But in the current era, people are tricked, and it is very likely that there will be no life.

  Therefore, a trustworthy team is very important.


  "Who else should be brought in?"

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo was also pondering.

  However, he seems to have had little contact with the extraordinary.

  No matter how you think about it, you can't think of a few people.

  This is a bit of a hassle.

  "Would you like to go to the Spiritual Power Bureau to issue an announcement?"

  With some hesitation, Liu Zimo was also considering using contribution points to issue a notice to tell many extraordinary people that his firm was recruiting.

  But after thinking about it, Liu Zimo also gave up.

  His name is not weak.

  It is estimated that as soon as the announcement comes out, there will be a lot of extraordinary people coming.

  There are three religions and nine streams.

  Very unreliable.

  Therefore, after a while of silence, Liu Zimo also decided to choose another way.

  That is to find it yourself.

  He has a god-level deduction system, which can consume Dao points to check the innate abilities of others.

  Like some excellent talents, he can detect it in advance.

  Then bring it back and cultivate it yourself.

  Such people can be trusted.

  Of course, if you have evil thoughts in your heart, no matter how you cultivate them, you can't change them...

  In the future, he even betrayed his teammates and the firm.

  Such a person, sorry, Liu Zimo will not tolerate his existence.

  In today's era, Liu Zimo has a hundred ways to quietly make him evaporate.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also sincerely did not want to meet such a person.

  However, no hurry.

  Now, he is not in a hurry to recruit people.

  It depends on fate.

  With fate, even if you don't need to look for it deliberately, you will have a genius and bump into him.

  With this thought in mind, Liu Zimo was also patient and began to practice...


  However, at this time, what Liu Zimo didn't know was that there was a big event in the far away Sakura Country.

  "Crash, crash, crash..."

  Accompanied by terrifying waves, it rolled back into the heavens and the earth.

  The tsunamis that were dozens of meters high, even close to [-] meters high, came one after another from the end of the sea toward Sakura Island.

  "My God, what is that?"

  "No, that's impossible."

  "Who can save us, this demon, this demon..."

  "no, do not want..."

  Amidst the repeated exclamations and even screams, countless people in a coastal city looked at the continuous waves in despair.

  However, at this time, if you look carefully, you can definitely see that in the depths of his waves, there is a figure with several heads that looks like a giant python.

  Neighing in the sky.

  "Fizz, fizz..."

  Between the utter neighs, the sound waves rolled, and the world changed color.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  In the sudden roar, the terrifying giant waves were already beating in the small half of the city, and countless people had not had time to react, and their bodies were all turned into meat patties.

  What is even more shocking is that countless buildings were broken in an instant by the waves.

  And this is the giant beast from the deep sea.

  The unimaginable horror engulfed the minds of countless people in an instant.

  Shock, fear.

  but more despair,

  It can be seen to the naked eye that the waves are higher than waves, and they are constantly beating towards the whole city.

  And in the depths of the waves, the earth is crying for it...

  It actually drowned out all the screams and despair.

  This is a real disaster.

  A real disaster.

  However, this is no way.

  Cherry blossom country, and even the island country.

  And in today's world, which country is the most dangerous?

  That is of course an island country.

  Just because the island country is surrounded by sea, there are countless deep-sea beasts dormant.

  Just like now, every once in a while a giant beast from the deep sea walks out, turning the city of Sakura Island into ruins.

  Control the waves, one after another.

  This is beyond the power of ordinary people's understanding.

  Desperate, and even more frustrating.

  At this time, Sakura Island finally chose to ask for help.

  A real call for help.

  They couldn't stop it, they couldn't stop this deep-sea beast.

  I don't know how this deep-sea beast is staring at them.

  In just half a month, they have been attacked more than three times.

  Now, in the surging of spiritual power, a huge wave has been set off.

  Such a terrifying scene completely frightened everyone in the island country.

  They subconsciously want to ask the land of freedom for help.

  Just because they have always followed the lead of the country of freedom.

  But the problem is that the paralysis of the three major transportations by sea, land and air has prevented them from contacting the land of freedom.

  Moreover, what they don't know is that it's not just them, even the country of freedom is now a little difficult to protect itself.

  So...hesitating again and again, one person said bluntly:

  "Ask them for help?"

  "Do you really want to rescue them?"

  In a little stunned, the rest of the figures are also somewhat unacceptable.

  That's **.

  Relations between the two countries have always been tense.

  But now...they are...

  "Do you think we can stop this deep-sea behemoth? If it goes on like this, our coastal cities will disappear... And, as you can see, it's a monster, a real monster... We can't deal with it. .."

  In the continuous roar, this person's mood is also a little broken.

  Just the remote video footage made him despair.

  Not to mention anything else.

  So, asking for help must ask for help.

  However, at this time, as if thinking of something, one person also stood up and said bluntly:

  "Ask for help and return for help, but there may not be a shot... I heard that they also encountered the invasion of mutant sea beasts and suffered heavy losses..."


  After a while of silence, everyone's expressions changed.

  This is really a disaster for all mankind...

  go on like this...

  As if thinking of something, a look of despair appeared on these people's faces.

  However, at this time, these people did not know that in the deepest part of their island country, there was a girl sitting quietly on a lake.

  This girl is beautiful.

  She was wearing a traditional sakura costume, with a firm, even decisive look on her face.

  And she is a very low-key professional in this country.

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