“Didn’t you look like this when you were first born!?”
“I don’t believe it~ This girl is so cute…”
Yue’er Nu Ning refused to accept it.
“Wow! Whoa! Whoa!”
I don’t know if it’s because there are too many people in the room, or because the diaper needs to be changed, but the baby boy who was sleeping peacefully suddenly burst into tears.
But after all, there were already two precedents, so the girls in the house picked up the baby with ease and began to comfort them.
Walking out of the ward, Da Muxiu heaved a sigh of relief, and looked outside through the window.
At this time, several ice crystals floated to the other side of the window.
“oo〃Is it snowing?”
Da Muxiu slightly raised his hand to catch a crystal.
“What’s wrong? The big day to have a son sighs here.”
Xiaoju’er pinched Da Muxiu’s arm lightly, raised her eyebrows and teased:
“Isn’t it because I heard about Lulina’s recent incident that she was hit?”
“That Miss Lulina is very beautiful, compared to us Omu Xiu, who was hit hard after hearing this, right?” Karunai leaned to the other side and couldn’t help but smirk.
Recently, there have been some lace scandals in Galar, which are related to Lulina.
It seems that Lulina walked very close to a man.
The corners of Da Muxiu’s mouth turned up slightly, did the dog author start to lay in wait again?
“Get well soon, let’s start a new story? Dog author.”
Da Muxiu hugged one of them, and said to himself with a lot of emotion.
Chapter 1 First Arrival in the Digimon World
Being blown in the turbulent flow, Da Muxiu also fell into a state of dizziness for a while.
When he woke up, the current Da Muxiu also felt a severe headache, and he didn’t even know what to do.
Looking around in confusion, I really want to see what kind of environment is around, and I want to test how different the surrounding environment is.
“Strange, why does this world look so strange? I should have never been to this world, why do I always feel so familiar?”
Now Da Muxiu also fell into a burst of contemplation, always feeling that this place is both familiar and strange.
But at this moment, he suddenly saw a huge bird flying in the sky.
But he didn’t attack him, instead he left directly.
This made the current Da Muxiu look at everything in front of him incredulously, as if he never thought that such a thing could happen.
“I’ll go, can’t I? Is this the world of Digimon?”
“It’s just a turbulent flow in space that has blown me into the world of Digimon?”
After thinking of this question, his expression became a little ugly in an instant. After all, if it is really a digitalBaby world, then if you want to survive 573, you have to do everything possible.
After all, the Digimon here is very powerful in every strength, I hope you don’t encounter the ultimate Digimon at the beginning!
Otherwise, there is absolutely no way to run. Such a thing is a bit outrageous no matter how you look at it.
So in the future, they will definitely be more cautious, so that it is more in line with their state.
However, at this moment, Da Muxiu suddenly saw a group of guys coming towards this side quickly.
Moreover, everyone is somewhat familiar, even as if they have seen it somewhere.
“It’s strange… Could it be that my luck is so good? I just came to this world, and I met Taiyi and Agumon?”
“As long as you follow them, you will definitely be safer, and there shouldn’t be too many dangers!”
Although now Oki Xiu really feels that he is not afraid of these Digimons at all, as long as he does not encounter an ultimate body, there must be room for self-protection. However, he discovered that this space has something special, as long as he is in the world of Digimon (cfce), his strength will be mostly weakened. Even, judging from the current situation, if he meets a Digimon that is only a few days old, he will definitely not be able to beat it at all.
There is no way to continue like this, and it will even have the opposite effect, which is a bit outrageous for them.
Yagumon in front of him also looked at Taiyi very curiously, and then pointed at Oki Xiu with his finger.
“Taiyi, look there is a human over there!”
After Taiyi heard this sentence, he also looked over very curiously, and found Oki Xiu immediately.
He didn’t dare to have any melancholy, and ran over quickly.
“Why are you in the Digimon world? Are you also a chosen child?”
At this moment, Oki Xiu also felt a little speechless. After all, it would be better if the child was really selected, at least he could have a Digimon.
But now he has nothing, let alone any Digimon!
“I don’t know, I ran into this world out of nowhere, and I even feel a little strange to the surrounding environment!”
“Also, I feel that the monsters here are all very big, and they seem to be very strong.”
Now Tai Yi, after hearing this sentence, also had a strong affection in his heart.
After all, as long as he can meet the same kind here, it will be a huge good thing for him for a long time.
“Haha, don’t worry. After all, we are here. As long as we are here, there will be no problems at all. Then follow me!”
“I still have a lot of friends. I believe they will welcome you very much. Follow me when the time comes. We will protect you and help you find a suitable Digimon for you.”
