“At that time, our Digimon will add up to a lot. As long as there are enough Digimon, then we should be able to solve the difficulties in front of us, so this 573 is completely a good thing.”
Now Oki Xiu, after seeing this kind of excitement, couldn’t help but smiled very slightly, but he didn’t tangle up on this kind of issue at all.
There is even a very relaxed taste, as if in the next period of time, no matter what happens, it will be completely easy for them.
At the same time, they will not have any worries at all. After all, if they really worry about this kind of thing for too long, it is a bit outrageous for them.
“Okay, there is no need to introduce it at all. After all, I almost know all the people around you.”
The current Tai Yi, after hearing this sentence, instantly looked at the scene in front of him in a daze.
At this moment in my heart, I was completely unclear, as if I hadn’t said anything at all all this time.
And nothing was introduced at all, so why do you know everything for no reason?
No matter how you say it, it seems that there is something abnormal, which makes him feel a little suspicious of life.
At the same time, he always felt that this kind of thing in front of him was full of evil, which made him feel cute and speechless in his heart.
Chapter 5 Stress
But since he had already said that, he really had no way to resist, and finally he could only nod embarrassingly.
“Well, since I’ve already said that, I won’t introduce it anymore, but I still very much hope that in the next period of time, we can be more or less calm, and only in this way can we Comparable.”
“Otherwise, I’m really worried that there will be some accidents. At that time, it will become even more inappropriate for us.”
After saying this sentence, they all laughed nonchalantly, and at this moment, they seemed to have no pressure at all in their hearts.
Now Tai Yi couldn’t help laughing in embarrassment. After all, he originally wanted to explain, but now he suddenly realized that there seemed to be no explanation at all.
After all, he always feels as if everyone is very familiar with each other. If he suddenly needs to explain something at this time, it will seem a little redundant.
This is not a good phenomenon for them at all, so in the end, they should be calm enough anyway.
Only in this way will it be more appropriate, otherwise in the end everything seems to be completely redundant.
And it doesn’t have any effect at all, which is very bad for them.
At the same time, in the next period of time, his actions and behaviors will also become somewhat different.
No matter how you look at it, people will feel very weird, and at the same time know that they should be cautious enough no matter what.
“Wow, you guys don’t know at all, just now he can directly kill a Digimon with a single punch.”
As for the other people now, they couldn’t help but nodded very slightly.
Even Koshiro, who has always been relatively calm and even easy to get in touch with.
At this time, it seems that there is a sense of distance, and there is no way to accept a newcomer.
It is precisely because of this that their eyes look very weird at this time.
And the current Tai Yi also feels unusually awkward standing beside him, and doesn’t know how to explain it at all.
After all, he feels that he is completely in a dilemma now, as if there is something wrong no matter how he says it, and it seems that he seems a little embarrassed no matter what time it is.
But at this moment, Da Muxiu in front of him couldn’t help but straighten his eyes.He smiled, and his eyes looked a little flat at this time.
“It’s okay. In fact, there is no need to be so anxious at all. After all, it is not easy to belong to such a big group.”
“You are all from the same world, so the relationship will definitely become better, and you will definitely become closer. This is completely normal o”
“Suddenly I have an extra outsider, and you will all have some resistance. In fact, this is a very normal phenomenon, so there is nothing to be angry about at all.”
After saying this sentence, they couldn’t help but blinked their eyes directly, and their faces looked a little innocent at this moment.
Even if I no matter what happens in the next period of time, they will feel very flat, and it is impossible to have any extra thoughts at all. I feel that the face looks a little unique at this time .
However, in the next period of time, they will definitely become more cautious, and only in this way can they be considered to be relatively in line with their current requirements.
Otherwise, in the end, everything seems to be superfluous, which is a very bad situation for them.
So in the next period of time, they will definitely show enough caution, and only in this way is it more appropriate.
Otherwise, in the end everything seems to be superfluous, and it will not produce any attitude results at all.
This makes them all look extremely depressed in their hearts, and they are all in a state of depression.
I always feel that in the next period of time, no matter what happens, they must be cautious enough, and only in this way is it more appropriate, otherwise everything seems to be superfluous in the end.
“Okay, okay, let’s hurry up and continue on our way, after all, now is not the time for conflict at all.”
“”〃The current situation is completely different, and there is a kind of danger everywhere. ”
“This level of danger has always been very high, so no matter what, you should be more careful in the end.”
After saying this sentence, I feel very calm looking at everything in front of you, and my heart is always completely free of any pressure.
There was even a very relaxed feeling, as if in the next period of time, no matter what happened, they would definitely keep calm down.
Only in this way is it more appropriate, otherwise everything seems to be a little redundant in the end.
This makes him feel very weird no matter how he thinks about it, and he doesn’t even know how to explain it at all, as if no matter how he explains it next, it belongs to something that is not suitable, and will give him ( Li Zhaohao) added a lot of trouble.
As for the current Da Muxiu, he couldn’t help but smiled very flatly at this time, and at this time in his heart, it seemed that he didn’t have any pressure at all.
