And pure magic skills, rely on the spirit.

  Just like now, when I thought about it, there were dark clouds gathered in the sky several meters high in Liu Zimo...

  This is the real thunderstorm...

  Covers tens of meters of sky.

  It was completely different from the vortex of dark clouds that enveloped half of the city before.

  However, even so, this thunder and anger cannot be underestimated.

  According to Liu Zimo's guess, it should be several times more terrifying than the thunder spear he fiddled with.

  Also, consume less.

  However, this is a skill that consumes mental power.

  Although it will consume physical and spiritual energy, it is definitely not as violent as the Thunder Spear.

  "Physical and spiritual power can be recovered by devouring the energy of the same attribute through the lost Magic Thunder Dragon Slayer, but mental power is troublesome..."

  With a sigh, Liu Zimo also had some headaches about mental power.

  Spiritual power, indescribable, unknown.

  Very mysterious.

  Some say it is the power of the soul.

  But in Liu Zimo's view, it's not quite the case.

  However, what is certain is that mental power is extremely mysterious and complicated.

  And Liu Zimo's thunder and anger, if he wants to go further, he needs to improve his mental power.

  The more terrifying his mental power is.

  The skill of Thunder Suppression and Furious Waves will be more terrifying.

  "When I set foot on the extraordinary second-order, it is estimated that I can reproduce the previous three-point power."

  With a chuckle, Liu Zimo also has his own judgment.

  The Tianwei version of Thunder and Furious Waves just now was too terrifying.

  He can never be reproduced now.

  However, this can be used as a trump card.

  "In the future, see where there are thunderstorms..."

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo is also preparing to look for thunderstorm weather in the future, so as to reproduce this Tianwei version of thunder and angry waves.

  Although somewhat dangerous,

  But for his improvement is real.

  Just like now, obviously exhausted, Liu Zimo's perception of the thunder element is clearer.

  In a trance, he has become part of the thunder element.

  And this is not an illusion.

  Just because, at this time, a reminder also appeared in front of Liu Zimo.

  [Ding, the host controls the power of the sky, the perception of the thunder element is improved... the thunder attribute talent is increased by 10 points...]

  In the very clear explanation, it means that Liu Zimo's thunder attribute talent has truly improved.

  And it's still ten o'clock.

  No wonder, he clearly felt that the thunder element was a lot more active.

  One after another, the thunder elements kept pouring into his body.

  As for elemental talent, this is a data that has been fiddled with by the Lingli Research Institute.

  Cultivators have different perceptions and manipulations of elements.

  And according to these, sorted out an element talent value.

  The higher the elemental talent, the stronger the perception and manipulation of the element, and the faster the cultivation speed.

  100 points is full value talent.

  At this point, it almost becomes one with the elements...

  And this is also called 'spiritual body' by the Spiritual Power Research Institute.

  However, at present, the entire body does not have a single spiritual body.

  The one with the highest elemental talent is nothing more than a wind-controller, reaching an astonishing [-] points.

  Like Liu Zimo's previous test, it was only eighty o'clock.

  Unexpectedly, now it has reached ninety o’clock due to some misunderstandings.

  It is worth mentioning here that, except for the element talent, other cultivators have element talent below [-] points.

  After fifty o'clock, there is a high possibility of awakening the 'elemental talent' and becoming an elemental controller.

  "Ninety-point elemental talent..."

  In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo also carefully realized the difference from before.

  Can't tell, don't know.

  But he felt that the thunder elements seemed to be alive, as if they were cheering.

  Moreover, what made him even more stunned was that countless thunder elements were all rushing towards his body.

  For a time, the speed of his spiritual power recovery was increased by more than [-]%.

  Good guy,

  Really good guy.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo was also satisfied.

  It seems that in the future, looking for thunderstorms is a must.

  However, at this time, Liu Zimo didn't know.

  Some things are useful the first time, but not necessarily useful the second and third time.

  But Liu Zimo didn't know yet.

  Now, he is rarely excited because of this unexpected joy.


  It's just that now, it doesn't seem like the time to be excited.

  Slowly raising your eyes, looking down at the city from a high-rise building...

  The killing continues.

  However, it is gratifying that the offensive of the mutant sea beasts has been restrained.

  The counterattack from humans has officially started.

  What is even more exciting is that, far away, one after another heavily armed convoys have arrived.

  They are like long dragons, coming from the end of the road.

  And that, impressively, is the army.

  Large troops from various cities.

  With these new forces, the mutant tide of sea beasts in the entire city of Pau will inevitably be wiped out.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zimo was also slightly relieved.

  Immediately afterwards, he also chose a very comfortable position, lying down quietly on the top of the skyscraper.

  Bathed in icy rain.

  The exhaustion in my heart has passed away a lot, and Liu Zimo is also rarely in a deep sleep.


  very tired.

  Spirit, spiritual power, and even physical strength, all three aspects are exhausted.

  Even Liu Zimo couldn't bear it.

  And now, after letting go of the big stone hanging in his heart, he can finally rest for a while.


  Time passed slowly, and when Liu Zimo woke up again, the dark clouds had dissipated.

  Above the head, the stars and the moon are bright.

  It seems that several hours have passed.

  However, at this moment, Liu Zimo noticed that there was an extra figure above this skyscraper.

  "How did you get up?"

  Looking not far away, standing quietly, as if waiting for his shadow, Liu Zimo was also stunned.

  This is the ice girl Shang Xueyu.

  However, now, listening to Liu Zimo's question, she pouted and said bluntly:

  "There is a fire exit there, you can come directly up."


  After a while of silence, Liu Zimo also glanced at the open door not far away.

  Well, he didn't pay attention.

  He flew straight up.

  "How is the battle now?"

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