“Please don’t get me wrong, God of Creation, I don’t covet your power.”
Facing the gods who created this world, Da Muxiu seldom showed respect, but he still held the treasure of life tightly in his hands, with no intention of returning it.
“It’s just that I hope you can promise me that after returning the life gem, you will be able to forgive the past humans for disrespecting you.”
Arceus’s tablet of origin has one of the origins of all attributes, that is to say, it only needs to have a tablet of origin of a certain attribute.
That attribute has no effect on him.
If Arceus takes back the Life Gem, gathers eighteen Stones of Origin.
All the elf moves will have no effect on it.
Then make a der?
That’s why she called Hina an idiot just now.
If you want to pay it back, you must get the guarantee from Arceus before you can pay it back!
“Are you threatening me?”
In addition to being extremely angry, Arceus’ voice even burst into laughter.
“That was originally my thing, but now you are using it to threaten me instead?”
It Arceus is the god of creation, once he says what he says, he will do it, and he can’t do things that say what he says.
But the audacity of the look in front of him still exceeded Arceus’ expectations.
“Although I don’t remember exactly how you were deceived, it should be a misunderstanding. The human being you trusted back then was also deceived by other people.”
Feeling the chill in Arceus’ tone, Oki Xiu thought for a while before speaking.
He really couldn’t remember the specific plot of the original theatrical version.
But what is certain is that the ancestor of the Chaoke clan that Arceus trusted back then originally planned to return the life gem, but it seems that his subordinates disagreed and rebelled, which led to a series of subsequent tragedies.
Finally, with the help of Xiaozhi, the chosen man, the misunderstanding was resolved.
Anyway, that’s probably how it happened.
The other Oki Xiu couldn’t remember clearly either.
Arceus laughed angrily.
Actually said it was a misunderstanding?
When Damos ordered the elf to attack him, it was Arceus who saw it with his own eyes! Can there be a fake?
“Did you lie to me with such a clumsy lie in order to survive? Human!”
“No, things like manipulating the mind with the power of elves couldn’t be easier. As the ancestor of elves, you should be very clear about it…”
Oki Xiu tried his best to explain.
Isn’t Shiba being manipulated by Chrysanthemum the best case before?
With the power of elves, it is not difficult at all to control the minds of others or even other elves.
Da Muxiu, who is about to become a father, has a much more restrained style of acting than before.
What’s more, in the face of the gods who created this beautiful elf world, Da Muxiu also felt that it would be better not to fight if he was not too old.
“Shut up! This is the end of the matter! Do you still want to lie to me in T Kuang?!”
If it were Arceus back then, it would still be possible to listen to Oki Xiu’s detailed explanations, but it has already paid a heavy price for a wrong trust, and it is impossible to listen to anyone again
class explanation.
“I can’t listen at all…”
Da Muxiu scratched his head in distress, and hid the life gem behind his back, “I’m sorry, but the life gem can’t be returned to you for the time being, or we can discuss it, can you just destroy Shenao? Anyway, it was only this person who lied to you back then. People in the area have nothing to do with us outsiders, don’t get us involved, okay?”
Sirona and Hina immediately widened their eyes.
After Da Muxiu, Serena, Mary and other women who arrived at Mijina through the magic ring also showed shocking expressions.
This proposal is… strong!
But think about it too.
There is nothing wrong with you Arceus being killed and wanting revenge.
But the ones who lie to you are only the Chaoke clan, or the Sinnohs. Isn’t it too much for you to involve all human beings?
“”〃It’s ugly! Still want to bargain with me? Human beings are really stupid creatures, they don’t deserve to exist in this world! ”
“In that case! Let me take you as the first sacrifice for this sanction!”
Arceus ascended to the sky again, and terrifying energy accumulated and formed above his head.
“God, he can’t listen at all.”
Da Muxiu was very distressed, turned to Serena and said:
“Go back with Hoopa’s power!”
“Brother Xiu, we can help you too!”
Lillie said anxiously.
“In front of Arceus, legends at the level of Solgaleo and Yveltal are useless at all, and will hinder them instead.” In the current situation, Da Muxiu didn’t care about Lilia and the others’ feelings, and said frankly.
Lillie wanted to say something more, but Sijana (of Li Zhao) had already grabbed her shoulder from behind and pulled her back into the magic ring.
And Mary also held Serena’s hand, and said to Damu Xiu:
“come on.”
Immediately, he took Serena and left.
Two simple words are worth a thousand words.
“Aren’t you leaving?”
Da Muxiu turned to look at Sirona and Hina who were left behind.
Hina resolutely said: “This is a crime committed by my ancestors, and I cannot escape.”
Sirona: “Even if I die, I will die in my hometown.”
“It’s up to you.”
Da Muxiu looked up at Arceus in the center of the sky, and suddenly took out the platinum jade from his arms, and just lifted it up.
The white gold precious jade released a strong holy light.
The space-time tunnels on both sides and the reversal exit in the center were opened at the same time.
Dialga, Palkyan and Giratina!
The three Sinnohs will take the lead! .
260 Only dry fights are convincing
“Do you want to help humans?”
Arceus, who was in a state of anger, was obviously shocked by the appearance of the three gods of SinnohIt stagnated for a moment, but the next moment, Chuangshishen burst out a chill that was even more chilling down the spine than before.
Palucciban and Dialga opened their mouths at the same time to let out low-pitched dragon chants, probably to persuade Arceus.
“Even if it is a monster, as long as it helps humans, it must be sanctioned!”
Arceus was even more angry.
“I can’t listen to it at all, it…”
Kyurem has also flown out of the master ball, carrying Da Muxiu to the other side of Arceus.
Four top legends surround Arceus’ four directions respectively.
“I finally don’t want to fight once, but I have to make a move?”
Da Muxiu shook his head and shouted to Dialga:
“Di Yaluka, find a chance to send us to Yiyi”
Before Da Muxiu’s words were over, Arceus had already taken action.
“Accept the sanctions!”
The dense energy light ball above Chuangshi God’s head finally exploded.
The punishment of ice attribute shines!
Not only human beings, but also these three traitors who were created by themselves but stood on the opposite side of themselves!
Let’s all disappear from the world you created!
Oki Xiu said in a low voice.
The legends present are basically dragons, so Arceus 570 chose to use ice to deal with them.
“Ok, I know.”
Kyurem’s form changed, turning into Dark Kyurem.
The extreme chill also gushed out from the body of Dark Kyurem, and the world turned into a world of ice at this moment, and the endless barbed icebergs pushed back Arceus’ ice-o punishment light.
Palucci was surprised to seize this opportunity, clasped his hands together and swung at his father god in the next second.
The strong distorted energy instantly enveloped Arceus.
It distorts the space in which Arceus lives.
Seeing this, Diyaluka also followed closely, releasing a wave of energy, which turned into a layer of buff covering the surface of the space cage.
This is exactly the same as what happened in Baiyang Town before. The distortion of time and space sent Arceus into another time and space that was already visible to outsiders but completely isolated.
“Small tricks!”
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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