Not only humans, but even countless mutant sea beasts raised their eyes.

  Unpredictable and breathtaking...

  The most terrifying...

  And now...

  "What happened, why do I feel like I'm suffocating, and Lord Thunderbird, what are you doing?"

  With a doubt, a young man also raised his eyes and looked at the sky...

  There, there was a figure suspended above the two-hundred-meter-high building.

  However, above his head, there is a vast dark cloud, a vortex that gathers...

  "Crack, click..."

  One after another, countless electric lights were swallowed and swallowed in the depths of the vortex, flickering on and off... It seemed to be extremely bright.

  And at this moment, Liu Zimo raised his hand...

  His eyes narrowed slightly, and he pointed to the junction of Pau and the coastline.

  There, there is a gap (remarkable)...

  It was an unknown deep-sea beast. With a breath, it tore apart half of the city, revealing a gap...

  And now, a steady stream of mutant sea beasts, taking advantage of this gap, keep pouring into the city...

  one hundred

  a thousand...

  Countless, densely packed.

  People with intensive phobias will be completely stupid when they see it.

  But now, Liu Zimo's fingers are already pointing at this gap.

  Only, when he pointed to this gap.

  "Crack, click..."

  The increasingly terrifying thunder shook for nine days.

  Immediately afterwards, in the unbelievable gazes of countless human beings and extraordinary people, a blue lightning bolt that was [-] meters long actually tore through the dusk and shot towards the gap.


  In the sudden roar, half of the city was shaking.

  It can be seen to the naked eye that a charred black crater with a diameter of astonishing hundreds of meters has emerged.

  And in the depths of that giant pit, countless mutant sea beasts turned black.

  What's more, even the corpse does not exist, disappearing into the air...

  Under Heaven's prestige, even the mutant sea beasts of the extraordinary first order are only ants.

  Not to mention others.

  And just when the shocking thunder fell, the whole city was silent for a moment,

  An unimaginable shock and astonishment appeared in the minds of countless people.

  Just, right now.

  "Crash, crash, crash..."

  Accompanied by the dripping rain, the downpour came in an instant, covering the entire city.

  And above the sky, the thick dark cloud vortex disappeared without knowing when.

  Even the figure standing above the sky disappeared at some point...

Chapter 84


  Breathing heavily, Liu Zimo also knelt on one knee on a building more than [-] meters high.


  very tired.

  Not physically tired.

  but from mental exhaustion.

  As if the energy and energy were exhausted.

  "And this is the price of thunder and anger, Tianwei..."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo understood the two forms of thunder and angry waves.

  One is the ordinary thunder and raging waves, relying on their own spiritual power to simulate dark clouds, descending thunder, and turning everything into ashes.

  The other is, the current thunder pressure and angry waves Tianwei.

  As the name suggests, it relies on thunder to suppress the raging waves to communicate with the power of the heavens, to drop a mighty thunder, and to turn everything into ashes.

  In terms of power alone, Thunder Suppressing Raging Waves Tianwei is ten times stronger than the ordinary skill Lei Suppressing Raging Waves.

  Even more exaggerated.

  From Pau City, a huge crater with a depth of tens of meters and a direct access of hundreds of meters can realize how terrifying the thunder and raging waves Tianwei is.

  This is the thunder that descends through the power of heaven.

  Terrible to the extreme.

  However, the activation of this skill has two preconditions, one is thunderstorm weather.

  The second is high altitude...

  At least a few hundred meters in the air...

  Only in this way can we communicate with thunderclouds...

  Of course, this skill also has risks.

  If someone interrupted while controlling Leiyun, the thunder would most likely hit Liu Zimo himself.

  With that power, it is estimated that Liu Zimo's ten lives are not enough to play.

  So... ride the Thunder with caution.


  "However, the power is terrifying..."

  Staring blankly at the end of the city, that scorched black pit, Liu Zimo was also silent.

  Such a huge pit is really terrifying.

  No, it's not scary anymore.

  But in the true sense of the world shocking, so terrifying.

  Not only Liu Zimo himself was stunned, but even on the ground, one after another, extraordinary beings and human beings stared blankly at the end of the city, and the terrifying giant pit fell into silence.

  "I must be confused... Is that really a trick that people can explode?"

   "Fake, definitely fake..."

  "Damn, who dares to tell a lie, that's Lord Thunderbird... It's too fierce, this is Lord Thunderbird, his true strength. If he came early, I feel that he can fight the deep sea beast just now,"

  "The deep-sea beast is a fart, the Thunderbird is really fierce... That is a hundred-meter thunder light, tearing the sky and the earth..."

  In the repeated exclamations, countless people were shocked by the thunder light that ripped apart the sky and even the earth.


  Really scary.

  And such terrifying skills came from the hands of humans.

  For a while, countless extraordinary people seemed to see some hope, and a touch of color appeared in the depths of their eyes.

  "Hahaha, the deep-sea monsters are not necessarily stronger than the Thunderbirds... Brothers, rush..."

  During the sudden shouting, countless extraordinary people led the team to kill again.

  And this is Liu Zimo's efforts.

  Countless people, extraordinary people and human beings are all deep-sea giants who are afraid of the unknown.

  Captured by the mind, fearful.

  But now, Liu Zimo has deduced this skill at three million evolution points.

  Just didn't expect it, good luck.

  It was a thunderstorm.

  So much so that the shocking power broke out.


  "The effect is better than expected..."

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo felt more and more tired.

  That's not physical exhaustion.

  but spiritual.

  The skill of Thunder Suppression and Furious Waves relies on mental power and the control of the thunder element.

  A pure magic skill.

  This is different from the Chidori genre and the technique genre of Breath of Thunder.

  The genre of skills depends on polishing and proficiency.

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