And feeling the gaze of the ice girl Shang Xueyu, Liu Zimo couldn't help but smile and said:

  "I didn't expect that I was such a person in Xue Yu's mind, I'm really flattered..."


  Eyes widened, the ice girl Shang Xueyu was also stunned.

  "You guy..."

  In the rare gnashing of teeth, the temperature in the air drops rapidly...

  Visible to the naked eye, fine ice crystals and snowflakes are falling.

  And it was the chill, the spreading chill.

  Just, at this moment,


  Those simple words made the ice girl Shang Xueyu's expression change slightly, and she quickly restrained the chills all over her body.

  "Is this girl afraid of her father?"

  Some were curious, but Liu Zimo was silent.

  This is their business, and Liu Zimo shouldn't worry about it.

  However, Liu Zimo didn't expect the arrival of Ice Girl's father now.

  It's just, I don't know what the ice girl's father is here for?

  Could it be to see him?

  Somewhat stunned, Liu Zimo politely took them to the living room of the villa.

  Of course, this villa is the private residence of the ice girl Shang Xueyu, which Liu Zimo selectively ignored...

  The villa he destroyed before seems to have not been fully repaired until now.

  A little embarrassing.


  In the living room of the villa, this middle-aged man did not have too many courtesies with Liu Zimo.

  The seniority is there,

  Liu Zimo is his daughter's friend again.

  It is even very likely that he will become his own son-in-law, so naturally he will not be too polite.

  "I'm here this time for the business of the office. I heard that you plan to start an office..."

  "Yes, uncle."

  Nodding, Liu Zimo also admitted;

  "I want to build a team that suits me and Shang Xueyu so that we can practice better in the future."


  Nodding slightly, this middle-aged man can understand.

  The power of the individual is small.

  Only a team is truly powerful.

  This point, no matter what era it is, will never be out of date.

  Even in some novels and movies, the grouped sects are high above, while the solitary cultivators are all deplorable.

  So, he can understand.

  Even more support.

  With this in mind, the middle-aged man also said directly:

  "If you really need a studio, I can invest..."

  "I will not spare you the office, personnel, and funds you need..."

  "At the same time, I will pay the salaries of the staff on your behalf."

  Listening quietly, Liu Zimo was also slightly startled.

  It's a good deal.

  Is it because of the ice girl?

  However, at this time, he seemed to have sensed Liu Zimo's suspicious gaze, and the middle-aged man also smiled:

  "Please believe that I value you not because of my daughter, but because of you. You know that I am a businessman, and businessmen value profits."

  "Although today's era is a little different from before, and the extraordinary is gradually rising, but I believe that the profession of businessman will not disappear..."

  "I plan to manage the hides and flesh of various mutant beasts in the future... At the same time, I am applying to the relevant departments for the mining rights of the spirit stone mine..."


  Speaking one after another, Liu Zimo was also slightly startled.

  Good guy, this guy is really a businessman.

  Real businessman.

  The sight is so long.

  It is already focusing on mutant beasts and even spirit stone mines.

  "Uncle, you are a bit amazing..."

  With a sigh of admiration, Liu Zimo also made no secret of the shock on his face.

  "No matter what era, businessmen are the same, we will align with our interests... and I promise here that you will have [-]% of all profits related to the extraordinary industries related to me."

  In a simple statement, this middle-aged man doesn't mind giving up a large part of his benefits.

  This is naturally because Liu Zimo is worth it.

  As a rising star in the transcendent world, Liu Zimo, no, Thunderbird's existence has attracted much attention.

  His every move will attract the attention of countless people.

  If you can invest in him, I believe that in the future, the return will not be small.

  And, more importantly, they can bind interests.

  In the future, a successful businessman must depend on the strong.

  Without the escort of a strong man, if you still want to do business, it must be a dream.

  Not to mention the other, just because of the huge benefits, every extraordinary person with extraordinary strength will be jealous.

  But with Thunderbird, who is both famous and powerful, joins, it will be different.

  Not just a star effect,

  He also has his shock and deterrence to the conspiracy of the extraordinary.

  I believe that in the future, after many people know that it is Thunderbird's industry, they will shy away from it.

  This is the strongman effect.

  The Ice Girl's father, seeing this, came here in person, and brought enough sincerity.


  This is sincere.

  Ten percent of the profit seems very small.

  But this is real pure profit.

  And it doesn't need Liu Zimo to pay anything.

  Simply put, it is to let Liu Zimo hang a name...

  And he will take care of everything for Liu Zimo, and even prepare a 'team' for Liu Zimo himself.

  It is no wonder that Liu Zimo was secretly surprised.

  Of course, this is also the reason why Liu Zimo has not yet recognized his own value.

  When he set foot on the extraordinary first-order, and even after several beast tides invaded and turned the tide, he was no longer simple.


  Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, it was already half a day.

  The Ice Girl's father, Shang Xueyu, stayed at the villa and ate a light meal.

  It was during this period that Liu Zimo discovered that this middle-aged man was actually a very famous wealthy businessman in this area, and his Shang family was one of the four most famous business families.

  The market value of its industries alone is not less than billions, or even close to [-] billion...

  It is no wonder that such a family has cultivated the existence of the ice girl with the temperament of a young lady.

  "In the past, it could be regarded as a big family, and the ice girl Shang Xueyu is a real daughter..."

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo did not reject Uncle Shang's proposal.

  It's good for him and no harm.

  Of course he would not refuse.

  Moreover, in the middle, there is still the ice girl Shang Xueyu.

  Ice Girl, but Liu Zimo has very few people who believe in it.

  "I hope we can cooperate happily."

  Extending his right hand, the middle-aged man also looked at Liu Zimo with satisfaction.

  Can you not be satisfied?

  Young and promising, with extraordinary strength.

  Moreover, without being arrogant or impetuous, it is indeed a good piece of jade.

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