At this moment, Da Muxiu also nodded and agreed after hesitating for a moment. After all, he really didn’t know where to go in the next period of time.
Even, no matter where you go, there are some things that are not suitable, so you will appear a little confused in your heart.
In the end, he smiled awkwardly and said, “Okay, then I’ll stay with you.”
After saying this sentence, he looked at everything in front of him very calmly, and at the same time, he didn’t have any worries at all.
There is also a very calm taste, after all, these things in front of them are completely within their expectations.
So there is no need to worry at all, otherwise there will be something really inappropriate in the end.
Moreover, he found that his strength seems to be very strong now, and he doesn’t need any Digimon.
After all, he always feels that the energy in his body seems to be changing. As long as certain Digimons are eliminated among the Digimons, his strength can become stronger! Some excitement!
After all, he originally thought that his strength would almost stagnate in the future, but he didn’t expect that he would be able to make such a big discovery when he was feeling helpless! This made his eyes look extraordinarily Excitement, but at the same time, there is no worry at all.
However, at this moment, the Yagu beast in front of him suddenly showed a lot of vigilance from its big eyes.
“Taiyi, something’s wrong, I feel a dangerous aura, I’m afraid there are Digimon ambushing nearby!”
Da Muxiu also looked around very curiously. At the same time, he had just arrived here, so he really wasn’t going to make a move.
On the contrary, I really want to see how Tai Yi made a move, and even more want to see what their strength is. Only in this way can I feel more stable in my heart, otherwise I will feel some surprises.
For them, no matter how you look at it, it is a bit outrageous, and at the same time, they know that they must be more cautious no matter what.
Now Tai Yi also looked around vigilantly, but at this moment, he suddenly saw a hungry wolf leaping out from the grass!
I only saw this hungry wolf with three heads, and each eye was staring at them.
Tai Yi also quickly said: “Oki Xiu, you stay behind us!”.
Chapter 2 Careless Tyrannosaurus
Now Oki Xiu, after hearing this sentence, also nodded very slightly, and then stayed directly behind Taiyi.
After all, he really wants to see what kind of method this group of people will use next.some operations.
And I also really want to see what kind of changes can happen to the next Yagumon, and how much strength it can display.
After all, only after knowing their true strength can they become more stable in their hearts, otherwise everything seems to be superfluous in the end.
This is completely unreasonable for them, so they should be cautious enough anyway.
After thinking of this point, they couldn’t help but nodded very slightly, and they understood a general idea of ​​the matter in front of them.
At the same time, there is no need to worry at all. After all, worrying for too long at this time is completely outrageous in itself.
As for the current Taiyi, they all took out an evolutionary device in their hands.
“Agumon, evolve!”
Then they saw a huge, tall and ferocious tyrannosaur, which also appeared directly in front of them, and everyone’s eyes looked very different.
This makes them all seem to feel that something is outrageous, and at the same time they know that they must-be cautious enough no matter what.
Only in this way can their hearts be considered relatively stable, otherwise in the end everything will seem a little unnecessary-all in one fell swoop.
This makes them a very bad situation no matter how they look at it, so in the next period of time, they will behave very seriously no matter what.
Then the tyrannosaurs in front of them also flew up directly, and at the same time they all started to attack frantically with their claws.
And they all showed no hesitation in hand speed and attitude at all, and they all looked extraordinarily firm at this time.
No matter how you look at it, people will feel very shocked, and at the same time, they have never thought that such a situation can happen in a good way.
Now Da Muxiu couldn’t help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.
“I’ll go, why is it so strong? The strength of this tyrannosaurus seems to be able to tear the opponent apart.”
“Such a kind of strength is really too strong. After all, if it is not explained enough, I am afraid that it may not have any effect at all in the end.”
“And it is likely to have the opposite effect, so in the end, you should be more cautious about renting anyway.”
“How can this tyrannosaur be so powerful?”
Taiyi in front of him, after hearing this sentence, couldn’t help but touch his nose lightly with his hand, his eyes looked unusually proud at this moment.
“That must be, after all, this is a battle between me and the Tyrannosaurus!”
“So his strength is indeed relatively strong, which is completely normal.”
“However, as long as you can understand such a thing, you don’t have any worries at all. From now on, you just need to be by our side and lie down and win.” Da Muxiu, who was in front of him, heard this After a sentence, they all nodded very slightly, but there was no much reaction at all.
After all, the guy on the opposite side hadn’t shown much strength at all.
Even from the situation in front of him, he can almost understand that the opponent should have been hiding his strength.
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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