After all, on this kind of matter, if they really worry about it for too long, it is a very bad phenomenon for them.
The Meimei at this moment, after hearing this sentence, was instantly full of vigilance in her eyes.
At the same time, they didn’t say such words directly at all, and their faces looked very flat at this time, as if they didn’t want to get entangled in this kind of issue at all.
It even always feels that it is very disadvantageous for them to struggle with such a problem for too long.
At the same time, there will be a lot of troubles, which is very outrageous no matter how you look at it.
So in the next period of time, they have to be serious enough no matter what, and only in this way will it be a little more appropriate.
Otherwise, in the end, everything is completely impossible to play any role, which makes them feel very helpless no matter how they think about it.
But they don’t want to miss this kind of good opportunity at all, otherwise, if they miss it, it will be very unfriendly to them.
At the same time, there will be a lot of troubles, which makes them look extra tired in their hearts, and they don’t know how to speak at all.
Now Da Muxiu couldn’t help but look at Tai Yi beside him with helpless eyes.
“Taiyi, you can just take the things out, after all, as long as you take out the things, I believe he will be able to understand what it means in an instant.”
“Maybe the two of you end up using exactly the same things. Isn’t that perfect?”
After saying this sentence, they all looked at everything in front of them very calmly, and they seemed to have no worries at all in their hearts.
There is even a very bland taste, and I feel that I can’t miss this kind of good opportunity in front of me no matter what.
After all, once such opportunities like this are missed, it is completely bad for them.
There will even be a lot of trouble, so in the next period of time, it will definitely become very different.
But no matter what, they will definitely become very different, and then have no idea how to say it anyway.
If you can’t even grasp such an opportunity at all, I’m afraid it’s completely impossible for the others to have any too many results.
After saying this sentence, I really couldn’t help it. It seemed that I became a little anxious in my heart, and even felt very helpless.
At this moment, Tai Yi was also thinking for a while, and in the end, without any hesitation at all, he immediately took out the things.
“Is yours this thing? After all, I feel such a thingLove is more or less very irrational. ”
“At the same time, I also know that in the next period of time, no matter what, I should be a little more cautious, and only in this way will it be a little more appropriate.”
“Otherwise it’s completely impossible to have any too many results in the end, so you have to be serious enough anyway.”
After saying this sentence, they all looked at everything in front of them nonchalantly, and there seemed to be no pressure at all in their hearts.
As for Meimei in front of her, after seeing this scene, she looked at everything in her eyes in surprise.
“Ah? Since you have this thing, so do I…”
After saying this sentence, he couldn’t help but look at everything in front of him very calmly for an instant.
Inwardly, at this moment, it seemed extraordinarily flat, without any worries at all.
It’s as if the matter in front of them is completely a trivial matter for them, so the eyes also look expressionless at this time.
That made them feel very weird no matter how they thought about it, and at the same time knew that they should be a little more cautious no matter what.
Only in this way is it more appropriate, otherwise it will be completely impossible to play any role in the end.
At the same time, there will be some differences, but no matter what, they definitely don’t want to miss these good opportunities.
Da Muxiu stood beside him, that is to say, his face looked very flat, without any worries at all.
“Hey, if I’m not mistaken, in the next period of time, you are likely to have a lot of trouble.”
“You all have evolutionary devices, and you all belong to the same one, so if you guessed right about this time, you are all chosen children.”
“If you are in the next period of time, but be careful, I am afraid that there may not be any too many results at all in the end.”
After saying this sentence, I couldn’t help but look at everything in front of me very calmly, and it seemed that there was no pressure at all in my heart.
Chapter Ten Winning
At the same time, there will be a very flat taste, and it feels that as long as they can seize such an opportunity, it is completely impossible for them to have any problems. After saying this sentence, they couldn’t help but laughed very flatly, and at this moment, they seemed to have no pressure at all in their hearts.
“Meimei, why don’t you just follow us honestly, after all, that’s the only way, he will be more suitable.”
“If you have been completely unwilling to follow us all this time, you should know what kind of consequences it will be.”
After saying this sentence, he couldn’t help but look at everything in front of him very calmly for an instant, without any pressure in his heart.
And there is also a very bland taste. I feel that as long as I can seize such an opportunity, it should be completely impossible to have any problems.
The current Da Muxiu has a very curious gaze on everything, looking at everything in front of him, he really wants to hear, to see if the other party will refuse in the end.
And judging from the current situation, if there is no guess, there is an 80% chance that the beautiful girl in front of her will refuse.
After all, she is living in a relatively stable and leisurely way now.
But to put it bluntly, such a thing is completely temporary, but he himself is still a little unclear, so it is naturally impossible to feel any anxiety at all.
It’s just that he still doesn’t know how long such a phenomenon will last, which makes him feel very weird no matter how he thinks about it.
At the same time, they will also feel that their hearts are full of unrest, and they know that in the next period of time, they must become very calm no matter what.
Meimei in front of her, after closing her eyes and thinking for a moment, couldn’t help but shook her head hastily.
