After saying this sentence, he immediately looked at everything in front of him with full concentration.
At this moment, Da Muxiu also had a very strange expression on his face.
After all, judging from the situation in front of us, there are some differences between the scenes.
But now Taiyi couldn’t help but look at the Agumon beside him.
“Agumon, use small flames to attack these spider webs.”
The current Yagu beasts, after hearing this sentence, also nodded very cautiously, and then they were all small flames, and kept starting-doing someattack.
And there is no intention of stopping at all, which makes people feel very weird no matter how they look at it.
However, after firing five or six rounds, it was found that no matter what kind of attack hit the spider web, there was no way to produce any effect at all.
Da Muxiu said slightly: “These spider webs are special, and when you are attacking, if you look carefully, you will find that these things are constantly vibrating.”
“And this thing is completely very hard, and I don’t know what kind of material it is made of, but I can still clearly feel that this kind of thing is completely very weird.”
Everyone in front of them nodded their heads non-stop in an instant, and they found that this attack would be completely offset by other things.
As for the spiders in the sky, they will not stop at all, and at the same time they all look at everything in front of them very calmly.
However, the current Koshiro is also constantly moving the computer in his hand, which makes people feel very weird no matter how they look at it.
At the same time, they don’t know what their purpose is at all, and they don’t even know what their method of action is this time.
It is precisely because of this that they feel very different deep in their hearts.
At the same time, I also know that they should be cautious enough no matter what, and only in this way can they feel appropriate.
As for the current friends, they all start to evolve in an instant, and everyone’s evolution looks different at this time.
The current Badora beasts also charged upwards like a flame without any hesitation at all.
In the blink of an eye, it directly broke through the spider web in front of it, and finally saw that the Yagumon at this moment also evolved directly.
It also directly turned into a tyrannosaur, and at the same time, the overall combat power seemed to be completely different at this time.
Even the whole body exudes a very terrifying energy, and one can even clearly feel that it does have some differences.
As for the present Da Muxiu, he also looked at everything in front of him in astonishment.
He found that the tyrannosaurus at this moment can cover all the places where the flames spray, and even leave no room for everyone present to resist at all.
And is this the strength of unity? As long as it is this group of guys, as long as they are united, there should be no problems at all.
And as long as they can unite as one, then in the next period of time, they will be able to defeat any enemy.
So in the next period of time, there is no need to worry about too long at all. As long as you can defeat the enemy, then it is definitely very good.
The current Tai Yi couldn’t help but smile very happily, his face also looked extraordinarily plain at this moment.
“Hey, have you suddenly seen how powerful we are now, and admired us a lot?”
But in the blink of an eye, they had already solved the trouble in front of them, and their colleagues also ran out directly.
The current Da Muxiu, after hearing such words, couldn’t help but nodded directly.
“Yes, your strength is indeed relatively strong, and there are really some differences.”
“However, this is completely abnormal, so you should be a little more cautious anyway.”
After saying this sentence, the eyes will look a little different at this time, and at the same time, the eyes will also look a little calmer at this time.
As for the current Oki Xiu, his eyes also look very dull at this time.
…ask for flowers….
“You should have seen a guy who looks like a bat just now, right? That thing is called a bird and beast.”
“He is a guy who can play a special voice, and these voices can control the Digimon around him and make them fight for him.”
“It will even make these Digimons very irritable, and it is precisely because of this that in the next period of time, you should be a little more cautious anyway.”
“If you encounter another kind of baby like this again, it’s better to stay away. Otherwise, you should think about how to deal with it, otherwise you will be completely unlucky because of it in the end.”
After saying this sentence, his eyes looked extraordinarily serious, and his whole body exuded a terrifying fighting spirit.
His complexion also became a little different, and he didn’t want to miss this kind of good opportunity in front of him at all.
Otherwise, if they really miss the present, such a good opportunity will have a huge impact on them, and it will also bring them many different effects.
This made them feel very wrong no matter how they thought about it, but there was nothing they could do about it. After all, no one had ever imagined that a good thing could turn out like this in the end.
As for everyone now, they couldn’t help but nodded very cautiously. After all, judging from the situation in front of them, they were all full of danger.
At the same time, judging from the situation in front of me, there are likely to be many differences, so no matter what, you should be a little cautious.
After saying this sentence, they all became a little different, but in the next period of time, they will definitely become more differentserious.
Only in this way can it be regarded as more appropriate, otherwise it will be completely unlucky in the end. Such a thing, no matter how you look at it, is completely outrageous.
“Hey, forget it, now that you’ve come to this world, you’d better be careful next time.”
Chapter 8 Danger
“At least if you are not careful enough, I am afraid that some huge problems will happen. At that moment, the scene will become a little different.” Looking at the situation in front of him, he seemed to have become a little depressed in his heart.
And the current situation, it seems to be a little different now, and at the same time, they are constantly looking at everything in front of them.
However, just as they walked forward, they suddenly saw that there were also some strange things, and there was a kind of danger everywhere.
At the same time, they found that if they were not careful at this time, they would fall into the trap, and such a trap was caught directly in the blink of an eye.
