It's too realistic.

  During Qi Qi's shock, many viewers did not regain their senses.

  At this time, Liu Zimo did not know the shock of the audience in the live broadcast room.

  Now, he is also a little confused.

  Just now, after crossing into this world, the system awakened after merging the memory of the previous host.

  God-level deduction system.

  Able to deduce various skills and abilities

  Not only skills in reality, but also various abilities in anime can be deduced.

  And he, for the first time, tried to deduce the ability from an anime in his previous life - Chidori.

  It gathers thunder attribute power in the palm to form a high-intensity electric current, and the palm is like a sharp blade, with extremely strong penetrating force.

  It's just that he just merged his predecessor's memory.

  But he forgot that there was an outsider in his house.

  So....he was trying his abilities in the hall, and he bumped into one.


  ps: --------------- ask for flowers, ask for a reward -------------

  Ask for flowers, ask for a reward...

  A new book, Qiangwei is here to ask for support. …

Chapter 2

  Of course, at this time, what Liu Zimo didn't know was that his deduction of Chidori was also seen.

  It was even spread through the live broadcast room.

  However, the problem should not be big.

  After all, in this world, the special effects are amazing.

  Many special effects anchors are able to make realistic special effects.

  It won't attract a lot of attention right away.

  But now, the top priority is to deal with Sister Qin, who was suddenly knocked unconscious because of the outbreak of Chidori.

  This sister Qin, treat her well before.

  Moreover, people are also very beautiful, and Liu Zimo doesn't want anything to happen to her.

  Thinking of this, he took a few big strides and ran towards the fallen shadow not far away.

  At this time, he slowly raised his eyes and looked into Sister Qin's house. Because of the eruption of Chidori and the constant flashing electric light, his expression changed slightly.

  "It's really Chidori..."

  With a shock in his heart, Liu Zimo was also surprised.

  Just now, when he was in control of thunder and lightning, the sudden appearance of Sister Xue also startled him.

  In panic, Chidori got out of control and exploded,

  It turned into thousands of electric currents and broke out in the entire rental house.

  Fortunately, his initial deduction of this ability is not very powerful.

  However, many electrical appliances in the entire house were destroyed, including Sister Xue's computer.


  With a sigh, looking at Sister Xue's computer that was constantly flashing arcs, Liu Zimo was also a little helpless.

  Now, how to explain it?

  However, forget it.

  Let's take care of Sister Xue first.

  Thinking of this, he also carried Sister Xue up.

  a little soft,

  Do not,

  very soft.

  Soft as boneless, is not enough to describe,

  There was even a wisp of fragrance, which made Liu Zimo's breathing quicken.


  Subconsciously swallowed, Liu Zimo also took a few small steps to carry Sister Xue to the bed not far away.


  No big deal.

  It looked like he was just in a coma.

  However, at this time, Liu Zimo, who put down his senior sister, looked at the messy house, and he also had a headache.

  Not easy to explain.


  "However, rather than explaining these, I feel that the system is more important."

  With a chuckle, Liu Zimo, who was standing beside the bed, also slowly raised his palm.


  In the sound like a thousand birds chirping in unison, a group of dazzling thunder light appeared in his palm.

  [Chidori - gathers the power of lightning in the palm to form a high-intensity current, and the palm is like a sharp blade, with a strong penetrating force. (Consumes 10 points of spiritual power)]

  Looking at the text on the blue light curtain that appeared in front of him, Liu Zimo also narrowed his eyes slightly.

  ten o'clock spiritual power,

  Is it this?

  The thoughts in his heart were ups and downs, and Liu Zimo also noticed that there was an inexplicable power in his body, surging.

  That should be spiritual power.

  It was because of his spiritual power that he could activate this skill - Chidori.

  And, more than that...

  Slowly raising his eyes and looking at the whole room, Liu Zimo was also stunned to find that there were countless light spots in the air.

  Some of these spots are red.

  like flames.

  some are blue,

  Some are yellow...

  The colorful light spots floating in the air are amazing.

  Moreover, what made Liu Zimo even more stunned was that these light spots would come towards his body from time to time.

  Especially the purple light spot,

  one by one...

  kept flying towards his body,

  Then, it slowly merged into his body.

  In a trance, Liu Zimo felt that his body was shaken, as if it was transforming.

  And at this time, raise your eyes and look at the light curtain in front of your eyes...

  【Spiritual power value: ..】

  "It was only 100 just now, and now, there is... It seems that I am indeed absorbing these light spots, and then increasing the spiritual power value..."

  "In that case, these are the spiritual energy..."

  "Is it a world where spiritual energy is revived?"

  One after another, Liu Zimo also faintly discovered the difference in this world.

  This world seems to be a little different from the world in his previous life.

  At least, the world in the previous life did not have this kind of strange light spot.

  However now...

  He clenched his fists tightly and squeezed out the thunder light in his hand, and Liu Zimo also came to the bathroom.

  He was going to take a bath and wake up.

  Just after crossing, my mind is still a little confused.

  Moreover, Chidori's sudden ability to deduce also made his brain a little hot, and he needed to take a cold shower.


  "Crash, crash, crash..."

  Suddenly the sound of water sounded in the bathroom, and a young man also started to rinse.

  Soon after, looking at himself in the mirror, Liu Zimo also felt a little strange.

  This is a handsome young man.

  The five senses are sharp and angular,

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