This speed, combined with the violent power of Thunder itself,

  I'm afraid it will be useless.

  It is a skill that is very suitable for preventing me from attacking the beast tide.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zimo also launched a more detailed consultation.

  However, to his surprise, Elementalization turned out to be only an A-level skill.

  "Are you sure this skill is an A-level skill and only needs five million points?"

  "Ding, sure."

  The cold response made Liu Zimo's face show a hint of surprise.

  This surprise came too suddenly.

  Such a terrifying skill is only A rank.

  If I had known, he would deduce the points of thunder and rage and domineering overlord, and keep it to deduce the elements.

  However, forget it.

  The point came quickly.

  As long as he goes to the beast tide a few times, that's fine.

  In other words, he will soon be able to completely master this very terrifying ability.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo was also excited.

  "What does it feel like to be turned into thunder particles?"

  Among the voices of anticipation, Liu Zimo did not hide the fiery deepness in his eyes.

  However, at this moment, a cold reminder sounded in his ear.

  "Ding, elementalization is a rare special skill, and there are preconditions for deduction. Otherwise, even if it is deduced and the principle is mastered, the host will be difficult to control."


  For a while, Liu Zimo was also a little stunned.

  Special Skills?Are there any preconditions?


  After a while of silence, Liu Zimo's heart also suddenly burst.

  For some reason, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

  "What are the preconditions for elementalization?"

  In some doubtful voices, Liu Zimo'er Research Institute took the initiative to ask.

  "Ding, the element of the host's cultivation, the talent value is full, and it is turned into a real spiritual body, so that the host can truly integrate with the elements."

  In the simple explanation, Liu Zimo also vaguely understood the meaning of the system.

  The talent value is full.

  That is to say, his thunder element talent must reach at least [-] points and become what the Spirit Power Research Institute calls a 'thunder spirit body' before he can control elementalization.

  This... doesn't seem excessive.

  After all, how could the body of an ordinary person be transformed into thousands of elemental particles?

  If Lei Spirit Body is available, then it is entirely possible.

  This is a spiritual body, and the element has become one... It seems to be the darling of the element.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zimo also thought of another thing.

  "In that case, as long as it is a spiritual body, it can achieve elementalization, and even other people may master the means of elementalization."

  In a daze, Liu Zimo also thought of this possibility.

  If one day a fire spirit body suddenly appears, the wind spirit body...

  Then, they turned into flames and gusts, Liu Zimo should not be surprised.

  Just because this is likely to be the signature skill of the spirit body.

  Of course, even if it is a spiritual body, it will take several years to create such skills out of nothing.

  Unless they have Liu Zimo's teaching, and then take the initiative to develop this skill.

  Otherwise, it would be very difficult for them to find that their bodies could be completely elementalized.. into real elements.

  With this thought in mind, Liu Zimo also made a note in a small notebook.

  'Either spirits can be elementalized... This may be a sign of spirits. '

  In the simple record, Liu Zimo also closed this small notebook.

  This is an extraordinary little knowledge that belongs to Liu Zimo alone.

  Now the transcendent comes.

  However, the real transcendent system has not yet been established.

  Everything is groping.

  The power and characteristics of each realm are not very clear.

  Just like under the extraordinary first-order, the sign of the ninth-level ability is that the spiritual power covers the whole body, which greatly improves the defense power.

  This was discovered through constant exploration.

  To this day, those who have reached the ninth level are embarrassed to say that they are a ninth-level ability person who cannot achieve the whole body coverage of spiritual power.

  And this is extraordinary knowledge.

  "These little knowledge may be common sense in the future, but at present, most of them haven't discovered... Still waiting for others to discover..."

  "It is rude to say that in the future, this little notebook of mine will become a treasure chased by countless extraordinary people."

  The arrogance welled up in his heart, and Liu Zimo was also a little excited.

  Just because knowledge is the most precious inheritance.

  The efforts of generations of extraordinary people will inevitably be able to perfect the extraordinary system belonging to human beings.

  And Liu Zimo also minds being the founder of an extraordinary system...  

  As for why, it was also because at the beginning of his cultivation, the Spiritual Power Bureau gave him a lot of advice.

  That is all the cultivation of other extraordinary people, summed up.

  Individually, it was only discovered after a near-death experience.

  But these valuable experiences were shared without reservation to help Liu Zimo practice.

  Although, many experiences are just a simple sentence.

  But invisibly, he helped Liu Zimo take a lot of detours.

  For these, Liu Zimo also kept it in his heart and was grateful.

  Therefore, he is also trying his best to summarize the extraordinary knowledge.

  One is for oneself, to help oneself cultivate better.

  One is also for the later superhumans.

  However, the knowledge recorded in his small book is not much.

  Not enough for the country.

  later on...

  And with a lot of knowledge, he can't guarantee that he must be right.

  After all, he is different from ordinary people. With a god-level deduction system, he may have a side far beyond ordinary people.

  He hasn't foolishly exposed this yet.

  "I still need to communicate and summarize with more extraordinary people, and then I can continue to improve this small book."

  Thinking of this, Liu Zimo's face also showed a firm color.

  There's not much he can do.

  But he will try to do the right thing.

  This is his responsibility and his duty.

  As for what to say, he is not a person from this world, which is not to be mentioned.

  This ** is almost the same as the country in the previous life.

  Only, there are slight differences.

  Moreover, this country also nurtured his predecessor...

  Even at the beginning of his time travel, when he was still confused, he gave him the greatest care.

  For these, Liu Zimo still bears in mind.

  "If you were raped at the time, looking for me everywhere and preparing to capture me as a test subject, I am afraid that I would have already fled, and then disappeared in the dark, ready to take revenge."

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo knew that this was inevitable.

  At that time, he had just crossed over, but he had no sense of belonging.

  Now, having a sense of belonging is also given by **.

  At least now, there is no need for him to betray the country.

  This country has not failed him or hurt him, and it has accelerated his growth.

  And he, too, has an obligation to repay.

  Of course, more importantly, with the help of this country, he is also able to hunt mutant beasts better.

  Hunting mutant beasts is not contradictory to relying on this country.

  That's the most important thing.

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