona’s arrival, the anger in Arceus’ eyes deepened.
Because of Damos’ betrayal, it even hated all human beings.
570 A strong halo overflowed from Arceus’ body, and more than a dozen stone slabs circled behind Arceus in a disc shape.
A few seconds later, an ice-blue slab appeared above Arceus’ head.
Arceus raised his head high, and it was obvious that he was punishing Guangshuo again!
But unlike the fire element just now, this time it was replaced with an ice element.
Arceus has only one exclusive skill, which is different from Kyurem or Necrozma who have multiple exclusive skills.
But because of the origin slate, its sanction light can change attributes at will!
In other words, there are eighteen exclusive skills!
“Chuangshi God, please calm your anger!”
Seeing that this trick continues, not to mention Mijina, the entire Sinnoh region may be affected.
Hina plucked up the courage to rush forward, and raised a green gemstone emitting a strong blue light above her head.
“This is your gem of life! Over the years, generations of us have preserved it to return it to you!”
Hina’s actions really prevented Arceus from sending out the second action of sanctioning Guangshuo.
His eyes narrowed slightly, and he began to descend from the sky.
However, just when Arceus landed halfway.
A magic ring suddenly appeared next to Hina and Sirona, and the figure jumped out of it snatched the gem of life from Hina’s hand, cursing: “Are you an idiot?”.
259 How about you just destroy Sinnoh?
Da Muxiu, who jumped out of the magic ring, passed the treasure of life in Hina’s hand, and cast a contemptuous look at her.
The sudden change in the situation caught everyone off guard, and Sirona gave Da Muxiu a surprised look of “You are in the God of Gan”.
Not to mention Arceus, his eyes almost burst into flames.
In its heart, it has equated Da Muxiu with the Damos who betrayed him back then.
They are all ugly human beings who do not deserve to exist in this world created by themselves!
“Bring back the slate!”
The old man’s voice was similar to that of Kyurem, but the more vicissitudes echoed in the hearts of everyone present.
Obviously, Arceus.
For Arceus, the Slate of Origin is not only the source of power, but also a symbol of the Creator God.
Arceus would never allow humans to possess it.
Not to mention being deceived by humans once.
Today’s Arceus only wants to completely wipe out human beings from the world he created.
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