"Okay, uncle."

  In response, Liu Zimo also shook hands with his uncle simply to show a happy cooperation.

  However, at this moment, as if thinking of something, my uncle turned around slowly and reminded:

  "Next, I will arrange for the team to hand over to you. If you need anything, just mention it... If it can be done, I will arrange it for you."

  "And if you have any training resources you need, you can also talk about it."

  "I'll see if I can do my best for your cultivation."

  Listening quietly, Liu Zimo also responded with a smile:

  "If necessary, I will certainly not be polite."

  "That's good."

  Having said that, Uncle Shang also chose to leave under Liu Zimo's watch.

  However, at this moment, staring blankly at the back of Uncle Shang's departure, the ice girl rarely said:

  "My father is a businessman and puts his interests first. If you are dissatisfied, you can directly refuse."


  With a chuckle, Liu Zimo also said bluntly:

  "Your father is a very nice person and a sincere partner...".

Chapter 91

  Liu Zimo doesn't mind who he works with.

  Acquaintances are naturally the best.

  Moreover, this one is the father of the ice girl Shang Xueyu...

  To be honest, Liu Zimo did not reject it in his heart.

  It's just that I don't know if the next cooperation will be pleasant.

  Looking forward to it, Liu Zimo also doesn't want to make mistakes.


  However, at this time, what Liu Zimo didn't know was when he was thinking about Ice Girl's father.

  Ice Girl's father, sitting in the back row of the commercial car, also began to close his eyes and rest.

  However, at this time, as if thinking of something, the ice girl's father suddenly said:

  "Elder Li, how is this little guy?"

  "Reporting to the master, just like the rumors, it lives up to the name of genius."

  "You should know that this is not what I asked, you watched Xueer grow up, you think he and Xueer..."

  "This... I can only say that there is hope. The young lady looks at him differently from other people... and the young lady rarely shows emotions, but in front of him, like a very ordinary little girl, I It's been a long time since she looked so angry like a young lady."

  Quietly listening to the housekeeper's remarks, the ice girl's father also showed a rare smile on his face.

  If that's the case, that's fine too.

  He is also very satisfied with this little guy.

  Moreover, he respects his daughter's opinion.

  "That girl has good eyesight."

  Thinking like this, Ice Girl's father thought about other things.

  Relationship is relationship, cooperation is cooperation.

  Next, how to cooperate, how to cooperate.

  But it is worth pondering.


  At this time, Liu Zimo didn't know what the Ice Girl's father was thinking.

  Not to mention, the eyes of Ice Girl's father looking at him were once the eyes of his father-in-law.

  Now, he is once again immersed in cultivation.

  However, not long after that, under Liu Zimo's stunned gaze, there was a convoy coming towards him.

  "Hello, it's Lord Thunderbird... We are the team assigned to you by the Shang family... Next, we will be responsible for the connection between your monk's family and everything about you."

  In the soft voice, a woman in a black uniform and a short black skirt was also holding her glasses.

  "Good guy...Is this the legendary female secretary?"

  After being stunned for a while, Liu Zimo also noticed that the female secretary was looking at him with some fiery eyes.


  This is Lord Thunderbird.

  He didn't expect that she would be so lucky to come to him.

  If this is spread out, her friends and relatives will be excited.

  However, with professionalism, this Liu Yayu also immediately started to make a junction with Liu Zimo in various senses.

  The contract is in duplicate,

  After confirming again and again, the signing began.

  Then, it began to ask various requests and opinions.

  "Lord Thunderbird... We will find a suitable base for you according to your needs, and at the same time build an exclusive training room for you... It is estimated that the investment will be around [-] million..."

  "At the same time, we will also set up a team of chefs for you according to your needs, responsible for your diet..."


  Speaking one after another, Liu Yayu was also orderly.

  "Okay, it's over to you."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo was also looking forward to it.

  It is an inexplicable excitement to have a base that belongs to him alone.

  There is also his own team of chefs.

  不 ...

  Not just for him, but for the entire firm...

  For the extraordinary, food is one of the most direct sources of spiritual power.

  So food is very important.

  And Liu Zimo paid special attention to this aspect.

  As for the base...

  According to his assumption, it should be the same as the Northwest Branch of the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  There is a conference office,

  It has its own training room and various high-tech equipment.

  For example, when he cultivates thunder, a chair that can spurt lightning and release high-voltage electricity is a good choice.

  With this in mind, Liu Zimo also had some little expectations.

  And this is the power of the team.

  With a team, everything you need will be taken care of.

  And he just needs to practice and practice again.

  Get stronger, get stronger again.

  Why do the strong get stronger and the weak stay weak?

  A big reason is because of this...

  This is the same as the old times, the richer the richer...it is a truth.

  Resources will continue to accumulate, and quantitative changes will turn into qualitative changes.

  As far as now, Liu Zimo is all the flesh of a beast.

  This is unimaginable in other supernatural beings.

  Moreover, Liu Zimo's cultivation also began to be assisted by various instruments.

  These instruments range from as small as a million to as large as tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

  Is this what ordinary extraordinary people can have?

  Take an instrument that Liu Zimo thought about... It is estimated that it will require hundreds of millions of funds.

  If it can really be created, then Liu Zimo's cultivation speed is afraid that it will skyrocket again.

  It's just, unfortunately, that device is somewhat difficult to build.

  It's not about money.

  But today's technological development does not allow it.

  It requires a lot of effort and material resources.

  If there is no one behind Liu Zimo to support... I guess I would not dare to think about it for the rest of my life.

  But now, he really dared to think...

  "If you can, it's best to fiddle with the Ark Motto and help me gather thunderclouds... If this can be done... My strength will get a terrifying increase... ~' ."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also thought of a Thor's exclusive battleship.

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