At the beginning of the game, Leifa Chidori was broadcast live by my sister Author: Undefeated Rose

Traveling through a parallel world, Liu Zimo actually awakened a god-level deduction system.

He can deduce any ability and skill.

Gradually, Liu Zimo had a bold idea...

He started to play Lefa Chidori...


In the sound of thousands of birds chirping in unison, a dazzling light of thunder also appeared in his palm...

However, this is just the beginning.

One terrifying skill after another kept emerging in his hands.

The Legendary Sword Twenty-Three...The Terrible Infinite Sword System...And the Ice Age That Frozen Everything...

However, what Liu Zimo didn't know was that all of his was exposed by his sister's live broadcast...

Chapter 1

  Night, nine o'clock.


  In a well-decorated rental house, a girl gritted her teeth and slowly took off her headphones.

  Her name is Man Qiqin,

  It was a twenty-four-year-old woman.

  Now doing a live broadcast.

  However, compared to those famous big anchors, she is a little-known little anchor, and there are very few barrages on the entire screen.


  With a sigh in her heart, Man Qiqin also had a smile on her face, and said to the camera:

  "Today, I'm going to give you a dance..."

  Saying that, this woman also slowly stood up...

  【Wow, this figure... 】

  [Treasure girl, it's really a treasure...]

  [Absolutely, absolutely...I feel that I can play with these legs for a year]

  【I feel like I can play for ten years... 】

  The barrage repeatedly praised, and dozens of viewers in this live broadcast room couldn't help but widen their eyes.

  Many people even swallowed their saliva.

  Just because of Man Qiqin, her figure is absolutely perfect.

  Moreover, her beauty is also first-class.

  If it is not too short to enter the live broadcast industry, I am afraid that it will be a good mix.

  And now, she was wearing a white shirt with a slightly open neckline,

  Black hip skirt, outlines a moving curve...  

  However, the most admirable thing was the legs shrouded in black silk.

  Slender and well-proportioned,

  Breathing is a little short of breath.

  Biting her lip lightly, Man Qiqin tried her best to show her dance.

  No, to be more precise, it's showing off your body...

  Pure and charming.

  Both enchanting and touching,

  Many viewers who came to the live broadcast room for the first time couldn't help it.

  However, looking at the growing audience, the smile on Man Qiqin's face was a bit bitter.

  She didn't want to rely on her looks to eat,

  I don't want to rely on these superiors.

  But she really had no choice.

  If she can't make any more money, she's afraid she won't be able to pay the rent for this month.

  So, she can only...

  As for the younger brother who shared with her, don't expect it.

  That little guy, just graduated,

  Probably no money.

  Therefore, it is impossible to count on her.

  "Just this month, make some money and spend this month, just fine."

  Thinking like this in her heart, Man Qiqin didn't notice that there was a light emerging from the slightly hidden door behind her...

  That light is blue light.

  Like electric light.

  [Hey, look, what is that?Lightning? 】

  [Wait, it's really thunder, flashing, coming from behind the anchor's door...]

  [I wipe it, it won't be a leakage. 】

  [Anchor, look behind your door, is there any electricity leakage...]

  【Host, hello...】

  Among the repeated reminders, several viewers also kindly reminded.

  Even, individually, they gave gifts to attract Man Qiqin's attention.

  "Behind the door? Electric light?"

  In a little stunned, Man Qiqin also noticed the barrage.

  "This is?"

  Slowly turning around, what imprinted into Man Qiqin's eyes was a flickering blue light in the hidden door.

  She was in the rental house and turned off the headlights,

  The light was on.

  Therefore, this blue light is particularly conspicuous.

  "I gonna go see..."

  After saying hello, Man Qiqin also hurriedly walked towards the door.

  Now, it should be only his younger brother.

  Could it be her little brother, something happened?

  With this thought in her heart, Man Qiqin also abruptly opened the door.

  However, the next moment, Man Qiqin was stunned.

  Not only she was stunned.

  Even through the camera, the audience behind the door was stunned.

  Just because, what caught their eyes was a young man.

  A young man holding Leiguang with one hand, his face full of astonishment.

  In the empty hall, this young man in a black shirt, holding a ball of dazzling thunder in one hand, looked a little helpless.

  However, at the next moment,


  In the sound of thousands of birds chirping in unison, the dazzling sound of thunder broke out.

  It was as harsh as countless blades slicing through glass.

  Accompanied by it, there is an instantaneous expansion of thunder light, engulfing everything.

  In the faint, dozens of spectators heard 'Sister Qin, Sister Qin', and they were quite anxious.


  "What was that just now?"

  Suddenly stunned, a fat house in front of the computer was also stunned.

  What did he see?

  Someone is holding the thunder light with one hand, what's the joke?

  Wait, he must be wrong.

  Thoughts and this, this audience is also the first time to replay.

  However, not only him, many audiences in front of the computer were stunned.

  One-handed to Leiguang, like the god of thunder.

  Is this tm a special effect?

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