And now, this last chance to capture talent, he will never waste it.


  "I want to rely on this god-level talent, step by step to reach the extraordinary peak..."

  "I want to rely on this god-level talent to become the king of the dark world."

  It was a very second-class speech, but it caused the figures around him to be frenzied.

  Yes, the dark world.

  They were a bunch of gangsters in the old days. Even if they awakened their talents, they couldn't change the nature of gangsters.

  For them, being king and hegemony is the kingly way.

  As for the Spiritual Power Bureau, it was like a police station.

  To be honest, they are a little repulsive.

  It is also because of this that even if these guys have awakened their talents, they have not registered with the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  And this is the other side of the extraordinary world - the dark world.

  According to rumors, several extremely terrifying existences have emerged from the dark world today.

  For example, this one... is a very scary professional! !

  In terms of strength alone, I am afraid that it is not weaker than the long-established professionals.

  So, it is also conceivable how terrible he is.

  And now, he has even set his sights on the Lingli Research Institute in Hangzhou...


  And no one knew about it, and few people noticed it.

  Now, most superhumans are fighting against mutant beasts wholeheartedly.

  When you have time, pay attention to these.

  Just, unfortunately.

  Not everyone has justice in their hearts.

  Not everyone is willing to fight mutant beasts.

  There are always people who go against the crowd, and there are always people who indulge themselves because of their ability to suddenly awaken.

  Just like not long ago, a very ordinary little fat man awakened his ability,

  Unexpectedly, he would rely on his ability to kill a few classmates who often made fun of him...


  No one thought of it.

  Even the Spiritual Power Bureau did not expect it.

  To this day, he has been detained in the Prison of the Lingli Bureau...

  And such an extraordinary person, can you still expect him to fight for the sake of human beings?

  It is impossible to think.

  In addition to people with a distorted mind, there are also people who cannot recognize the world because of their sudden awakening ability.

  For example, half a month ago, an ordinary person suddenly awakened a powerful ability - scream, which can make a very sharp and harsh sound, shattering everything.

  This is a very scary ability.

  However, this ordinary person did not make good use of it. Instead, he became arrogant and falsified among the people, and even started to form gangs to prepare for trouble.

  Therefore, he also entered the prison of the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  And this is the other side of the extraordinary world - the dark side.

  Power can lose hearts.

  And the Spiritual Power Bureau, to a large extent, is also to restrain such an existence...

  Mutated beasts are despairing enough.

  The country really doesn't want to spend any more thought on this.

  Just, unfortunately.

  There are always people who don't understand.

  There are always people who can't recognize the real crisis, pull the country's retreat in the dark, and even clamor for 'reigning the king' and 'doing hegemony'.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  But who would know, if it wasn't for the country's efforts to suppress the mutant beasts.

  If it weren't for the superhumans of the spiritual power bureau one after another... where would there be space for them to live now.

  Therefore, for these stubborn extraordinary people, for these dark extraordinary people, the state generally only has one means.



  Until everything disappeared.


  And now... Liu Zimo, who was still preparing to build a base, rarely received a crusade from the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  [Name: Wang Yongjue,

  Age: Thirty-five years old.

  Ability: It is suspected to be able to refract light and hide its body shape, referred to as stealth.

  Strength: Level [-] ability.

  Charges: Going to the Spiritual Power Bureau, stealing resources, and viewing confidential documents at the same time... Also, I love women, and even force several ordinary women, an extraordinary woman...]

  Looking at this task quietly, Liu Zimo was also silent.

  "This is the crusade mission."

  In the soft whisper, the depths of Liu Zimo's eyes were also surging with chills.

  "You know, not everyone can be on the right track... After all, power can lose its mind..."

  In a simple explanation, the instructor Scar also emphasized:

  "This guy is very tricky. We have been attacked by the Spiritual Power Bureau several times, but he has slipped away... So this time, Mr. Huang, I have entrusted it directly to you... There is only one condition, you must see people when you live, and you must see corpses when you die. ... We need to give those women an explanation."

. . . . . . .

  Listening quietly, Liu Zimo also nodded his head:

  "I see, he won't escape in my hands."


  Nodding, the instructor Scar also believed it.

  Thunderbird is not just as simple as a professional.

  Compared with other people, his methods are too terrifying and too weird.

  Others may not be able to catch this guy.

  But Thunderbird, there should be no problem.

  With this in mind, the instructor Scar also added:

  "There are always people who go astray for their own selfish desires... I didn't want to show you these dark sides before..."

  "But now you, it's time to get in touch."

  "These bastards are, to some extent, more hateful than mutant beasts."

  Listening quietly, Liu Zimo couldn't help being silent.

  He will do it for himself though.

  But he has a bottom line.

  Has its own perseverance.

  But some guys have given up the basic bottom line of being a human being and the so-called morality...

  "Live to see people, die to see corpses..."

  Suddenly, in a soft whisper, Liu Zimo also thought of another level of meaning:

  "Does this mean that you can kill someone?"

  "Extraordinary people are very terrifying. They must not be merciful. If they are not careful, they will be severely injured. Therefore, when the above acquiesce to the crusade, they can kill them. Of course, they can bring them back. That is the best."

  Among the simple explanations, the instructor Scar's expression is also more euphemistic.

  To be direct, if you can kill, don't be polite.

  This kind of offal, taking one more second of air, is an insult to other people.

  And this is the instructor's scar.

  His perseverance in his bones made him unable to see this.

  However, he is a soldier after all, and just an ordinary person.

  It would be difficult to bring such a vicious transcendent to justice.

  Therefore, he can only pin his hopes on Thunderbird.

  However, I have to say that this task is really a good choice for Thunderbird.

  Thunderbird is a bit jealous.

  If he knew the dark side of the extraordinary world, he would definitely punish the sinner with thunder.


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