But what the Spirit Power Bureau gives is limited.

  There are some very precious cultivation resources, but you still have to fight for them yourself.

. . .  

  And at this time, in the name of an individual, it is also a good office to take on tasks occasionally and earn money.

  For this, the Spiritual Power Bureau is also extremely supportive.

  According to rumors, in the main city, there are already several extraordinary people who took the lead in setting up an office.

  One is the Star Office.

  One is the tyrant knife firm...

  Most of these offices are led by the strong, unite some people, and then perform tasks together to earn contribution points and even money.

  Some are like the mercenary groups of the past in the West,

  But it is more legalized and normalized.

  "it is good."

  With a response, Liu Zimo did not refuse.

  This coincides with his previous thoughts.

  As for, some people say that at such a juncture, what kind of small group is there...

  To be honest...it's ridiculous.

  Where there are people, there will be disputes.

  Where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes.

  Moreover, how can we become stronger without striving for more resources,

  How to better protect others.

  In Liu Zimo's words, opening an office is also to better hunt mutant beasts.

  You must know that the Spiritual Power Bureau is a big force after all.

  Many are inconvenient.

  But the office is different.

  That's personal.

  If it is done well, some powerful offices can go to some dangerous places to perform tasks.

  For example, hunting the mutant beasts in the beast tide of so-and-so.

  This is also what the Spiritual Power Bureau hopes to see... healthy competition.

  Many firms, healthy competition and mutual promotion.

  to become stronger together.

  In the future... a very powerful firm may block a small and medium-sized beast tide.

  Of course, this is only possible.

  For these, Liu Zimo didn't care.

  He is just, in order to better hunt mutant beasts.

  When the establishment of the office is completed, he can take the office to hunt around and slay mutant beasts everywhere.

  "In such a world, only in a group can develop better..."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo didn't mind starting to train some people to confirm some of his ideas.

  If these guys can be cultivated.

  It can also be his powerful arm.

  It can also become the main force against mutant beasts.

  As for now, why didn't Liu Zimo go out and train more people directly.

  To be honest, is he worthy now?

  Now, he can only be regarded as a relatively powerful Transcendent.

  And now, the order has not collapsed,

  The extraordinary has not really stepped onto the stage of the world.

  If he really has the intention to lead the human race in the future.

  Then you need to show your abilities to others.

  Demonstrate the ability to lead and lead others to become stronger.

  Moreover, Liu Zimo can't guarantee that he can lead others now.

  The so-called office is also a small attempt by him.towel.

Chapter 86

  "In the end, it's still for the sake of the point..."

  "With Dao points, I can become stronger."

  While sighing in his heart, Liu Zimo also raised his eyes and looked at the night sky.

  In a trance, he saw that shocking thunder again, tearing apart the sky and the earth, tearing apart all the darkness...

  That's the real power.

  But now, Liu Zimo's heart is getting stronger.

  He hopes to become stronger.

  Then, in the real sense, take charge of these powers.


  Soon after, Liu Zimo also followed the ice girl back to the team.

  Now the convoy is stationed in the northern area of ​​the city, while cleaning up the surrounding mutant sea beasts,

  While actively cooperating with the local troops, he rescued the surrounding people.

  And these, Liu Zimo does not understand.

  Only rest in the team.

  During this period, he also went out several times and cleaned up a lot of mutant sea beasts.

  In today's city, there are still many mutant sea beasts hidden in the corners.

  Especially sewers or something.

  There are thousands of mutant sea beasts dormant.

  Just like now, feeling the breath coming from a certain corner, Liu Zimo also stepped on the manhole cover of the sewer.


  During the sudden violent drink, countless thunders came out from under his feet.

  It was accompanied by countless mournful whines, which came from the depths of the sewers.

  At this time, if you look into the depths of the sewer, you will definitely see countless charred corpses lying quietly...

  "Ding, you have killed a level-400 mutant turtle, Dao Point +[-]..."

  "Ding, you have killed a fourth-level mutant sea snake, Dao Point +400..."

  "Ding, you have killed a fifth-level mutant crab, Taoist point +00..."

  With one prompt after another, the corners of Liu Zimo's mouth were also slightly upturned.

  It was a windfall.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zimo also looked at the attribute panel not far away.

  [Dao point: 1400000...]

  Watching quietly, Liu Zimo was also satisfied.

  These [-] million Dao points are largely due to Liu Zimo's previous skill, Thunder Suppression and Furious Waves, Tianwei.

  That [-]-meter-long ray of lightning ripped apart the sky and the earth, but it smashed into the city of Pau fiercely, and countless mutant sea beasts rushed to the gap in the city.

  Not to mention, it also wiped out thousands of mutant sea beasts.

  And this is also the point of Liu Zimo's Taoism, which has greatly increased.

  Dao points that were originally close to exhaustion actually reached seven figures again.

  With joy in his heart, Liu Zimo was also walking on the streets full of potholes.

  Now, all the convoys and troops are suppressing the remaining mutant sea beasts.

  And after he had enough rest, he should be properly active for a while.

  However, at this moment, as if he had noticed something, Liu Zimo also raised his eyes and looked at a figure suspended in the sky not far away.

  This is a kid...

  It does look like a child, not too old, about thirteen or fourteen years old.

  Has short brown curly hair.


  And now, he is suspended in the sky, with a whirlwind under his feet.


  It seems that he noticed the existence of Liu Zimo, and this little Zhengtai also greeted Liu Zimo from a distance.

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