At the same time, they were all directly dropped onto the tree, and there was no way to move at all with “577” at all. This made the current Da Muxiu also have very speechless eyes, looking at the lady beside him.
“Taiyi… tell me why you guys have been following so closely for no reason. Isn’t it just giving the opponent a chance to follow you to the point where you are now? The random one is a trap. Arrested all of us directly.”
“Now don’t you feel very depressed at all? After all, after such a thing happened, no matter how I look at it, I will feel very weird.”
After saying this sentence, it seemed that there was some influence in their hearts, and they even always felt that this kind of thing in front of them was definitely very unfavorable to them.
At the same time, there will be a lot of troubles, which is completely outrageous no matter how you look at it.
At the same time, it will bring a lot of bad influence to them, so in the next period of time, they will be more serious no matter what.
As for the current Tai Yi, he is also very innocent looking at everything in front of him, and he also looks a little embarrassed in his heart.
“To put it bluntly, I really can’t blame me for such a thing, after all, I don’t want to do it at all.”
“However, if you really want to struggle with this issue, don’t even think about what to do next. Otherwise, we are all in the distance and are not far from courting death.”
But at this moment, a beautiful girl was suddenly seen appearing from the woods, and her face also looked very frightened at this moment.
“I knew that you guys must have come to steal the fruit, and you were caught, don’t you feel very helpless?”
But the current Taiyi, after seeing this beautiful woman in front of him, was shocked instantly, never thought that such a weird thing could happen to him at all.
“Ah? It turned out to be human?”
At this moment, the beautiful girls were also stunned for a moment, and in the end they hurriedly asked their Digimon to put all these people down, and at the same time they all warmly entertained them.
This made the current Da Muxiu look at everything in front of him in disbelief.
At the same time, they are also eyes, and they all look very weird at this moment. It didn’t take long for them to come to the hall.
In the end, I saw that this suitable beauty was also directly on the same seat.
“Hey, welcome to the Meimei Kingdom, you can call me Your Majesty the Beauty Queen.”
After saying this sentence, they all laughed very shyly, and the group of small Digimon next to them were also talking non-stop in an instant.
“The one next to me is Baru Beast, and with him around, I can feel more balanced. Otherwise, in the end, it will be more or less inappropriate.”
“That’s right, you guys came here suddenly this time, what is it for, why do I always feel that there are some weird things, according to the normal situation
Come on, you all should have some truth. ”
Now Oki Xiu, after hearing this sentence, immediately looked at the two people around him very helplessly. After all, he knew that the two guys in front of him would not be at all in the next period of time. Feel free to speak up.
So in the next period of time, if you really want to talk, you still need yourself. Apart from yourself, everything else will have no effect at all.
The whole person also stood up directly, and at the same time, his face showed a little embarrassment at this time, and his face also seemed a little helpless.
“Ahem, in fact, for such a thing, I feel that it is more or less inappropriate, and if one of them is not right, then some huge problems will definitely happen.”
“We just got lost at this moment, and then just met you, so I have to say, it seems more or less weird, but I have to admit that this means that it is completely equal to our good time. ”
“And it is completely impossible for any trouble to arise, so in the next period of time, no matter what, you should take good care of it, so that it will be more appropriate.”
After finishing this sentence, they all looked at everything in front of them very calmly, and there was something in this heart in their hearts.Sometimes it seems that there is no worry at all.
After all, at this time, if it is really too long to stop breathing, it is not appropriate for them, and it may bring them a lot of trouble.
No matter how you look at it, this is a bit helpless, so in the next period of time, they will definitely become more serious.
Only in this way can it be regarded as a more suitable point for 2.4, otherwise it will be completely impossible to play any role in the end.
It will even have the opposite effect, so in the next period of time, they will definitely become more serious, and only in this way is it more appropriate.
As for the current Da Muxiu, he also has a very weird expression, looking at everything in front of him, after all, judging from the situation in front of him, if there is not too much, everything is completely different.
“Taiyi, you must be careful in the next period of time.”
“After all, if there is no wrong guess, some huge troubles may occur, so we should be a little more cautious anyway.
Chapter Nine Encounter Meimei
“Moreover, this is very likely to belong to your teammate. As long as you maintain a certain friendly relationship with him, you can also pull him into the fire. In this way, it will become easier to fight against future forces.”
Now Taiyi, after hearing this sentence, his eyes light up for an instant.
At the same time, I feel that this sentence is really reasonable, but he is not a fool at all, so how could he be so obedient and just follow him, which is very strange in itself.
Then at this time, I couldn’t help but my eyes looked very pitiful at this time.
The last Taiyi couldn’t help but took a step forward, and his eyes looked a little innocent at this time.
“Meimei, how are you and this Digimon beside you connected?”
“After all, I always feel that what happened this time is completely different. Don’t you have anything to say at all?”
“After all, if you don’t explain clearly what happened this time, I’m afraid there will be some huge troubles, so we should be a little more cautious anyway.”
After saying this sentence, all 25 eyes looked very serious at this time, and at the same time, they didn’t have any worries at all.
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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