It is also because of this that Liu Zimo doesn't mind contributing to this country.

  Mutual support,

  to go further.

  The country needs extraordinary people to protect the people and protect the mountains and rivers.

  And he needs the state to give him better conditions and resources.


  After a while of silence, Liu Zimo's eyes also revealed a touch of firmness.

  "I can only say that if this country does not lose me, I will not lose it for a day..."

  "However, if this country one day..."

  "Then I will leave without hesitation, and I will never hesitate."

  While murmuring in his heart, Liu Zimo also knew what kind of person he was.

  He is a selfish man after all.

  Everything is for yourself, better growth...

  As for why, for the sake of race, for the sake of righteousness, sacrificing yourself.

  For this, Liu Zimo thought about it, he definitely couldn't do it.

  Nor will it ever be done.

  Whoever dares to let him take such a path, he will dare to cut it out with one sword.

  This is the real Liu Zimo.

  In his bones, he is not a saint.

  "I'll just do what I'm supposed to do...not one point less, and not do anything beyond my abilities."

  Thinking like this, Liu Zimo also understood that if he really encountered an unstoppable beast tide, he would also run away.

  A deadly fight or something should be impossible.

  Do your best to protect others while protecting yourself.

  This is his bottom line.

  ps: *********************Please ask for flowers, ask for a reward******************

  I didn't disappoint everyone, although sometimes the update will be postponed to one or two o'clock, but it is still updated every day... hee hee...

  From morning to night, now seven or eight in the morning, it is estimated that one or two in the evening, and my update.

  So, I realized my words, thank you all for your support. .

Chapter 90

  And this is actually the reason why Liu Zimo did not use Dao points to deduce some skills that are suitable for the development of the country and for the development of the extraordinary system.

  The premise of everything is that they are based on their own safety.

  If he is now, he will actively consume Dao points and recommend some skills to help the country develop...

  Then he is likely to attract the attention of the relevant departments.

  There is a saying that goes well: 'Treasures move people's hearts', too amazing talent and ability will eventually lead to ill-prediction...

  even jealous...

  And being vigilant is a good thing.

  "Defenses can not do without..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo thought of a village.

  That village is like a country.

  There is a village chief, who guards the bright side, and also has roots, which guards the dark side.

  And that root is also to protect the village, but the method is too extreme... strangling one genius after another who is dedicated to the village.

  And Liu Zimo is now like in that village.

  He did not know what the 'roots' of this country were like.

  But he must be vigilant...

  If you can't even protect yourself, how can you protect others?

  When Liu Zimo is strong enough to protect himself one day, it will not be too late to use Dao Point to deduce.

  In this era, one day earlier, one day later, it is the same.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo was also satisfied with his current choice.


  It is worth mentioning here that Liu Zimo also thought about cooperation.

  Let the state help him hunt mutant beasts, and then he deduces god-level skills in batches to help himself and humans.

  But after thinking about it, Liu Zimo killed this idea for the first time.

  He can guarantee himself, but he can't guarantee that others are all with good intentions.

  The most incomprehensible thing is the human heart.

  It can be said without hesitation, even now, when many extraordinary people are still on the front line to resist the beast tide, some people are still in the bustling city, and they are extremely extravagant...

  And Liu Zimo sees this very thoroughly.

  "Forget it, don't think about it anymore... Let's practice hard."

  "Only oneself is the greatest support."

  "Only oneself can be truly trusted... As for others, even the country will bow before the interests of the majority."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also considered it from the standpoint of the country.

  If he is the leader of the country, and then one day he encounters a sacrifice of one person who can save millions of people, what choice will he make?

  Even if that person is a genius and a terror.

  Liu Zimo believed that he would not hesitate.

  Reason, it's that simple.

  This is what I choose to do, let alone others.

  So Liu Zimo understood it very well.

  Understandable but understandable, but Liu Zimo was never willing to be the one who sacrificed himself.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo sank his mind and began to polish various skills.


  The villa area where Liu Zimo is located, although in the urban area,

  But very quiet.

  Just, at this moment,

  "Tread, step, step..."

  One after another, Liu Zimo's ears trembled slightly, and he already caught the sound of footsteps coming from a distance.

  "This is..."

  In a little stunned, Liu Zimo also noticed the futility of his footsteps.

  It doesn't look like a supernatural being.

  "I don't seem to have many ordinary people here."

  Confused, Liu Zimo also looked out the door.

  And at the next moment, what appeared in his eyes turned out to be a middle-aged man in a suit.

  And this man, behind him, followed several men in black.

  Just that's not the point.

  The point is, the ice girl was silently following behind this middle-aged man.


  After a while of silence, Liu Zimo also realized something.

  Could this be the father of the ice girl Shang Xueyu?

  It looks a bit like...

  With this in mind, Liu Zimo also said hello immediately:

  "Is that uncle? Hello, I'm Liu Zimo..."

  "Thunderbird, right? I heard your name a long time ago..."

  Amidst the sudden laughter, this middle-aged man also looked at the girl behind him in a baseball cap - Shang Xueyu, and said with a smile:

  "My family Xueyu praises you every day, saying that you are sensible, of extraordinary strength, and that you have a righteous heart..."

  "I do not have..."

  In the sudden defense, the ice girl not far away was a rare red face.

  How could she say such a thing,

  How can it be?

  This guy...

  With this thought in mind, Shang Xueyu also gave Liu Zimo a fierce look, as if to say: 'Do you believe I would say this? '

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