After all, if there is no way to deal with this kind of thing in front of you, it will be a huge trouble in the end.
At the same time, he is very likely to bring them a lot of bad situations. No matter how you look at it, such a thing seems to be a little bad.
At the same time, it will bring them a lot of trouble, which makes them feel a little irrational no matter how they think about it, but they will definitely be a little more cautious anyway.
Only in this way can they feel more comfortable in their hearts, otherwise in the end, everything else seems to be completely redundant.
This point has always been very clear in their hearts.
So the eyes look a little different at this time, and the whole body seems to exude a very strong fighting spirit at this time.
“Thank you everyone… At such a dangerous moment, you all have absolutely no intention of giving up on me. This time, I really thank you very much.”
“After all, if you are really not here at all, I don’t even know what to do.”
“According to reliable sources, it seems that six guys came directly, and each of the six people who came is very powerful.”
“Even if there is no mistake in guessing, this group of people is not at all what we can afford to offend now.”
“So in the next period of time, no matter what, we must be a little more cautious. Only in this way is it more appropriate, otherwise everything else seems to be completely redundant in the end.”
After saying this sentence, he immediately looked very disturbed to his eyes, and his whole body exuded a very terrifying aura.
It made everyone present feel such a huge momentum, and instantly felt their scalps tingling.
It seemed that there was abnormal anxiety in his heart, and at the same time, he kept setting up some ambushes.
After all, under the premise of an ambush, maybe in the next struggle, they can win a little easier, otherwise, in the end, it will almost be the same as courting death.
So in the next period of time, they will behave very seriously no matter what, which is completely a very normal phenomenon.
If there is no way to continue such a normal phenomenon, I am afraid that in the end, there is no difference between belonging and courting death.
This makes them feel a little outrageous no matter how they think about it, and at the same time they feel that there is no sense of security in their hearts.
There was even a very strong sense of danger, which made them feel a little tingling no matter how they thought about it.
At the same time, it seemed that there was some anxiety in his heart, and he didn’t know how to deal with it at all, as if no matter how to deal with it next, it was completely useless.
However, after a period of time, their expressions also became very serious, and they felt that no matter what happened, it was absolutely impossible for them to give up the good opportunity in front of them.
After all, if they suddenly give up such an opportunity in front of them, it will be a huge blow to them.
At the same time, it is very likely to cause a lot of trouble. Such a thing, no matter how you look at it, seems to be a little outrageous.
At the same time, it doesn’t suit their current demeanor at all, so in the next period of time, they will behave very calm no matter what.
Only in this way is it more appropriate, otherwise everything seems to be very bad in the end.
Chapter 12 Ambush
Everyone in front of them also hurriedly started to set up some ambushes at this time.
But at this time, the six dragon-type Digimon also started to attack crazily, but fell into the trap pit in a blink of an eye.
It is precisely because of such an instant that their faces look very weird, and at the same time, it seems that their scenes are also extremely passive in this instant. However, the rest of the Digimon didn’t seem to be stupid at all at this moment. On the contrary, they were all very witty and quickly made some detours to the side. After everyone present saw it, their eyes became very weird in an instant. They never thought that this group of Digimons could be so witty.
“This… the group of them are really too unintelligent, will they just bypass it?”
“Then what should we do next? After all, they have all bypassed the trap now.”
The current Taiyi couldn’t help but said with a serious face: “Let’s go, Agumon, let’s go directly.”
After saying this sentence, they took out the evolution device in an instant, and they all turned into tyrannosaurs directly.
After all, only in this way can they have a little sense of security in their hearts, and at the same time know that what happens nextThe coming situation is completely full of a kind of crisis for them.
So no matter what, you must protect everything in front of you, and now a group of characters are all rushing over directly.
However, these two guys seemed to be just two, but in the next period of time, they had just rushed up, and they had already seen the two guys in front of them, and they also directly launched an attack .
And now Oki Xiu is also looking at everything in front of him very calmly. After all, judging from the situation in front of him, the scene has begun to become very bloody, even for them. It is very unfavorable.
If in the next period of time, if there is no way to think of a way to deal with it, then I am afraid that there will be no possibility of success at all.
And it will bring them some huge troubles. If it really develops to such a point, it will be completely bad for them.
So in the next period of time, no matter what, they must behave more cautiously, and only in this way will it be more appropriate.
Otherwise, in the end, everything else seems to be completely superfluous, and it will even bring them a lot of bad influence.
“It’s not right. According to the normal situation, there should be a commander. After all, this group of guys can tell they are herbivorous Digimon at a glance.”
“If there is no one to control it at all, I am afraid that such an action will not be possible at all.”
“And if there is no one behind the scenes to control them, I feel that they have always been very friendly Digimon, and they would not be able to do such a behavior at all.”
After saying this sentence, his eyes looked very serious.
After all, he felt that the group of guys in front of him had always been a bit too hateful, and everyone’s strength was completely outrageous no matter how you looked at it.
It even brought them a very strong sense of crisis, and such a sense of crisis made him feel very uncomfortable in his heart.
However, judging from the current situation, it seems that there is really no way at all. After all, the situation in front of them is very unfavorable to them.
