Da Muxiu turned his head and shouted to Liberate Hoopa on the edge of the battlefield.
“It’s so noisy, it’s already done!”
The moment Jie Jiefang Hupa’s voice fell, the space in the center of the six magic rings began to change
The first to fly out from the magic ring on the far right is the number one nanny in the elf world, the strongest priest who can resurrect all dead creatures, Feng Wang.
On the other side on the right side, the endless Wangyang sea water poured out, and the original Kyoka surged out.
With one foot on the water, Wang Yang was burned into dry land, and the original Gulardo walked out after him.
Arceus who lacks the origin of water and the origin of earth.
It’s more effective to send out the flightless and fat head fish than to call the empty seat out.
“Could Hoopa start messing around again?”
On the other side, after realizing that he was forcibly transferred, King Lei Crown came out on a snowstorm horse against the wind, and his first reaction was that Hoopa was causing trouble again? However, when he saw the dark night and the God of Creation sitting in the center of the night, King Lei Crown’s eyes widened instantly.
Here, what’s the situation?
It was even more exaggerated than the Twilight of the Gods that happened in Shixiang Town before.
Even Arceus, the creator god, came out.
What made King Leiguan even more puzzled was that not only the human being before, but also why the three creation dragons created by Arceus himself stood on the opposite side of Arceus?
The earth dragon Kigard, who was also forcibly summoned, had a very low sense of presence but possessed a top-level legend, also looked bewildered.
The little cute Mengmeng who flew out of the last round of the magic ring also tilted her head, her already big eyes staring even wider.
Good guy, Mengmeng said that she was in charge of this cute creature, why was she drawn into such a terrifying battlefield?
“Simply put, Arceus was deceived by a human being, and now he wants to bury all human beings with him!”
Oki repaired the mess with a sharp knife, and explained extremely quickly:
“It is true that this is the fault of mankind, but it should not be borne by all mankind! Everyone, please do me a favor!”
Most of the legends about Liberation Hoopa’s summoning this time are still plausible.
The original Gulardo and the original Kyoka, the deadly rivals, looked at each other and joined the battle one after another.
Kigard opened his mouth, but at the moment it hesitated, a light cannon from the ice-o sanction shimmering suddenly hit it on the head.
The guardian of the earth, who was four times weaker than ice, was instantly beaten and turned on his back.
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!
Kigard hurtsRolling all over the floor.
Is this too exaggerated?
“Hey! Are you okay?”
The nanny Feng Wang flew over and asked Kigard.
“I look like I’m okay?!”
Kigurd asked, crying.
“Who told you to be distracted during the battle? Don’t move, I will heal your wounds.”
Feng Wang closed his eyes and released the fire of life.
“Chirp Mi! Mi! Mi!”
Mengmeng shuttled through the light of sanctions at a very high speed in teleportation, and kept pointing her little finger at Hoopa in righteous indignation, blaming him for calling him over.
“Dream, stop making trouble, hurry up and help fight, you don’t want this world to be messed up by Arceus, do you?”
Da Muxiu shouted to Meng Meng who was still complaining.
Although the dream is of the super power system, it has the DNA of origin, and it can basically use skills of any attribute. It is also very suitable for dealing with the current Arceus.
Meng Meng stared at O ​​Muxiu full of resentment, and at the same time, an innocent and lively child’s voice sounded in O Muxiu’s mind through telepathy:
“You villain’s face, I have already remembered!”
In the next moment, Mengmeng’s two small hands clenched into fists, triggering thunder from the sky to land on Arceus.
Arceus, who was caught in the trick, got up high in the air, turned his head and saw the cute creature, and the bloody look in his eyes became even more ferocious.
Of course it recognizes this cute creature. To be precise, Dream is the existence closest to Arceus in gene.
Now, however, Dream is also standing on the opposite side of itself.
It’s hard to imagine how Arceus felt.
The light wheel turned black, and Arceus raised his head to release the dark wave, which was enough to smash the evil wave that easily smashed a mountain into the dream.
Meng Meng was taken aback, and hurriedly used teleportation to dodge.
However, Arceus easily judged the transition point of the Dreamman, twisted his neck, and sent another wave of evil blasted towards the direction where Dreamman reappeared.
“Dittomon! Help Mengmeng!”
Da Muxiu shouted.
The Ditto who transformed into Dark Sirem immediately transformed into Zamarant, the King of Shields.
Jumping and running directly under Mengmeng, a huge strong light shield was released from the face to help Mengmeng block this evil wave.
262 It’s Difficult to Talk About
“This guy!?”
Even Arceus couldn’t help but be taken aback by Ditto’s metamorphosis ability.
How could an ordinary monster be able to replicate the legendary power so perfectly? !
“Taking advantage of this time! Dream! King Lei Crown!”
Da Muxiu seized this momentary opportunity and shouted to Mengmeng and King Leiguan.
Behind the light shield, Mengmeng and Baima Leiguanwang rushed out from left to right.
Thunderstorm and leafy storm hit at the same time.
Two streams of energy, one yellow and one green, bombarded Arceus’ body surface from the left and right sides.
And directly below, the original Gulardo and the original Kyoka also aimed at this opportunity.
The former slapped the ground hard, and four light spots of water source appeared on both sides of the latter.
The Sword of the Cliff!
The roots fluctuate!
“A group of traitors!!!”
Al “Five Seven Zero” Zeus suddenly broke away from the impact of the green leaf storm and thunder, his mouth slightly opened.
The loud roar that caused the space to fluctuate vibrated between the sky and the earth, and the substantial fluctuations shattered the surrounding rocky mountain walls.
The terrifying sound volume fluctuations forcibly resisted the exclusive moves of the sea and land gods, and they pressed back after a two-second stalemate.
The original Gulardo and the original Kyoka were beaten and collapsed to the ground.
Whether it is Gulardo and Kyoka who created land and sea, or the three dragons of Sinnoh, one of the origins of the world.
These legends have more or less received their own power inheritance or personal guidance.
Now, they all stand on the opposite side of themselves.
Arceus turned his head suddenly, and the destructive death light blasted towards the Dream King and King Lei Crown who were at close range.
Da Muxiu gave a deep drink.
Two magic rings emerged from behind the smallest of the legends.
Two huge severed hands protruded from the space within the magic, grabbed them both inside and immediately disappeared along with the magic ring.
Boom boom boom!
The destructive death light swept across, smashing the rows of mountains in Mijina behind into slag.
Arceus stared at Jie Hupa who had been squatting in the grass all the time, because he had no skills to beat Arceus, so he had been serving as an assistant.
Of course, Hoopa Arceus understood better. Originally, the power of Hoopa’s magic ring was bestowed by Arceus.
“Traitors! Traitors! They are all traitors!!!”
While Arceus was angry, he held his head high.
The pink energy continuously gathered above the head, turning into a ball of light with an incomparable density that exploded in the sky.
That is the sanction light of the fairy attribute!
“Blow that thing down!”
Da Muxiu waved his hand and shouted.
The guys of the dragon type present accounted for the majority.
If this trick fails, there will be some suffering on my side.
MEGA Rift and Space: “Dragon Wave!”
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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