"Wind controller?"

  Among the uncertain voices, Liu Zimo also looked at this young man.


  With a smile, the far-off Xiao Zhengtai also rode the whirlwind and flew towards Liu Zimo.

  "How did you do it just now... It's a hundred-meter-long thunder light, and the spiritual power is afraid to reach tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, in order to burst into such a shocking power."

  Secretly stunned, the wind control envoy was also inexplicably surprised.

  Others don't know.

  Doesn't he know yet?

  That kind of shocking power, the ordinary second-order extraordinary, is also difficult to burst out.

  And now, a young man with almost the same strength as him is actually...

  "You should have guessed... Our element controller can use Tianwei, I can use Thunder Cloud, and you can also use Gale..."

  In the soft voice, Liu Zimo didn't hide it either.


  In a moment of silence, the wind control made the corners of his eyes twitch.

  With the help of Tianwei, it is not wrong to say so.

  But when the real Tianwei strikes, you are really sure that you can use Tianwei.

  Just like the thunderstorm that swept the entire city just now.

  If an operation is done carelessly, the shocking thunder might smash into the thunderbird.


  So... the wind control envoy also gave Liu Zimo a thumbs up with a strange look on his face:

  "You bastard, you're crazy..."


  He smiled disapprovingly, Liu Zimo also knew his details.

  Indeed, it is too dangerous to directly control Tianwei.

  It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a nine-death life.

  But Liu Zimo used [-] million points to deduce an A-level skill - Thunder Suppression and Furious Waves. Using this skill as a medium, the risk factor dropped directly.

  The bigger risk for Liu Zimo may be that his mental strength cannot bear it.

  to get out of control.

  As for the rest, honestly it's fine.

  However, these Liu Zimo would not tell others.

  He will even use this thunderstorm as an excuse to say that he has deduced the skill of thunder and raging waves by observing astronomical phenomena.

  Gold finger, god-level deduction is Liu Zimo's biggest secret.

  can never be exposed.

  Liu Zimo knew this.


  And now, meeting with the wind control envoy, Liu Zimo rarely chatted with him.

  But okay.

  This wind controller looks like a little lady.

  But the mind is very mature.

  You can totally treat him like an adult.

  And this, it can only be said that the awakening of his talent has made his brain develop much faster than ordinary people.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zimo remembered mental power for some reason.

  "Mental power should be related to brain development."

  Thinking like this, Liu Zimo was also thinking about ways to improve his spiritual power.

  It really doesn't work, he has to try to deduce a method that can cultivate spiritual power.

  As for Bing Xin Jue, to be honest, the defense is more than enough.

  But it is difficult to increase Liu Zimo's spiritual power.

  This point, Liu Zimo is still well aware of.

  At this time, looking at the sky, the wind control envoy also said bluntly:

  "Would you like to go there for a meal, the monk is also..."


  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also remembered this legendary professional.

  According to legend, he is the **, the first innate martial artist,

  Don't know if it's true or false.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zimo also nodded and smiled:

  "It's not bad to go and see the seniors."


  Nodding, the wind control envoy also took Liu Zimo to the other direction of the city.

  But on the way.

  Looking at Liu Zimo's fingertips flickering from time to time, the corners of his eyes couldn't stop twitching.

  "They all said that if you see a mutant beast, kill it, it seems to be true..."

  "Although these mutant beasts are not a big threat to us, they are too big a threat to ordinary people, so they should be dealt with in advance."

  "It is."

  Nodding his head, the wind control envoy was also thoughtful.

  It seems that he is still ill-considered.

  The next time I encounter some weak mutant beasts, I will solve it easily.

  And not long after that, Liu Zimo came to the gathering place under the leadership of the wind control envoy.

  This looks like a school cafeteria...

  It's big, some staff are busy,

  Countless people came in and out.

  However, at this time, among the many figures, Liu Zimo turned his gaze to a monk sitting cross-legged in the corner.

  He is very young.

  A little vermilion between the brows.

  With a handsome face, but without losing the fortitude...

  An unforgettable person.

  He gave such an evaluation in his heart, but Liu Zimo noticed that his closed eyes had opened for some unknown time.

  Looking at Liu Zimo's eyes, there was even more surprise.

  "You are much stronger than I thought."

  While speaking softly, the monk did not hide the admiration on his face.

  To be able to burst out such shocking thunder, the strength of this guy can be imagined.

  "I have also heard the name of the monk for a long time."

  After a few polite words, Liu Zimo can be regarded as getting to know these two famous professionals...  

  Warrior monks, wind control agents, and nuns...

  These three can be regarded as the earliest professionals.

  According to legend, there are seven people.

  And the first person was the director of the General Bureau of Spiritual Power.

  That's the real horror.

  Just because he suspected that he had set foot on the extraordinary second-order...

  Extraordinary second order.

  That is the extraordinary second order.

  If there are some top-level existences in the extraordinary first-order, the punching wind created by one punch is enough to destroy a small half of the street.

  Then the weakest Transcendent Tier [-] is enough to wreak havoc on the entire city.

  Like this time, if there is an extraordinary second-order mutant sea beast coming.

  That battle will never end so quickly.

  Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that humans are not necessarily able to win.

  Even if it does win, it is a miserable victory.

  "The extraordinary second-order, and the extraordinary first-order, the combat power is no longer the same dimension..."

  "It should be said that above the extraordinary first-order, the first-order is more terrifying than the first-order... This involves the evolution of life, the transition of life..."

  While murmuring in his heart, Liu Zimo also knew that he needed to work harder.

  Try to hit the extraordinary second-order.

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