But how could the God of Creation easily admit his mistakes?
“Did you make up such a boring lie to deceive me!? How can you prove it one by one?”
Arceus was halfway through speaking, and saw Oki Xiu reach out and point to Dialga on the ground below.
“If you let it come, you should be able to know it easily, right?”
Arceus fell silent again, of course he knew that there was no elf more suitable for this matter than Dialga’s power of time.
“… Dialga! Send me back to that night a thousand years ago!”
Arceus turned his head and shouted to Dialga.
Seeing this, Da Muxiu also shook his hand, signaling Necrozma and the others to let go of the Creation God.
Hearing Father God speak, Dialga also held his head high.
Wisps of blue light began to fluctuate in the surrounding time and space.
After a while, Arceus disappeared in place.
Damu slender breathed a sigh of relief, and headed by Kyurem, he fell down with many of his own legends, and then leaned heavily against a wall of the Chaoke clan that had been reduced to ruins.
“Is that all right?”
Feng Wang took Sirona and Hina down, and asked the tired-looking Da Muxiu.
“Huh? That’s fine.”
Da Muxiu smiled.
I remember that in the original book, it was Xiaozhi who went back to resolve Arceus’ misunderstanding.
But now that Arceus went out on his own, it was obviously more straightforward.
Don’t look at it’s aggressiveness at the beginning, and it will never stop until it slaughters all human beings.
But don’t forget, the official introduction to Arceus in the previous life——
The most good is also the most evil.
After learning the truth of the matter, Da Muxiu believed that Arceus would turn back to the Creator God who trusted and was willing to leave hope to mankind a thousand years ago.
570 Although during the waiting process, Oki Xiu himself looked relaxed.
But Sirona and Hina, even some of the legends, all looked restless.
During the long wait, their hearts beat faster and faster.
Looking at the ruined Mijina.
When Arceus came back, he didn’t change his mind.
That Sinnoh… and even the entire Elf Continent will face such a fate.
At this time, Dialga suddenly raised his head and let out a low cry.
Immediately, the fluctuation of time reappeared.
The figure and fluctuations of the God of Creation gradually appeared.
“Lord Arceus!”
Hina looked at each other nervously.
“never mind.”
Da Muxiu was still leaning against the broken wall, with an indifferent smile on his face.
If you observe carefully, you can find that the blood in its eyes before has dissipated.
For half a minute, Arceus stared straight at Hina, feeling the same power in her body as Damos.
Staring at Hina until his heart trembled, Arceus finally spoke slowly:
In an instant, Sirona and Hina looked shocked, and a few seconds later, they wept with joy.
“That’s it, it’s done.”
Da Muxiu took out the Orb of Life, stood up and held it in front of Arceus.
264 Epilogue (five years later)
Alola Region, Pikachu Valley.
A cute loli, about four years old, wearing a dark blue princess dress, with jet-black double ponytails, is putting her hands up in the shape of a bunny, and the wrist-shaped Z bracelet and Pikachu in front of her burst into golden light Shan shouted excitedly:
“Accept the move! Sister Yue! Pickup Pickup kills!”
On the opposite side was another five-year-old blond girl with a single ponytail wearing a JK skirt with white shoulders, with her hands on her hips, and the Z bracelet on her wrist also burst into bright light.
“Don’t be afraid! Ibrahimovic! The nine-color sublimation gathers the top!”
Two little lolitas were fighting in the valley, when suddenly two young but mature women walked in from the valley entrance.
“Ling’er, Yue’er, you are running around again!”
“Today is a very important day, didn’t I tell you to stay at home obediently?”
Hearing the scolding voices of the two beautiful women, the blond and black-haired Lolita’s Z-moves froze at the same time, holding their beloved Pikachu and Eevee into the arms of the beautiful young woman.
The loli Nukao called “Yue’er” hugged Ibrahimovic with one hand, and pointed to the black-haired loli next to her with the other hand, Nubo said:
“Mom, Aunt Carunai, sister Linger asked me to bring her here.”
Ling’er little loli exclaimed angrily:
“Sister Yue’er, you framed it! It’s obviously you one by one”
“Yue’er, you are not good.”
The beautiful blond woman flicked the little head of Yue’er, who had the same hair color as herself, but her eyes were different from her own blue pupils, but inherited from her father’s black pupils, “Is it bad to lie?”
What kind of virtue is this daughter, don’t you know?
As the eldest daughter of that man, it can be said that she is number one in the sky.Second generation, totally spoiled.
Just five years old, he has shown the potential of the devil incarnation.
I’m really worried about her future if I don’t educate her well.
Ling’er curiously took the hand of the beautiful black-haired woman and said curiously:
“Mom, what’s the matter today?”
A hint of helplessness flashed in the eyes of the beautiful black-haired woman, but she still showed a charming smile, “Today is the day when your Auntie Mary gave birth, and you will have a younger brother or younger sister. Are you happy”~ ”
“I don’t want a sister anymore,”
Yue’er II pursed her lips, pretending to be impatient, “You Linger, a stupid little sister, works very hard every day, and I can’t stand another one.”
“Sister Yue’er is necrotic, Ling’er won’t play with you anymore.”
Ling’er turned her face to the other side angrily.
On the way home with their respective daughters in their arms, the beautiful black-haired woman suddenly showed a strange smile, “Next, who do you think it will be?”
The blond beautiful woman rolled her eyes, seeing that the attention of the two lolis was diverted by other things, she said in a low voice:
“Girl Serena, don’t you feel very clingy to that smelly man recently?”
The beautiful black-haired woman said with some relief in her helplessness:
“I think it’s not bad, at least that guy didn’t provoke new women outside.”
“What? Should we still praise him?”
The corners of the blonde beauty’s mouth twitched.
But to be honest, this is indeed something to be thankful for.
After all, even with a child, there are still countless women rushing towards that stinky man one after another.
After all, what he owns, if he pulls out a feather from the nine cows, is enough for a family to gain the Tao, and the chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.
In the afternoon of the same day, Melomele Island Hospital.
He heard the crying of babies coming from the luxurious ward.
Yue’er and Ling’er, who were brought to the door of the room by their respective mothers, immediately ran into the ward.
In the house, Mary, who changed her punk style from the past, with her waist-length hair and a strong Japanese beauty, leaned against the back of the wound, and beside the baby wound on one side, the man and several beautiful women of the same age were gratified, curious, Looking expectantly at the child in the baby’s wound.
“Father! Is it sister or brother?”
Yue’er arched over immediately, and climbed up the man’s trouser legs.
“It’s my brother.”
The man picked up Yue’er and smiled at the baby.
“Dad, I want too!”
Ling’er also ran over and hugged the man’s trouser legs.
The man also hugged Ling’er with his other hand.
“Why does it look like Aunt Mary’s long-haired troll, covered in fur?”
Yue’er suddenly shouted with disgust:
“Not cute at all.”
Immediately, Shunjia pulled down Mary’s pretty face as before.
“You child!”
Xiao Ju’er hugged Yue’er over, patted her little butt drum lightly, and said angrily:
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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