This is a pity.

  He sighed to himself that Liu Zimo simply handed over the convoy to the troops stationed outside Hangcheng. As for himself, he took the ice girl and rushed back to the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  Do a simple registration first, and then start the work report.

  Until some of them are over, two hours have passed.

  At this time, Liu Zimo and the ice girl walked back to the villa together.

  "Next, why don't you go to Pau?"

  In some hesitant voices, the ice girl also asked curiously:

  "It's almost over, leave the rest to others."

  Having said that, Liu Zimo also stretched his waist.

  a little tired...

  Let's go back to rest first.

  As for the rest, I'll talk about it when I have a rest...


  On the third day after returning to Hangzhou,

  Standing in the backyard of the villa as always, Liu Zimo is also skillfully polishing one ability after another.

  However, at this moment, Sister Qin ran over with a smile:

  "Zimo, look, look, the news for the past two days is all about you."

  Saying that, Sister Qin also turned on the video on her mobile phone.

  In the picture, there is a figure, stepping on the thunder ball, suspended in the sky, holding the right hand high, and holding a purple long spear.

  "Go through..."

  A roar can be heard faintly,

  Immediately afterwards, the dazzling purple thunder light, like a meteor, flew towards the beast tide in the distance.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  In the repeated vibrations, hundreds of mutant sea beasts flew out.

  However, that's not all.

  Just because, at the end of the video...

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  The vast dark clouds gathered above the nine heavens.

  A very terrifying vortex of dark clouds also appeared.

  And that dark cloud vortex, constantly swallowing terrifying thunder light.

  "Crack, click..."

  One after another, as if some great terror was about to come.

  And this time...

  In the stunned eyes of countless audiences, a figure shrouded in purple thunder light actually stepped on the thunder ball and slowly lifted into the air.

  He was lifted off from the top of a [-]-meter-tall building.

  From a distance, his figure was a little blurry.

  But it is just such a figure, facing the vast dark cloud vortex with one hand, as if to attract the thunder of nine days.

  Immediately afterwards, a scene that shocked countless audiences emerged...


  In the sudden roar, a hundred-meter-long thunder light ripped apart the sky and even the earth, and slammed into the corner of the city.


  In an instant, the earth trembled, and a scorched black crater that reached hundreds of meters was also imprinted into the eyes of countless spectators.

  "My God, is this really something humans can do?"

  "Hey, is this a Thunderbird? Is it the god of the gods?"

  "It's too scary, it's too scary, this is the extraordinary..."

  "I thought the Thunderbird was scary enough before, but now it looks like he's scarier than we thought..."


  In the repeated exclamations, countless people were shocked

  Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that this video continues to rise with an extremely terrifying click-through rate.

  In just an hour, it became the number one hot search.

  There are also viewers who leave comments for the first time.

  "This is the darkest era and the brightest era..."

  "One after another, extraordinary people have followed one after another, forging the city walls, and even the existence of thunderbirds illuminates the darkness..."

  "With the most shocking thunder, smashing the heaviest darkness, Thunderbird did it."

  "I strongly suggest that Thunderbird change its title to Thunder Dragon, and Thunder Dragon is worthy of him..."

  "Why isn't the one upstairs called Thor?"

  "Later, later, now called 'Thor', too much..."


  One comment after another, the least one comment has a like rate of up to [-].

  Individual comments and likes even reached a staggering one million.

  Such a terrifying click-through rate, even the upper floors of the ** can't help shaking.

  "It seems that the campaign was successful..."

  With a sigh, a certain big man at the top also laughed.

  "This is Thunderbird's self-improvement..."

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?


  Nodding his head, this big man also sighed:

  "The opportunity is given by us, but whether they can seize the opportunity or not depends on themselves, and Thunderbird undoubtedly seized the opportunity and greatly inspired the information of the people."

  "It is."

  With a chuckle, a figure hidden in the darkness also took the initiative to ask:

  "Then we need to focus on cultivating Thunderbirds next?"

  "No hurry, wait for him to go further."

  Speaking of which, this big man also sighed:

  "If there are more extraordinary people like Thunderbird, our hope will be even bigger."

  "Yes, I will... When resisting the beast tide, many obscure superhumans followed one after another... Although they are not as dazzling as Thunderbirds, they are just as dazzling."


  Nodding slightly, this big man is also somewhat satisfied.

  In today's era, they have done a good job.

  Basic order and stability have also been maintained.

  And this is much stronger than other countries.

  Like the land of freedom and the island of cherry blossoms, the economy has declined a lot.

  However, this is not the most terrifying.

  The most terrifying thing is that Australia and mainland lost contact.

  Overnight, the whole of Australia and mainland lost contact.

  To this day, few people know what happened to the mainland.

. . .  

  Even if countries use satellites to peep, there is no signal at all.

  It seems that there is a source of spiritual power, and the magnetic field is distorted, so that the signal cannot be transmitted.

  And this is undoubtedly a very scary thing.

  It is worth mentioning here that most of the continents have lost their way of contact now.

  Yes, but only in a very single way.

  It's not as convenient as it used to be.

  Just like now, ** are not very clear about the situation of other continents.

  Continents have turned into islands,

  And the sea has turned into a real restricted area.

  Not long ago, people who did not believe in evil drove a ship privately, preparing to cross the sea and rush to other continents. .

  As a result, within five minutes, at the end of the sea, a black tentacle with a length of tens of meters, full of suction cups, poured out from the sea, and the entire giant ship was involved in the sea.

  not just the sea,

  And the sky...

  One after another, powerful mutant birds and beasts are ravaging the sky.

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