“No, no, no, the method you mentioned is completely unfeasible, and I feel that no matter how you say it, it is very outrageous.”
“Moreover, I have to fight here every day. Every day there will be fruit stealers. I should catch them no matter what. At the same time, I also want to protect these little guys.
“If you run away with you, what will this group of little guys do? And how can I protect them?”
At this moment, everyone’s eyes also look a little different at this moment, and even cause a lot of trouble.
If there is no way to solve the current situation, then I am afraid that it will be very bad in the end.
So in the next period of time, no matter what, you must be cautious enough. If you are not cautious enough, I am afraid that it will be completely impossible to achieve any results in the end.
After saying this sentence, the eyes looked very strange for an instant, and it also made their faces look very different.
At the same time, they are very clear that they should be more cautious no matter what.
As for Da Muxiu in front of him, he couldn’t help but fell into deep thought at this moment.
After all, judging from the situation in front of her, it was absolutely impossible for Meimei in front of her to agree.
andIn the next period of time, no matter how much he pays, or even how tempting the conditions are, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to agree.
This point completely belongs to the character of the other party, so it seems that no matter how you speak next, it is a mistake, and it will not even have any effect at all. For them, no matter how you look at it, it is completely wrong. Belonging is a little outrageous.
At the same time, it will bring them many bad phenomena, so in the next period of time, they must show enough seriousness no matter what.
Only in this way can it be regarded as more appropriate, otherwise in the end everything seems to be completely redundant.
At this moment, Da Muxiu couldn’t help looking at Tai Yi in front of him very carefully.
“Tai Yi, in the next period of time, I am afraid that you will have no way to take him away at all, and no matter how hard you try, it is absolutely impossible to have any effect at all.”
“After all, this is his difference, and if there is no guesswork, this group of guys themselves is in such a state.”
“So, if you are cautious enough, then you must try your best to deal with them.”
“Only in this way, there is still a little possibility of success.”
“”〃This group of evil Digimons are constantly looking for you. If you guess correctly, they should come to you immediately, so this is completely your opportunity. ”
“If it is really possible to meet this group of guys, and after they arrive, we can use this opportunity to give them a little color.”
After saying this sentence, your eyes looked very serious in an instant, and there was no hesitation at all.
After all, if you really hesitated for too long on this kind of thing, there is something not so simple in itself.
At the same time, I also know that in the next period of time, no matter what, they should be a little more cautious. If they are not cautious enough, I am afraid that there will be no results at all in the end.
And it is very likely that there will be a lot of trouble, so they have to be more careful (Li Qian’s) in the future anyway.
Only in this way, he is more suitable, otherwise in the end, there will be no phenomenon at all.
As for the group of people in front of them, no, their eyes looked very different, and at the same time, they knew that they had to be more careful no matter what.
“Once this group of evil Digimon comes, then we can completely help deal with them together.”
“At that moment, Meimei can be influenced completely, maybe he will be willing to go with you.”
After saying this sentence, they couldn’t help laughing very happily, and they all seemed to have no pressure at all in their hearts.
It feels like this kind of thing is completely normal, as long as they can grasp this kind of thing closely, then it is absolutely nothing to worry about for them.
Chapter Eleven Panic
It’s even a good thing for them, and they don’t need to worry about such a problem for too long.
After all, if they really worry about such a thing for too long, it is completely unreasonable for them.
Everyone in front of them, that is, after thinking for a while, felt that what they said seemed to be very reasonable, and then everyone couldn’t help but nodded in a hurry.
“Yes, yes, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this sentence, and I feel that it should be true.”
“Only in this way, I will feel particularly stable in my heart, otherwise there will inevitably be some panic in the end.”
After saying this sentence, his eyes looked very disturbed at this moment, and at the same time, he looked a little depressed in his heart.
It’s as if they never thought that such a thing could happen, which is something different for them.
But in the next period of time, they will definitely be more serious, and only in this way will he be more in line with their current aura.
Otherwise, in the end, everything seems to be completely superfluous, which makes the 580 feel a little outrageous no matter how they think about it.
At the same time, it will bring them a lot of trouble, which is completely bad no matter how you look at it.
But at this moment, he suddenly felt a very dangerous aura coming.
Taiyi also said very flatly: “Meimei, this group of evil people has come, and they are here to trouble us on purpose, if you don’t follow us, in the next period of time, they will I will definitely find a way to arrest you.”
“We are a group ourselves, so we should fight together no matter what, but now they have all taken the initiative to make trouble, so for the next period of time, they will definitely stay with you and protect you first.”
After saying this sentence, the eyes looked very serious, and at the same time, there was no half-hearted hesitation at all.
After all, if they really hesitated for too long on this kind of issue, it was completely inappropriate for them.
At the same time, it is very likely that (cfce) will giveThey have brought a lot of trouble, which is completely outrageous no matter how you look at it.
And now Meimei couldn’t help falling into bouts of contemplation, even if she wasn’t thinking about how to deal with it next.
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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