Flame White Kyurem: “Cross Flame!”
Gundam Kigard: “Thousands of Arrows!”
Palk class: “Arkon Slash!”
Dialga: “Time roars!”
The legendary big tricks that many people will never see once in a lifetime, at this moment, one after another, they are collectively bombarding the fairy energy as if they don’t want money.
“Xina, let’s go!”
Sirona grabbed Hina’s hand and rode on the back of Lie Bite Lu Sha, “Please, Lie Bite Lu Sha, take us a little further away!”
The aftermath of countless legendary big moves bombarding the goblin energyThe impact of the wave completely destroyed Mijina.
Hina, who was sitting behind Sirona, closed her eyes weakly.
No matter how sad she was in her heart, she had to admit the fact that happened before her eyes.
These are the sins of the ancestors.
Thanks to the efforts of countless legends that are rare in a millennium, the goblin Sanction Guangshuo was finally destroyed before it fully arrived.
The Giratina and other dragon legends below all heaved a sigh of relief. If they were hit by that thing, they would really only have half their lives left.
“Do you think this will make you feel at ease?”
Arceus’ voice echoed in the ears of many dragon legends like a nightmare.
Immediately afterwards, the raging waves of ice that changed the color of the world swept in, blowing towards the Dragon God in every direction indiscriminately.
It’s a blizzard!
The ice element is also the absolute nemesis of the dragon element!
Not to mention it was done by Arceus.
For a while, Giratina, Kigard, Palkyan and other dragon legends…
All of them made extremely painful love, and their facial expressions became distorted.
Arceus, who was releasing the blizzard, frowned.
Wait, what about the human?
And it feels like a few legends are missing.
Suddenly, the space around Arceus began to ripple.
Six magic rings suddenly flashed in front, back, left, right, up, down, six directions of Arceus.
And in the next moment, the dark Kyurem with two-armed dragon claws erupted, Wuji Taina who had completed the delivery of the extremely giant cannon, the white horse Lei Guanwang who was concentrated in the green leaf storm, the dream wrapped in lightning, and the MEGA cracked air with dragon energy fluctuations in his mouth Necrozma with shining black arms.
Come out together.
Dragon Claw!
Extreme cannon!
Green leaf storm!
Dragon Wave!
Dragon Beast Buster!
“You guys!!”
Arceus’ eyes showed shock for the first time.
“I’m sorry, but in order to calm Lord Chuangshishen, we have to do this.” Da Muxiu shouted in a deep voice: “Let’s go together!”
The moment the attack hit, a terrifying shock wave exploded across the world.
Various towns and regions of Sinnoh can be seen in the direction of the edge of Sinnoh.
There was a dazzling halo, and a strong vibration was felt from the ground.
The hurricane tornado kept sweeping around at 2.4. The advanced champion-level biting land sharks that Sirona and Hina were riding were not enough to watch, and they were instantly blown away by the incoming air waves and flew into the turbulence.
Biting Lu Sha suddenly panicked and wanted to turn around to save his master.
But in the next moment, he realized that he could no longer freely control his body in such a terrifying turbulent flow.
At this moment, a sacred flame charged, and the bird’s beak grabbed Sirona and Hina and threw them on his back.
It’s Phoenix King!
“Thank you, thank you, Lord Fengwang!”
Sirona was still in shock.
Feng Wang didn’t answer, but kept his eyes firmly on the center of the rear explosion and said inwardly:
“After receiving those moves, even Lord Chuangshishen, I’m afraid…”
263 Eyewitness, the truth of the past
In the thick gunpowder smoke, the severe pain all over his body caused Arceus’ anger to burn to a new peak.
More importantly, this kind of pain caused by the fire reminded the Chuangshi God of the memory of being attacked by many ambush elves arranged by Damos when he came to retrieve the life gem thousands of years ago.
At that time, it was ordinary elves who attacked him.
But now, it has become a lot of legends.
At the same time, this was also the reason why Arceus was even more angry.
The legends who are responsible for maintaining the balance of this elf world should have stood on the same side as me.
But now, why have they switched to their own opposite?
“Hold it!”
Oki Xiu shouted in a low voice.
Necrozma opened his arms and clasped Arceus’ neck tightly.
From behind, MEGA Cracked Space trapped Arceus’ waist with a snake-like body like a sky lock.
Promise Taina also opened its pair of huge bone claws, and dug tightly the golden wheel and back of Al 25 Zeus.
“Can you calm down and have a good chat? Lord Chuangshishen.”
Oki Shuyū was on the back of Dark Kyurem, and floated directly opposite Arceus.
“Don’t get carried away! Human!”
Arceus said furiously:
“Do you think you’ll win this way?!”
Sensing Arceus’ struggle, Necrozma and the others hurriedly increased their strength.
“From the beginning, I didn’t intend to fight you. Of course, I have the highest respect from the beginning to the end for the Creator God who created this beautiful world.”
Da Muxiu stared directly at Arceus, and said solemnly:
“However, the beauty of this world is made up of humans and elves, and both are indispensable.”
“Ridiculous! Human beings are just the scourge of the world I created!”
Arceus burned with rage.
“Thousands of years ago, you should have agreed with me, that’s why you lent the life gem to humans, but…”
Before Da Muxiu could finish speaking, Arceus’ pupils glowed fiercely and said:
“Since you already know, you still have the face to argue with me about this issue.”
“I haven’t finished yet…”
Da Muxiu’s face showed a trace of helplessness, and continued:
“That human didn’t betray you.”
“Full of nonsense! At that time one”
Recalling the past that he least wanted to think of, Arceus’ eyes were stained with blood.
“I have already said at the very beginning that using the power of the elves to control the human mind is a simple matter.”
Oki Xiu said again:
“Although there were no Poké Balls in that era, the means to control Pokémon already existed, right? Are you sure that human being was not manipulated by other Pokémon at that time?”Arceus’ expression froze suddenly.
If it was the beginning of the battle, it would never listen to Oki Xiu’s words.
However, after fighting for so long, Arceus has indeed calmed down a lot.
In retrospect, I was completely dazzled by Damos’ betrayal, and then returned to the other side of the world and fell into a deep sleep.
As for the state of Damos at that time, Arceus really didn’t know.
“It seems that you are also suspicious.”
Seeing that Arceus fell silent, Da Muxiu smiled slightly, knowing that his words had worked.
“That human didn’t betray you. Although it was also a hindrance, this kind of behavior is just an attack, not a betrayal. Your act of seeking revenge from humans is wrong, God of Creation.” Da Muxiu said seriously.
“Nonsense, nonsense!”
Arceus obviously hesitated.
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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