Stretching for a while, the electric arcs around Liu Zimo's body were also flickering constantly, and the rain in the sky was evaporated to dryness.

  "Completely suppressed... and most of the mutant sea beasts chose to retreat after a few leaders, which made our counterattack a lot easier."

  Having said that, the ice girl also looked at the city and continued:

  "Now, the Spiritual Power Bureau should deal with the post-war and count the casualties at the same time."

  "That's good."

  Smiling, Liu Zimo was also satisfied.

  Although, he did not witness the scene of the full-scale counterattack.

  But he did his best.

  "I've done everything I need to do."

  With a sigh in his heart, Liu Zimo also affirmed his action this time.

  He really tried his best.

  In every respect.

  Although, to a large extent, he is all for the point.

  But he also saved a lot of people.

  Until now, Liu Zimo still has some impressions of the two girls who were suspected to be sisters when he first met.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zimo also got up.

  "Let's go."


  Nodding slightly, the ice girl Shang Xueyu didn't say much.

  As always, he followed behind Liu Zimo.

  She is like a little secretary of Liu Zimo, silently accompanying Liu Zimo.

  And when Liu Zimo needed it, she would appear as soon as possible.

  Just like just now, she should have come silently to protect Liu Zimo.

  Although the altitude of two hundred meters is very safe.

  But there are bound to be no surprises.

  So, here she is.

  Came silently. ,

  Just at this moment, as if thinking of something, the ice girl also raised her eyes, looked at Liu Zimo, and said curiously:

  "Did you break through again?"


  After a pause, Liu Zimo also realized what the ice girl meant.

  "No... That move just now was a coincidence. You can think that it cannot be replicated..."

  "Is that so..."

  While whispering softly, the ice girl couldn't help but feel relieved.

  She just said, how could Liu Zimo be so terrifying all of a sudden.

  You know, the move just now, at least it is close to the extraordinary second-order great perfection.

  Such a terrifying skill, no matter how you look at it, is not Liu Zimo's own strength.

  Thinking about it again, the ice girl also vaguely understood something during the previous thunderstorm.

  "It's with the help of Tianwei..."

  Thinking like this, the ice girl couldn't help but feel a little astonished.

  Just because, even with the help of Tianwei, it can be regarded as terrifying.

  After all, Tianwei, how many mortals can control it? .

Chapter 85

  The night was dark and the sky was still raining.

  Walking on the street, Liu Zimo saw a devastated city.

  There are ruins everywhere, and the ground is full of cracks.

  Bloody potholes appeared one after another.

  The naked eye can see that countless corpses are scattered all over the earth.

  There are humans and there are mutant sea beasts.

  It's hard to imagine that it was a big city just a few days ago.


  With a sigh, Liu Zimo also noticed.~...

  I noticed a mutant sea snake not far away, hiding in a dark corner-.

  Slowly raise your fingertips, the brilliant thunder light flashes on your fingertips.



  An electric light ripped apart the air and shot towards the distance.


  In the very mournful whine, a mutant sea snake also turned black and completely lay on the ground.

  "My thunder is not strong enough... If it is Tianwei thunder, this mutant sea snake should not be able to make a sound, and it will melt directly..."

  Thinking like this, Liu Zimo also knew that he needed to increase the intensity of Thunder.

  The Thunder now is not enough.

  And at this time,

  "I have seen Thunderbird-sama..."

  Suddenly, not far away, there was a team coming from the corner.


  Nodding slightly, Liu Zimo also noticed that this seemed to be a search team.

  Search team to search for the wounded and the remaining animals of the mutant sea beast.

  This kind of team has been sent out, and it seems that the battle is almost over.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo was also satisfied.

  And this time,

  "Lord Thunderbird, it's really Lord Thunderbird..."

  "Be quiet, don't disturb Lord Thunderbird..."

  "Wow, he's really handsome, and Lord Thunderbird, he looks so young..."

  "I'm sour, he's more handsome than me, and he's so strong..."

  Lowering their voices, among the search team, several girls who looked like nurses also screamed.

  Compared to men, women are more emotional.

  A lot is directly revealed.

  Although most of the boys in the team were also excited, they were not as direct as they were.

  "When did they all know me?"

  In some stunned voices, Liu Zimo did not know that now he is a celebrity in Pau.

  It is comparable to the existence of the most top-notch stars.

  It was like a god-like figure.

  That shocking strength pushed his prestige to the extreme.

  Now, they are all excited to see a lightning attribute cultivator.

  And like this, whether the iconic purple arc is flashing all over the body has become the symbol of Liu Zimo.

  Ordinary lightning attribute practitioners are blue or nearly white lightning.

  But only Lord Thunderbird is purple.

  Just like his posture, mysterious and noble.

  But at this time, Liu Zimo didn't notice that in the search team, there was a tall and straight black figure that looked like a schoolgirl, and also stared at Liu Zimo dazedly.

  "This is Lord Thunderbird..."

  In a daze, the beautiful eyes of this figure couldn't stop flickering.

  Before, he was the one who summoned Jiutian Thunder, destroyed everything, and blocked the final retreat of the mutant sea beast tide.

  Really great.

  Connie, who seldom admires other people, is also looking at a man like this for the first time.

  A short black hair.

  A handsome yet resolute face.

  From time to time, purple arcs overflow from the corners of my eyes...

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