This battleship, the principle is not complicated.

  With today's technology, there should be hope.

  After all, the core source of this battleship lies in 'Thor himself'.

  And Liu Zimo only needs to become Thor in the true sense to be able to control such warships.

  At that time, it was not impossible to push the beast tide horizontally.

  This should be considered a perfect fusion of transcendence and technology.

  It's just, I don't know if there is any hope to create it in this life.

  "There should be hope..."

  Smashing his mouth, Liu Zimo was not sure.

  He still doesn't know what level of technology the world has reached.

  Civil technology is okay, everyone knows it.

  But what about real military technology?

  Military technology is said to be on average decades ahead of civilian technology.

  Individually exaggerated, and even reached a hundred years.

  It's kind of scary to think about.

  Now Liu Zimo has no doubts that there is a means to check and balance powerful mutant beasts in the depths of the army.

  The extraordinary fourth-order natural disaster dare not say.

  But the extraordinary second-order, extraordinary third-order, should have strength checks and balances.

  The big country technology must never be underestimated.

  Of course, forget about those small countries.

  If Liu Zimo was in those countries, he would never expect any team.

  Being born in such a country, Liu Zimo felt somewhat reliable.

  At least, all kinds of top technology equipment will not be missing.


  Time passed slowly, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

  During this period of time, the Shang family team had already found a base for Liu Zimo.

  It is a factory building with few people in the area for several kilometers.

  Very quiet.

  Although it is relatively far from the center of Hangzhou, it is not a big problem.

  As for mutant beasts, don't worry.

  This base was prepared for the rumored Thunderbird.

  He sits here... and indirectly protects Hangcheng.

  Therefore, after the relevant departments found out, the approval was approved as soon as possible, and an exclusive engineering team was dispatched to prepare to start a drastic transformation...

  In addition, one modified car after another was also delivered to Liu Zimo and others.

  "These are modified vehicles equipped at the base, with full horsepower, and with the permission of the relevant departments, they are also equipped with heavy firepower."

  Speaking of which, secretary Liu Yayu also signaled to the driver.

  Immediately afterwards, under Liu Zimo's stunned gaze, a machine gun slowly rose from the roof of the car.

  On both sides of this modified car, two missile-like objects appeared.


  Somewhat stunned, Liu Zimo was also stunned.

  "It's not like before, the state has allowed individual companies and individual forces to start equipping these devices, but it just needs to be registered."

  In a simple explanation, Liu Yayu also described the current situation to Liu Zimo.

  Mutated beasts always threaten the safety of the people.

  But the extraordinary is not always guarding by his side.

  Therefore, after a joint vote, the relevant departments agreed that people living in the outer suburbs of the city could apply for and wear firearms.

  It is worth mentioning here, the periphery and the inner periphery.

  The periphery is a sparsely populated suburb, and it is also a buffer place for mutant beasts and humans to fight.

  Like a beast swarm, the periphery may evolve into a battlefield at any time.

  The inner perimeter is the core of the city...

  Errors are never tolerated.

  However, these policies are currently being implemented and have not been fully implemented.

  The reason why the Shang family team was able to get these fully-armed modified cars is largely because of Liu Zimo himself.

  When they knew that Thunderbird was going to build an office, and even started to build a base, the military waved a big hand and sent these military modified vehicles over.

  According to them, if there are a few more Transcendents outside the city to build bases, then there is no need to worry about the safety of the city.


  If there are really countless extraordinary people, a large number of bases will be built around the city.

  Then the beast tide hits, and the first thing that needs to be faced is the army of supernatural beings.

  The base that was built with great difficulty, how could one superhuman be easily destroyed by the beast tide.

  Therefore, the Spiritual Power Bureau is very supportive of Liu Zimo's approach.

  It has started to be implemented.

  According to legend, the teacher took a piece of land on the periphery and started to build a base that belonged to her.


  Listening to Liu Yayu's remarks, the smile on Liu Zimo's face became more and more intense.

  Times are changing too fast,

  He couldn't keep up.

  However, it's good.

  In such an era, if there is no change, it will inevitably be submerged by the tide.

  It seems that there are indeed many smart people above.

  Of course, at this time, Liu Zimo thought of the extremely mysterious director of the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  According to legend, he was the one who pushed this.

  Moreover, he vigorously supports the extraordinary industry.

  To this day, any extraordinary industry has his shadow behind it.

  The Spiritual Power Bureau was born to suppress mutant beasts.

  The Spiritual Energy Observation Bureau, which observes the fluctuations of spiritual energy at all times,

  There is also a very mysterious spiritual research institute...

  All of this is inseparable from him.

  Therefore, Liu Zimo was very curious.

  "This one, shouldn't it be a rebirth?"

  Suspicion in his heart, Liu Zimo is also unsure.

  The traversers have appeared.

  It is not surprising that there is one more rebirth.

  Who made this one so fierce.

  Almost single-handedly, stabilized the entire **...

 (Amazing Zhao) If it wasn't for him... I wouldn't even dare to think about it now.

  Don't say anything else,

  Take the last Hangcheng Wild Nature Zoo as an example, if the extraordinary people who didn't do that came out, Hangcheng would have been submerged in the beast tide.

  The same is true for Pau.

  At that time, the casualties were feared to be no less than [-] million.

  This does not take into account the sources of spiritual energy that continue to emerge everywhere.

  "Really amazing."

  Sighing to himself, Liu Zimo stopped thinking about it.

  Just take care of your own business.

  He didn't want to take care of other people's affairs, and he didn't have time to take care of them.


  However, at this time, Liu Zimo also raised his eyes as if he had noticed something...

  "In the periphery of Hangcheng, there are indeed many mutant beasts quietly dormant."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also looked at Ice Girl and Sister Qin not far away.

  "Go and clean up the nearby mutant beasts. Although it is only one or two, it is still a threat to ordinary people."


  Nodding, Ice Girl and Sister Qin also walked towards the distance together.

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