Named 'Nadeko'.

  The ability is burning, she can burn everything...including her own life.

  If it really is what she thinks, she has the possibility to stop that deep-sea giant beast.

  It's just that, she is very likely to sacrifice herself.

  "If I can, I'd like to see my sister again..."

  While whispering softly, this girl also thought of her sister.

  She and her sister are of mixed race.

  My father is from **, and my mother is from Sakura Island.

  However, her father and her mother divorced.

  Now, one of them continued to stay in Sakura Island with their mother, and the other followed their father to the **.

  Time flies, she hasn't seen her sister for a long time.


  With a sigh in her heart, Nadeko knew that she might never have a chance again...

  At this moment, in Hangcheng, deep in the Scientific Research Institute of the Spirit Power Bureau, a girl very similar to her also slowly opened her eyes.


  The raging flames ignited in the depths of her eyes, and everything ignited, and then set off a terrible fire.

  However, before the fire spread, the alarm system sounded for the first time, and there was a flood of water falling, dousing the entire fire.

  "Is this girl's ability still out of control?"


  Nodding slightly, the staff added: "However, her talent is extremely terrifying, she is definitely a talent standing at the top...".

Chapter 93

  "A talent at the apex?"

  Slightly startled, the staff member was also stunned.

  This rating is a bit high.

  You know, even for some S-rank talents, this adult did not give such an evaluation.

  But now...

  At this time, it seems that he sensed the doubts of this staff member. This figure in a white jacket also smiled and said bluntly:

  "Myths and legends, you should know?"

  "Know some."

  Nodding, this staff member also doesn't understand why this adult mentions this.~...

  "In today's era, most of them are awakened ordinary talents, but some awakened talents are unique and special...-"

  "However, the most terrifying talent here is the talent that emerges from myths and legends..."

  Having said that, this figure in a white jacket looked at the girl in the depths of the laboratory, and her eyes were also fiery:

  "And she is very likely to have the talent in myths and legends, and it is also a real god-level talent."


  The body shook violently, and the staff member was also stunned.

  God-level talent, that's...

  His eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.

  And this time,


  Taking a deep breath, this figure in a white jacket was also a little fanatical and excited:

  "The talent she has, I named her 'Inextinguishable Flame'. As long as she focuses her gaze, there will be flames, and this flame has extremely high destructive power and heat..."

  "Moreover, according to my speculation, her flame is burned according to how much she has spiritual power. That is to say, if she has continuous spiritual power, the flame will continue to burn, and it will become more and more terrifying..."


  Speaking one after another, the figure in the white jacket was completely excited.

  God-level talent.

  This is definitely a god-level talent.

  If this girl is allowed to grow up, with just one look, countless mutant beasts will burn out.

  And this is a god-level talent...

  It is like the power of the legendary gods, and it has horror and power far beyond other talents.

  Just like now, this girl is only level [-], but her flame is enough to make level [-] or even level [-] mutant beasts desperate.

  Terrifying and powerful.

  However, unfortunately, her talent was completely out of control.

  The huge mental stimulation made her collapse.

  Until now, it has not recovered.


  With a sigh, the figure in the white jacket also warned:

  "Take good care of her, she is the most important existence in our research institute..."

  "it is good."

  In a response, this staff member also suppressed the shock in his heart.

  He did not expect that this seemingly ordinary little girl had such a terrifying talent.

  God-level talent... If this is spread out, I am afraid that many people will be shocked.


  However, not long after this, no one knew... There was a very burly figure in a certain corner of the **, showing excitement.

  "Are you sure, are you sure, there really is a god-level talent born?"

  "Yes, sure."

  Nodding his head, a figure like a gangster also said nervously:

  "This is news from the Lingli Research Institute."

  "Good, good, good..."

  In the continuous laughter, this big man is also excited...

  Yes, excited.

  I didn't expect it to actually have a god-level talent.

  He finally waited.

  Finally waited.

  You know...his talent is stealing.

  Although the conditions for seizing are very harsh, it is also seizing.

  He's been waiting...waiting for a powerful enough talent.

  Only by capturing such talent can he reach the true peak.

  And now, he finally waited. ,

  "You did a great job, boy."

  With a grin, this burly man's eyes also revealed a hint of madness.

  This god-level talent, he is bound to get it.

  No matter who stopped him, he would not show mercy.

  "Hangcheng Lingli Research Institute..."

  Smashing his mouth, this burly man also knew that he needed to go to Hangcheng.

  Over there, it seems to be quite lively recently.

  With a cold smile, this burly man also raised his footsteps.


  The earth seemed to be torn apart, and a giant pit visible to the naked eye had emerged.

  This is a great talent...

  Now among the three talents he possesses, the most direct one can make him several times stronger than the ordinary extraordinary.


  In addition to this talent, he also has a shock wave, which can burst out a very terrible shock wave.

  As for, in the end, it is the most fundamental talent - to seize... the ability to seize the talent of others.

  This is a very scary talent.

  Unfortunately, everyone's body has limitations.

  And he can only capture three talents at most.

  Before, when he just awakened his talents, he didn't have many choices, and he captured two talents that seemed powerful but had limited potential.

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