As for the current Tyrannosaurus, it is very difficult to deal with it, and it is impossible to have any effect at all.
As for the current Badora beasts, they all flew into the sky and started to deal with them, and the way of dealing with them this time is indeed very simple, and they are all dealing with some relatively simple guys.
So in the next period of time, it is absolutely impossible for them to have any worries at all, and they will appear very calm.
It’s as if in the next period of time, no matter what happens, it has nothing to do with them at all.
…ask for flowers….
It even makes their eyes look very dull.
This made the current Da Muxiu, after seeing this scene, couldn’t help laughing very happily.
After all, judging from the situation in front of them, everything is completely within the expected range, and in this case, it is called a concerted effort to carry out some attacks.
At the same time, everyone has a very perfect division of labor and cooperation. Such a thing is completely a good thing for them.
At the same time, there is no need to worry too much at all, as long as they can seize such opportunities, it will be very easy for them.
At the same time, it is completely impossible to cause any too much danger, so in the next period of time, they will behave very cautiously no matter what.
Only in this way will it feel appropriate, otherwise in the end, if one of them says something wrong, it will be a huge trouble, which is very unfavorable to them.
So in the next period of time, their eyes looked a little different, and they even seemed to be a little tangled all the time.
It’s as if they have never thought that such a thing can happen to them, which is very bad for them.
At the same time, I also know that they should be a little more serious no matter what, and only in this way can they be regarded as relatively perfect.
Now Oki Xiu couldn’t help but look a little happy at this moment. After all, judging from the situation next year, it seems that he only needs soy sauce in the future.
And there is no need to sell at all. In this way, you can hide your strength a little at many times, which is a very good effect.
So for the next period of time, their eyes looked very serious, without any hesitation at all. After all, on this kind of matter in front of you, if you really hesitated for too long, it is completely watery and something is not normal.
Chapter Thirteen Watching the Battle
At the same time, it is very likely to bring them a lot of trouble, which is completely outrageous no matter how you look at it.
So for the next period of time, their eyes looked very serious, without any hesitation at all.
I feel that if there is no way to solve this kind of predicament in front of them in the next period of time, it will definitely be very bad for them.It even brought them a lot of trouble, so in the next period of time, they must be serious enough no matter what.
Only in this way will it be more suitable, otherwise in the end, everything else seems to be completely redundant, which makes them feel completely outrageous no matter how they think about it.
This point has always been very clear in their hearts, but they don’t want to miss any good opportunities at all.
Otherwise, if they miss some opportunities, it will be very unfavorable to them, and at the same time, it is very likely to cause them a very unfriendly phenomenon.
So in the next period of time, no matter what, they will be very serious, and only in this way can it be considered more appropriate, otherwise in the end they will only
It will make them feel more depressed.
This point will also appear very clear in their hearts, so the eyes look very different at this time.
At this moment, Da Muxiu had also seen the current tyrannosaurus, and they were completely crushing and fighting against each other.
Only in this way will it be more appropriate, otherwise everything will seem a little redundant in the end.
This kind of thing happened to them, which is completely outrageous in itself, so in the next period of time, they will behave very seriously no matter what.
Only in this way, will I feel more or less full of a kind of magic in my heart, and at the same time, I don’t want to miss such a good opportunity in front of me at all.
This point has always been very clear in their hearts, so the glasses look unusually calm at this time.
There is no worry at all at all. After all, in this kind of matter, if it is really worried about things for too long, it is completely very bad for them.
At the same time, there will be many different effects, which they have always understood in their hearts.
However, even if they are given a lot of opportunities in the future, it is absolutely impossible for them to miss this kind of good opportunity in front of them.
If they miss it, the impact will be very huge for them, which makes them feel a little uncomfortable no matter how they think about it.
“Tyrannosaurus, you must work hard. After all, I don’t want to make a move at all. I may not be able to watch it. I don’t want to do it directly.”
As for the scenes in front of them, they are all different from before, and now the badora beasts are also fighting some duels with the opposite guys in the sky.
As for the current Meimei, they are also constantly looking at the same place, and they are also eyes. At this time, they all look a little different.
As for the current Da Muxiu, he couldn’t help but look at Meimei in front of him with very flat eyes.
“Meimei, you suddenly encountered such a thing, would you be afraid?”
Meimei at this moment, after hearing this sentence, his eyes instantly became a little helpless, and then he also said: “There must be fear, and this kind of fear is only a little bit at most. ”
“So I’m not that scared at all. After all, this is a very normal phenomenon. It is precisely because of this that it is impossible for me to have any worries at all, no matter what happens. , I will definitely behave very calmly.”
As for the Digimon standing next to him, after hearing this sentence, he couldn’t help but nodded in a hurry.
“Yes, yes, and even if some accidents do happen, as long as I’m here, I can still protect Meimei.”
At this moment, Oki Xiu, after hearing this sentence, would also point to Taiyi in front of him…
“Here itself is completely not the life you should have. After all, the current situation itself is completely different. The world of Digimon itself is full of danger everywhere.”
“You actually appeared here and stayed here all the time, then you must have your own mission.”
“Of course, you also have to fight with your partners. This is your own mission now, so no one can make some changes at all. This is completely a very normal phenomenon.”
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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