Like fighter jets and helicopters, if you are not careful, you will be killed.

  According to spiritual research sources, mutant beasts, mutant sea beasts, and even mutant birds and beasts hate the roar of engines.

  If they noticed these noises, they would definitely launch an attack immediately.

  So, human planes, ships, mostly paralyzed...

  It is also the military base of each city, and it can also let fighter jets set sail to guard the city.

  As for what to say, across thousands of kilometers, flying from the east to the south of the city.

  That's totally impossible.

  Flying all the way, it is estimated that there is not even slag left.

  And what does this mean?

  That is, the transportation system of various countries is constantly paralyzed.

  Even if it can be maintained, it requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

  Moreover, it's okay now, it seems that Hangcheng can send people to support Pau.

  You can wait for a while and wait for the mutant beasts to complete a new round of evolution, and the danger factor in the wild rises again.

  At that time, it was estimated that most of the casualties would be on the way to support.

  And that's not to mention, many cities may be unable to protect themselves.

  This is the real horror.

  It is also the darkest age that the entire nation, and even all mankind, is about to face.

  There is a good chance they will lose everything.

  Transportation, networking...everything.

  In some prophecy pictures of the director of the Spiritual Power Bureau, the humans in Africa seem to have returned to the primitive society...

  It is also conceivable how terrifying this is.

  This splendid era of science and technology is actually going to gradually wither in the extraordinary era...

  ps: ************************For flowers, for a reward******************** *

  Sorry, the website seems to be stuck, the first two 87 chapters have no content... I will go to the editor tomorrow to delete it, sorry... towel.

Chapter 89

  The dazzling era of science and technology is withering...

  However, the fire is passed down from generation to generation, and the glory of mankind will inevitably bloom again.

  For this, countless human beings are convinced.

  Just because there will be more and more existences like thunderbirds,

  more and more.

  They will not only illuminate the darkest times for mankind, but also ignite the fire of mankind and hold the glory high! !

  At this time, Liu Zimo didn't know that his video was playing, and there were high-level officials behind it.

  However, he also faintly noticed...

  "The whole network pushes..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo raised his eyes...

  He knows.. he should be famous all over the country next.

  Wherever you go...

  'Lord Thunderbird' is bound to resound.

  The brawny man in his twenties and thirties, and the urchin as young as six or seven... They all know that young man who looks extremely bright with arcs surging all over his body!

  Like a god, standing at the top of the extraordinary.

  "However, it's not enough. I can't afford it with my current strength."

  In the very affirmative voice, Liu Zimo is also not proud.

  The strength is not worthy of this reputation.

  Not to be proud of.

  One day, when his strength rises, he will calmly accept this honor.

  And now, practice, practice...

  "Breath of Thunder One of the Forms - Thunderbolt Flash..."

  In the soft whisper, a dazzling thunder light erupted from Liu Zimo's feet, and then, his whole person disappeared in place.


  Has an unimaginable speed.

  Like teleportation.

  Looking carefully, there are afterimages appearing in the air.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo was also satisfied with this speed.

  It's more than [-]% faster than the beginning.

  At the same time, he is gradually able to bear the burden on his legs...

  However, the extreme speed of the lightning flash, he must still have some difficulty.

  That is close to the limit speed of the extraordinary second order.

  Motion capture beyond human vision.

  Not only is it approaching the extreme, but it can greatly strengthen Liu Zimo's slash.

  It's a killer move.

  "For a move like that, there is only one chance, if I fail, I must be counter-killing, so..."

  With a sigh, Liu Zimo also didn't want to meet that day.

  This should be called the 'hole card'.

  Each hole card represents a life.

  Hole cards can be turned over.

  But not often.

  Frequently flipping, or it means that your strength can't keep up.

  Or, you are not far from death.

  Thinking like this, Liu Zimo also decided to practice some more trump cards.

  He has a god-level deduction,

  If you want to deduce some reliable skills, it is not difficult as a hole card.

  For example...

  "System, can I deduce elementalization?"

  "Ding, yes."

  In the very cold tone, the system also answered Liu Zimo's question.


  The corner of his mouth twitched, and Liu Zimo also showed a hint of expectation.

  Sure enough, elementalization can be deduced.

  As for what elementalization is.

  You can use him as an ultimate skill of the element.

  Turning the whole body into elemental particles is not only immune to most physical damage, but also has the characteristics of elements.

  As if he was carrying a thunderbolt, elementalization should be transformed into a real thunderlight.

  And what is Ray?

  Explosive and terrifying, with terrifying speed.

  Think about it, turn into a thunder light, shuttle through the beast tide.

  Wherever he passed, all the mutant beasts turned into charred black.

  What a terrible picture this is.

  Therefore, Liu Zimo was moved.

  Really moved.

  Of course, it is worth mentioning that Liu Zimo did not want to deduce the skill of elementalization at first.

  Only because Liu Zimo is in charge of Shenwei.

  Shenwei, on the other hand, has an ability to virtualize, which can let the body part escape into a different space and achieve nihilization, which has the same effect as elementalization.

  Even more terrifying.

  The two skills have certain similarities.

  They are all immune to most physical damage, or even completely immune.

  But virtual, lethality is not strong.

  And elementalization, while turning into a thunder element, has amazing lethality.

  Moreover, more importantly, Liu Zimo valued the terrifying speed brought by the elementalization of Thunder.

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