“Ahem, judging from the current situation and situation, if I guess correctly, there are still many things to bear.”
“So, if there is such a time conflict, it’s better to think about what to do next.”
“After all, in the next period of time, I will definitely meet many other treasures. At that moment, I should think about how to deal with them. After all, if even these Digimons can’t be solved at all, I’m afraid they are all It’s hard to protect yourself, right?”
After saying this sentence, they all laughed very flatly in an instant, and they seemed to have no pressure at all in their hearts.
Chapter 6 Rejected
There is even a very weird taste, feeling that they should be cautious enough anyway, and only in this way is it more appropriate.
Otherwise, in the end, it seems that everything is superfluous, and there is no expression of attitude at all.
This made their eyes look a little embarrassed, and they didn’t even know how to explain it at all.
As for Koshiro in front of you, you couldn’t help nodding your head in haste, and at the same time, you smiled awkwardly.
“Yes, yes, judging from the current situation, no matter how we say it, we should unite a bit, so that it feels appropriate.”
“After all, judging from the current situation, we are not enemies at all. Since we are not enemies at all, why should we have some farce?”
“Let’s do what we should do. Isn’t it appropriate? And there is no need to lose some temper at all.”
After saying this sentence, they all laughed nonchalantly, and at this moment in their hearts, they seemed to have no pressure at all.
Even the very bland taste of the induction, in the next period of time, no matter what happens, they will be able to withstand it.
After 577 finished saying this sentence, the whole person also smiled very confidently.
However, in this Digimon world, this kind of danger is really everywhere. Such a danger makes them always feel that there is something inappropriate in their hearts.
But now their scenes look a little different, evenEven in the next period of time, it is very likely that many troubles will arise.
As for the current Da Muxiu, he couldn’t help but look very serious at this moment.
“If I’m not mistaken, in this world, our most important and primary goal is to find some sacred treasure first.”
“After all, no matter who is this thing, they definitely want to fight for it, and the combat power of the sacred-level Digimon has always been extremely explosive.”
At this time, they didn’t have any intention of talking at all, and they kept walking forward all the time.
But at this moment, as if they touched some mechanism, they all suddenly felt that some huge changes had taken place in their eyes.
“I’ll go, why did we suddenly run under the castle now?”
After saying this sentence, they immediately observed everything around them directly, and at the same time found that there were bats everywhere on their heads and around them.
This made their eyes look very calm at this time, and they knew that in the next period of time, they would definitely become more careful.
As for the current scene, it will look a little different. Even, in front of them, the strength of every guy seems to have always been very strong.
And here they also found a lot of shadows, and these shadows seem to belong to their evolution.
This made everyone present feel very weird instantly after seeing it, and it also made them look a little different at this time.
The current Da Muxiu is also looking at the scene in front of him, more or less some changes have taken place, and at the same time he knows that this may be his mission in this world.
It is to stop the darkness, and at the same time to stop their development.
But just after they finished reading this paragraph, they suddenly felt that the changes around them were all a little different.
Moreover, at this time, their eyes looked a little different at this time, and at the same time, they knew that in the next period of time, no matter what, he (C
fee) must be more cautious.
And only in this case, he is very likely to have some different phenomena, so in the next period of time, they will definitely become more serious.
But at this moment, they suddenly felt that some changes had taken place in their surroundings.
I saw a lot of Digimon, and immediately surrounded it.
Even the scene looked a little bloody at this time, and it even made them feel completely insecure.
“Children, you should be careful next time. After all, the darkness has been watching you all the time, and it may show its minions to you at any time.”
“In order to defeat the darkness, all you need to do now is to travel on this continent, cross the sea to the continent, and look for the light that hopes to fight with the warriors and the sacred Digimon.”
“Crawood Continent, the sacred Digimon, is there.”
The current Da Muxiu has also heard these voices all along, and at the same time his eyes seem a little curious at this moment.
After all, we know from here that the surrounding situation is completely different, and it is even very likely that there are dangers everywhere.
So in the next period of time, they will definitely become more cautious, and now they are already surrounded by poisonous spider beasts.
And there seems to be such a kind of existence everywhere around, and even everyone’s strength seems to be very strong, and they keep using spider webs to seal them, which is completely trying to seal their exits.
Now they simply can’t explain it at all. After all, the exclusive helper in front of the majors has been blocked directly. No matter how you look at it, it is somewhat abnormal.
“I’m going, this should be the new darkness, and because these darkness discovered our existence, they have already begun to target them, and they all want to destroy us directly.”
The current Taiyi, after hearing this sentence, instantly clasped his hands together tightly.
“Hey, no, no matter what happens next, they will not be completely wiped out.”
“After all, our strength itself is completely legitimate and strong. It was actually hidden to a certain extent before, so you didn’t discover it at all.”
“Go on and watch, we will definitely preserve our own strength and let the other party know what real strength is.”
Chapter 7 The Power of Small Flames
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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